Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4346: breakthrough! breakthrough!

So far, all Wuhun eukaryotes, and the remnant souls of Dongyang Emperor, have been completely absorbed by the Ba Snake Wuhun refining!

If it were normal, it would take at least three years for the Ba Snake Wuhun to refine the Dongyang Emperor's remnant soul and these Wuhun eukaryotes.

It will take at least three years to absorb these again.

That is six years.

Now, it was abruptly broken within a few hours!

This is the meaning of burning true soul!

But at this moment, the Ba Snake Wuhun suddenly stopped.

Chen Feng felt that at this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Even the flames of the Chiyan Earth's heart seemed to be frozen by ice!

In the next moment, the body shape of Ba Snake Wuhun changed rapidly!

His size is crazy swelling.

It's getting bigger and bigger, even bigger than after he absorbed the massive Chiyan Geocentric Fire just now!

The body shape of the Ba Snake Wuhun was originally only tens of thousands of meters in size.

Just now, it has expanded to a size of hundreds of thousands of meters!

And now, it is still swelling crazily!

Soon, it reached the size of millions of meters!

As his size continued to swell, his expression became more and more painful, screaming screams and screaming wildly!

The whole body was trembling, and it seemed to be suffering great suffering!

This Heavenly Emperor Hong Furnace is probably one of the best in all the Heavenly Emperor Hong Furnace in the entire Dragon Vein Continent.

This is also a normal thing.

After all, Chiyan Earth's heart fire, burning ability, penetrating ability, are extremely strong!

And the higher the grade and the stronger the medicine, the stronger the vitality and the stronger the struggle.

If you want to deal with the domineering red flames below, and want to trap these medicinal materials that are not inferior to high-level warriors, how can this Tiandi Honglu be not strong?

However, even if the sealing is good to this degree.

At this time, the soul slaves outside can also vaguely hear the dragons, roars, and the sound of the earth and the earth coming from inside!

It was as if a world was sealed in the Emperor's Furnace!

All kinds of power, in which all kinds of sounds are erupting!

This is Chen Feng's Ba Snake Wuhun tossing inside.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid it will be a little suspicious.

But the soul slave knew Chen Feng's strength well, and because he knew Chen Feng's strength well and knew Chen Feng's details, he didn't have any doubts.

On the contrary, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the soul slave's mouth, stroked the gray beard that stroked his chin, and said with a light smile:

"This Chen Feng really deserves to be the first person in the young generation in the Dragon Vein Continent. There really are so many cards!"

"I'm afraid that at this time, he is desperately opening all kinds of hole cards to resist the burning of the red flames, just to save his life!"

It turned out that he regarded the evolution of Chen Feng's Naba Snake Spirit, etc., as Chen Feng's life-saving action.

As everyone knows, Chen Feng is not to save his life, but to seek a breakthrough!

Instead, it takes his life!

At this time, the size of the Ba Snake Wuhun continued to expand.

Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

At this time, the Ba Snake Wuhun was already a million meters in size.

Almost filled the space inside the Emperor Hong furnace.

The obscure leaf where Chen Feng and the others were located was originally in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor Honglu.

And now, he has been squeezed to the edge of the Emperor's Furnace!

With the continuous changes in the body shape of the trekking Wuhun, his aura also rises crazily, becoming more and more magnificent.

Chen Feng felt that the mountain-like aura was severely suppressed, as if what he was facing was not a martial soul, but a sea, a mountain, and even a world!

Chen Feng had this feeling only when facing Xiahou Jiuyuan.

Even the soul slave almost meant it.

Chen Feng was astonished: "How powerful is the Ba Snake Wuhun at this time?"

But then, horror was replaced by a deep joy.

"This is my martial soul, I don't know what it will evolve into!"

At this time, it seemed to have reached the limit of the Ba Snake Wuhun.

He is now suffering to the extreme!

The Ba Snake Wuhun frantically hit the furnace wall of the Emperor Hong Furnace that day, even if the Emperor Hong Furnace was so huge and mighty this day, he was knocked into a buzzing sound!

Even the soul slaves outside saw that the Emperor Hong Lu was slightly shaken that day!

However, it was only slightly shaken.

It is far from reaching the level of overturning, it is impossible!

"It seems that Chen Feng's hole cards are not bad, he can make such a big movement!"

"Unexpectedly, the emperor's furnace of this day has been knocked unstable!"

"But, so what?"

A grinning smile appeared at the corner of the soul slave's mouth: "When you enter the Emperor Honglu of my day, let alone you, I am afraid that even Xiahou Jiuyuan wants to go out!"

"Chen Feng, you can honestly be refined into a part of the pill by me!"

"Don't struggle to death!"

If the soul slave knew what was happening inside the Emperor's furnace at this time, his expression would be very exciting.

Chen Feng watched carefully, and suddenly, his eyes lit up and he finally understood why the Ba Snake Wuhun had fallen into such a painful situation!

It turned out that at this time, every part of the body of Ba Snake Wuhun's body, and even every part of his body, its soul power was losing!

No, to be precise, it is not a loss or decline, but a retraction!

All the spirit power of his body is shrinking towards the deepest point, the core.

Chen Feng didn't know where these spirit powers had retracted, but he knew that these spirit powers were still in the body of the Ba Snake Martial Spirit.

However, this process is destined to be extremely painful.

This is equivalent to a person's human body, his skin, his muscles, every piece of his bones, even his limbs, all beginning to lose vitality!

Become withered, become gray!

Although these vitalities were still in his body, they contracted to the deepest part of his body.

His body is slowly decayed.

And he can only watch!

What a great pain and despair!

Chen Feng saw this scene, but took a deep breath.

Then, the mind moves.

He is controlling the Ba Snake Martial Spirit, and is constantly actively retracting his spirit power!

At this moment, Ba Snake Wuhun was in extreme pain, struggling and howling frantically.

A look of unbearable expression appeared in Chen Feng's eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and continued to drive the Ba Snake Wuhun without any hesitation!

Because, he knows very well that this is a link that Ba Snake Wuhun must experience in order to advance!

How can we turn the cocoon into a butterfly without suffering?

Finally, I don't know how long it took.

The surface of the incomparably large body of the Ba Snake Wuhun was already completely gray, and even a little hazy.

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