Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4343: Will count!

Although within these twelve hours, he was trapped within the range of two feet and could not move.

However, being unable to move is not the point. Even if he can't move, Chen Feng can do everything he wants to do.

Chen Feng sighed lightly and lay directly on the thick leaves.

The veins of the leaves are warm and soft, lying on it, unexplainably comfortable.

Han Yu'er and He Qingqiu Yaoguang's tight hearts suddenly relaxed, and the three of them lay down beside Chen Feng and smiled at each other.

Han Yu'er looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "Junior Brother, can you tell us about your plans now?"

Chen Feng glanced at the two women, a touch of guilt appeared in his eyes, and said softly:

"Senior Sister, Yaoguang, I guessed that the soul slave was always watching."

"So I dare not tell you my secret plan, for fear that the soul slave will learn it."

"It made you two worry."

Han Yuer smiled and said: "Where are you talking? How can I be dissatisfied with your hard work?"

Qingqiu Yaoguang also nodded again and again, with a smile on her small face.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said slowly, "Actually, when you told me about it, I felt that it was a little strange."

"What's strange?"

Han Yuer faintly felt that something was wrong, but hadn't thought of coming over yet.

Chen Feng looked at the two women and said slowly: "What are the identities of the two of you? You two are the main criminals caught by the soul slaves!"

"If the refining level is extremely high, it can even be said to be one of the best medicine in the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"And this pill is extremely important to him!"

"Even decided, whether he will be in charge of Soul Destruction Hall in the future and become the strongest person in Soul Destruction Hall!"

Upon hearing this, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were both thoughtful.

Chen Feng paused, then said, "What is the background of the soul slave?"

"Such a background can be said to be extremely humble. It is no different from the slave servants in the human empire. It is even worse than them."

"Because, he himself should die with the death of his master."

"He didn't die, he was doing well."

"With such an existence, the entire Soul Destruction Hall can't accommodate him!"

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang nodded.

"He is discriminated against by everyone, so he should hate them so much that he wants to press on their heads!"

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang continued to nod their heads.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "You two are the key to whether he can fulfill his long-cherished wish."

"Just imagine, if you get along with soul slaves, such an important person, would you be indifferent?"

"Will the two of them be thrown into this Soul Destruction Hall and go wandering by themselves?"

The eyes of Han Yu'er and the two girls flashed, and they said in shock: "Could it be that he did it on purpose?"

"Yes, he definitely did it on purpose!"

Chen Feng said softly: "I didn't think of this layer before."

"But when Kong Yangyu went to find you and passed this news to you, I thought about it."

"Because it is too easy for you to get the news, and it is too easy for Kong Yangyu to get in."

"This is the description!"

Chen Feng stretched out a finger: "First, the soul slaves have been laying this trap, waiting for Kong Yangyu to step on it!"

Han Yu'er said: "In that case, he can catch the evidence of Kong Yang Yu. He is famous for his teacher, and he can do something against Kong Yang Yu and the others."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Sister, what you think of is only the first layer, and there is a deeper layer."

He sighed softly and said every word:

"I'm afraid, he wants to take this opportunity and use the hands of the two of you to bring me in!"

"Therefore, catch me!"

"You two, it's not his real goal. I, a person with unparalleled talent and good luck, is what he really needs!"

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang couldn't help being stunned, and they were shocked with goose bumps all over.

But then, they thought of the words that the soul slave had said while looking at Chen Feng just outside.

Suddenly, I felt that Chen Feng's words were absolutely true!

It turns out that the soul slave's scheming is so deep!

He has such a plan!

Both of them showed a touch of lingering fear.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "So, I will do everything..."

In the Heavenly Emperor Honglu, after listening to what Chen Feng said, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were shocked and suddenly realized.

It turned out that Chen Feng's previous miscalculations and the embarrassment that was easily captured by the soul slave were all pretends.

His purpose is only one:

That is, to enter here without causing the soul slave to doubt and fear!

Han Yuer giggled:

"Let me just say, Junior Brother, you are considered to have done nothing. Nothing can escape your expectations."

"Why this time, I was easily caught by the soul slave, the mantis caught the cicada and the oriole? So you did it on purpose."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Not only did it deliberately, but in order not to arouse his suspicion, I also tried to be a little embarrassed and stupid."

He shrugged: "You don't know how hard it is to make me pretend to be stupid."

Han Yuer couldn't help but smile.

Han Yu'er looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "Then, Junior Brother, even if you guessed that he is behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, there must be other ways to deal with it."

"But why do you have to enter here? There must be other plans?"

Chen Feng nodded.

That's right, Chen Feng changed his mind, in fact, after Kongsang discussed the sword.

To be precise, it was after his Ba Snake Wuhun Wuhun swallowed the remnant soul of Dongyang Emperor.

And, after he got a blind leaf!

Chen Feng suddenly realized that he seemed to have an excellent opportunity.

And this wonderful opportunity, if you can make good use of it, it is possible to kill the soul slave in one fell swoop!

Chen Feng had obtained many treasures before and had many hole cards.

But this did not give him the confidence to kill the soul slave.

However, when he went to the mansion of Emperor Dongyang, after all those gains, Chen Feng was able to grasp the big gain at once!

Chen Feng smiled and said:

"I came here, in fact, at the beginning, there was only one purpose."

"But later, after hearing the soul slave talk about the stealing **** pill, I had a second purpose."

Han Yuer smiled sweetly: "Presumably, you heard that the God Stealing Pill is so powerful, you should be thinking about it, right?"

"Haha, that's right."

"Stealing God Pill, who can not be tempted?"

Han Yuer said: "Then, what is the first purpose?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Now, you will know it immediately!"

The next moment, Chen Feng let out a low growl: "Ba Snake Wuhun, show up!"

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