Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4351: Eighty-one days later! Take your life!

Then, within twelve hours of the validity period of Blindfold Yiye, complete the promotion of Ba Snake Wuhun.

Yiba Snake Wuhun forcibly broke the Tiandi Honglu, and then his cards were all out, and the soul slaves fate!

But now Chen Feng wanted to take the Heaven Stealing God Pill for himself, and wanted to take the Heaven Stealing God Pill for himself, so at least two problems must be solved.

First, it takes eighty-one days to steal the **** pill before it can become a pill.

How does he stay here until after eighty-one days?

Second, Stealing Heaven God Pill must refine the three of them in order to successfully refine it.

How did Chen Feng refine the Heaven Stealing God Pill without the three of him dying?

For the second question, Chen Feng has vaguely thoughts in his mind.

What he wants to solve now is the first problem.

Chen Feng glanced at the blind leaf beside him.

At this moment, the blinding leaf was still emerald green, but Chen Feng could clearly see that the veins that were originally crystal clear like emeralds were already a bit yellowish.

The meaning of withered and yellow circulates in it, and the indescribable Liao falls and falls.

Just like, in late autumn, the leaves were withered and yellow, and they fell one after another.

Chen Feng knew that this was a sign of a blinding leaf withered.

He calculated softly in his heart: "Since we entered here, it has been almost nine hours now."

"In other words, the blinding leaf can support three more hours."

Three hours later, Chen Feng and the others were about to face the extremely terrifying Chiyan Earth Heart that could burn them all in an instant.

But he didn't feel any panic. Instead, there was a leisurely smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was confident.

Chen Feng patted the blind leaf under him, his eyes complicated.

"This treasure may be the only leaf that condenses the essence of the empty mulberry tree in the Dragon Vein Continent."

"At this critical moment, after entering the Emperor's Furnace, it saved my life!"

Now, the treasure is about to die.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, putting away the emotion in his heart.

In the next moment, with his thoughts, Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul appeared.

Circling around Chen Feng vigorously, Chen Feng looked at Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul, his eyes were full of expectations, and he whispered:

"Originally, I didn't have any choice, and I didn't have the confidence to stay in it for eighty-one days, but your appearance made me think of a way."

"Little guy, I hope you don't let me down!"

Chen Feng smiled and gently patted Zhu Nine Yin Martial Soul, with a leisurely and confident smile on his face.

Then, he walked to the edge of the blind leaf and stretched out his hand directly.

After feeling Chen Feng's arm, the hot red flames suddenly surged and swallowed toward his arm.

These red flames in the heart of the earth have a desire to swallow and burn everything that enters here!

Seeing the next moment, Chen Feng's arm will be directly refined by Chi Yan's heart.

But at the same time, Chen Feng's heart moved.

Suddenly, feeling Chen Feng's thoughts, the Jiuyin Martial Soul of the Candlestick flew out and came to Chen Feng's arm.

Then, he just made a move.

Yes, it's just an action, a very simple action.

He just took a breath.

Suddenly, with his light inhalation, the Chiyan Geocentric Fire that originally surrounded Chen Feng's arm and was about to refine it, all disappeared with a single brush!

In an instant, all of them were sucked in by Zhu Nine Yin Martial Soul.

The Chiyan Earth Heart Fire that was sucked in by the Zhu Nine Yin Martial Spirit was at least as large as a hundred meters in radius.

But after Zhu Jiu Yin Martial Soul sucked in, it seemed as if nothing had been done.

He didn't even hit a single hiccup.

He just stared at Chen Feng with a pair of black eyes.

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "It's great, that's right, that's it!"

The Nine Yin Martial Spirit of Zhuo flew to Chen Feng's side and rubbed Chen Feng twice, full of admiration.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, looked at him and said softly:

"Let's try again."

"Remember, don't use too much force this time, just absorb the red flames around my arm."

Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul nodded seemingly.

Then, Chen Feng stretched out his arm again.

Sure enough, this time, Zhu Nine Yin Martial Soul only took a very slight inhalation.

As a result, the Chiyan Earth's heart with a radius of seven or eight meters around Chen Feng disappeared.

Chen Feng laughed: "Yes, that's it!"

"This method really works!"

In fact, just now, Chen Feng had a seven to eight point certainty that this method was feasible.

He just wants to verify it!

It turned out that what Chen Feng used was one of the powerful terrifying powers of the Nine Yin Wuhun Soul.

When he exhales it is hot summer, when he inhales it is cold winter.

Chen Feng knew that his Nine Yin Martial Spirits were not strong enough to change the climate of a Middle Thousand World with one breath and one breath.

However, if he inhales, he is afraid to create an extremely cold environment locally, there should be no problem.

And just now, the performance of Zhu Jiu Yin Wuhun indeed proved this point.

In other words, as long as the Jiuyin Martial Spirit of Zhuozhu kept inhaling, it was possible to create such an environment without the red flames.

Chen Feng tried a few more times, and found that it was extremely simple for Zhu Jiu Yin Martial Soul.

If the Nine Yin Martial Soul of Zhuzhu continuously inhale and maintain the entire Tiandi Honglu this area of ​​several million meters in the extremely cold winter, he cannot bear it.

But Chen Feng does not need such a large range.

He only needs the small space of a few meters in which the three of them are in to maintain the cold, and not be swallowed by the flames.

For the Jiuyin Martial Soul of the Candle, even the Juvenile Soul of the Jiuyin now is easy!

Chen Feng waited quietly.

Sure enough, three hours passed soon.

Suddenly, the blind eye made a slight pop.

It's like broken glass.

Then, the clear and verdant light shrouded on the surface of Bianmu Yiye directly shattered and disappeared.

The blinding leaf also turned yellow.

However, it was not broken, but still suspended here.

Chen Feng and the three are still sitting on it.

Feeling the disappearance of this breath, the flames of the Chi Yan Earth immediately raged.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, Zhu Jiuyin Martial Soul flew out and took a light breath.

Thus, where Chen Feng and the others were, the Chiyan Earth's heart of about ten meters in radius was completely absorbed.

After the Chiyan Geocentric fire here was absorbed, the Chiyan Geocentric fire elsewhere immediately filled in.

Then, there was a steady stream of flames coming from the heart of the Chiyan Earth, and the Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candle continued to absorb it.

The radius of the Emperor's Furnace is several million meters, and what happened here at a location of about ten meters is insignificant.

Chen Feng and others were in it, sitting on this leaf, although they felt a little bit cold, but they could bear it completely.

It's better than being burned by flames.

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were very pleasantly surprised.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Let's wait here slowly! Wait until after the 81st!"

Chen Fengfeng's gaze fell cold, and he looked up at the top of the Emperor Hong's furnace that day, and a cold smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth: "After the eighty-first day, the soul slave, I want your life!"

Time flows slowly.

In a blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

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