Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4349: Chen Feng's second goal!

Its big, I don't know its tens of millions of miles!

And his supernatural power is even more terrifying!

It is regarded as day!

Its sleep is night!

It's winter!

Call for summer

It's Jiu Yin!

When you open your eyes, the whole world will turn into daylight.

When I close my eyes, the world is plunged into darkness!

As soon as you breathe out, the world becomes a hot summer day.

When you inhale, it turns into a bitter winter!

This is no longer what common sense can guess.

That is the great horror power that can affect a world and destroy a world easily!

Even in this mid-thousand world, this candle nine yin is the top existence.

At that time, when he saw that travel note, Chen Feng was extremely interested in it.

It is even more fascinating for this extremely powerful monster named Zhu Jiuyin!

However, he never even dreamed of possessing this kind of beast as a martial soul!

This kind of dream, even he didn't dare to think or do it!

Because the gap between him and Zhu Jiuyin is not an ordinary gap, but the huge gap between the two big worlds!

It can even be said that Zhu Jiuyin belongs to the kind of realm that is seven or eight realms higher than the Wudi realm.

It's not a small realm, not the small realm between the one-star Wudi and the two-star Wudi, but the big realm between the Wuhuang and the Wudi!

"What is the level of this nine-yin candle?"

Chen Feng couldn't even imagine that state!

Looking at the little Nine Yin Martial Soul Candle in front of him, he felt the warmth hovering around his body.

Feeling the kind of dependence and joy from his heart, Chen Feng's heart was unspeakable.

"With this nine-yin candle as a martial soul, my Chen Feng's future can really be called limitless!"

"I'm afraid now, even if I go to a Middle Thousand World, I will be the person with the greatest Wuhun potential!"

"Even in a Middle Thousand World, no one can have Jiu Yin as a martial soul!"

How can this not make Chen Feng ecstatic?

Even with Chen Feng's experience, knowledge, and city government, he was dancing with excitement at this time, like a child.

And Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang, although they don't know what kind of existence Zhu Jiuyin is, but seeing Chen Feng like this, they also know that this Wuhun must be extremely remarkable.

They were all happy for him.

After Chen Feng told them, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were also shocked and speechless.

This kind of existence really has surpassed the limit of their imagination!

After a long time, Chen Feng calmed down.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he put away the Nine Yin Martial Soul.

Then, looking at the raging red flames that was re-burning, "With this Nine Yin Martial Soul, Soul Slave, I am more sure about dealing with you now!"

At this time, the Ba Snake Wuhun has successfully advanced to become the Nine Yin Wuhun.

It was so natural that he would no longer hit the Tiandi Honglu.

The Emperor Honglu also stabilized instantly.

At this time, in the eyes of the soul slaves outside, the Emperor Honglu was instantly stabilized, and there was no more waves.

He laughed loudly: "Chen Feng, presumably all your hole cards have been destroyed."

"You are now completely refined!"

"You are a little more powerful than I guessed, and you lasted about an hour in it!"

In his opinion, Chen Feng has been refined.

Little did they know that the Ba Snake Wuhun had already been promoted.

No movement, not because of death, but because of becoming stronger!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "The Nine Yin Martial Soul of the Candle has formed, and the first ring of my plan is complete!"

Chen Feng's first goal was the evolution of the Ba Snake Wuhun.

And the second goal is to outrageously kill the soul slave!

The goal of killing soul slaves sounds like a fantasy, completely impossible to achieve!

Who is the soul slave, that is the person in charge behind the Soul Destruction Hall, whose strength has almost reached the realm of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor!

No matter how strong Chen Feng is, he can only match the Six-Star Emperor Wu.

Moreover, the strength reached the Emperor Wu realm, the higher the height, the greater the gap at each level.

In the realm of the six-star Wudi, wanting to kill the eight-star Wudi is definitely a fantasy!

But in Chen Feng's view, this is not impossible.

Because the heavens and the earth repeatedly reincarnate!

Chen Feng's plan is one after another.

His first goal is actually to build the foundation for his second goal!

That's right, the reason why he wanted to use the incomparable red flames in the Heavenly Emperor Hong Furnace here to temper the Ba Snake martial arts soul, so that it can completely absorb the remnant soul of the Emperor Dongyang and upgrade it to the ninth level. The degree of quality martial soul.

Thus, let oneself be able to practice heaven and earth reincarnation magic.

After all, cultivating heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation magic requires a ninth rank martial arts spirit.

It is not his purpose to cultivate the world of repetitive reincarnation, but to kill soul slaves!

Soul slaves are soul bodies!

Heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation magic has always been the most effective on the soul body.

If he had practiced the heaven and earth repetitive reincarnation magic and at the same time added the card of Qibao Yuanyang Shendou, then Chen Feng was at least two and a half sure that he would be able to kill the soul slave unexpectedly.

At least, it can be seriously injured by 30%!

That's enough!

For someone else, maybe not, but Chen Feng will do it!

Because, he was seeking a living from death!

Because the soul slave is equivalent to threatening Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang, the soul slave sends a message to Chen Feng through Kong Yangyu:

"Within a month, if you don't come, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang will be completely dead."

Chen Feng guessed that the purpose of the soul slave might be himself, but he knew it was a trap, and he had to come!

Because here are his beloved Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang!

His first purpose was to temper the Ba snake martial arts soul, and his second purpose was to kill or severely wound the soul slave.

However, his ultimate goal is actually to rescue Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang!

Because Chen Feng had guessed and understood the soul slave's conspiracy before, and knew that this was a delicious cake, and this was a bait.

As long as you come by yourself, you will definitely be caught by the soul slaves.

It is impossible to escape from your own strength, whatever method you think of, whatever method you use.

However, this deep sense of powerlessness and the huge gap in strength did not make Chen Feng feel desperate!

On the contrary, he was extremely excited!

In his opinion, this is an extremely difficult challenge, but it is also an excellent opportunity!

"Since you want to capture me, then I will come here and use your Chiyan Earth Heart to practice my martial arts!"

"Then, while you are not prepared, I will kill you!"

"Everything about you will be mine!"

Of course, if it were not to save Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang, Chen Feng would definitely not take such a risk!

These three goals are actually one after another.

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