Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4339: Stealing God Pill!

Chen Feng had some speculations in his mind.

However, it is not yet certain.

But then, what the soul slave said made Chen Feng confirm his previous thoughts.

The soul slave raised his arms high, his voice was trembling, and his inside was full of excitement:

"Because my pill is named Stealing Heaven God Pill!"

"The so-called stealing the sky is stealing the luck of this dragon vein continent!"

"That is, from the origin of the power of the Dragon Vein Continent, a piece of the whole world's fortune is scraped!"

"And the most important thing you want to cultivate into the God Stealing Pill is that ray of luck!"

"Only with the vitality that is closely related to the Dragon Vein Continent! Can the Dragon Vein Continent God unknowingly cut off his original Qi Luck!"


At this time, Chen Feng interface said:

"As long as there is this strand of air luck, Longmai Continent will think that the person who steals the air luck is the person related to the air luck in this world."

"Instead of swallowing you who stole the gods!"


Chen Feng gritted his teeth and glared at the soul slave and roared furiously!

After being used by others, he became extremely angry!

The soul slave laughed wildly: "You are really smart, that's right, it is the truth!"

Chen Feng flushed with anger.

Of course, 90% of him is acting like this.

In fact, Chen Feng's heart was full of shock at this time!

"This pill is actually called Stealing God Pill!"

"There is the power to steal the original Qi Luck directly from the Dragon Vein Continent!"

"He's stealing the original luck, it will never be a small amount!"

"Speaking of which, in daily practice to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth is to steal power from the Dragon Vein Continent, and the Dragon Vein Continent simply doesn't care.

"And his thief **** pill, even needs a ray of the child of luck to operate as a cover!"

"That means that the luck he stolen has reached a terrifying level! As long as the Dragon Vein Continent is discovered, it will definitely be furious, and even kill it at all costs!"

Stealing God Pill!

These four words really shocked Chen Feng.

Although he had never heard of this pill before, Chen Feng guessed it.

The grade of this kind of pill, I am afraid it has already surpassed the eighth-grade golden pill, and it is estimated that it has reached the level of the nineth-grade golden pill.

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang were even more stunned.

This has completely surpassed their cognition.

"Okay, kid stop talking nonsense with you!"

"You know too much."

The soul slave said softly.

At this time, his mood has stabilized.

Even, there is no emotion of excitement and ostentation.

Chen Feng probably understands why.

He had planned this plan for a long time, but no one was worthy of him to talk about.

It can be said that he has been holding back in his heart for a long time, and he is about to be done at this time, so he can't help showing off to himself.

Normally, soul slaves should not be the ones who talk a lot like this.

Having said that, the soul slave suddenly rose into the air and came to the high altitude of several kilometers.

Then, his robe swelled.

The big gray robe suddenly grew bigger and bigger.

In a blink of an eye, it became the size of a few kilometers in a radius, floating in the air like a huge gray cloud.

His body shape did not change in any way, as inconspicuous as an ant against the background of the gray robe.

However, no one can ignore him.

Because the momentum on his body, the extremely huge momentum, climbed wildly!

After reaching the peak, it burst out!

Chen Feng and others, separated by tens of thousands of meters, felt that the huge pressure made them almost suffocate and vomit blood.

Even Chen Feng's bones creaked under pressure.

Almost to be crushed by life!

Chen Feng was shocked: "He just showed his aura, and he didn't aim at me, it has already made me so stressed!"

"This soul slave definitely has the strength of the Eight-Star Martial Emperor!"

Chen Feng had already seen that at this time, his strength had definitely reached the Eight-Star Martial Emperor.

Eight-star Emperor Wu!

How terrifying is the strength?

The surrounding clouds are all spinning rapidly, and the wind and clouds change color.

The world is gloomy!

Then, the soul slave suddenly roared, blasted out nine punches in succession!

Every punch blasted towards a volcano!

With his punch and bang, the hundreds of thousands-meter-high volcano trembled violently!

Then, the volcanic magma, which was dead and calm, exploded with a thud!

The amount of fiery violence that has been stored in the area for an unknown period of time, madly gushing out.

With a bang, the crater exploded directly.

The magma in it gushes out like a fountain.

Splashing tens of thousands of high!

Like a pillar supporting the sky dome!

In an instant, all nine huge craters awakened.

Nine giant magma spewed up to a height of tens of thousands of meters.

In an instant, the temperature here has risen by how much.

Even for a moment, Chen Feng felt that his whole body was extremely hot, and his water was rapidly draining.

It seems that even the blood is burning, and it seems that even the bones are ignited!

He felt that at this moment, he seemed to be roasted into a corpse, and he was extremely uncomfortable! The pain is extreme!

Chen Feng was shocked!

Look at Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang.

Sure enough, Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang's faces were already withered at this time, and they were rapidly aging.

Their lives are rapidly losing.

Chen Feng was shocked when he saw this, and rushed up frantically. With a shout, he directly poured the two into his arms, and the power in his body madly flowed into the two.

Suddenly, the powerful Buddha-nature power poured into the two of them.

Slight relief.

But it's just a drop in the bucket.

Even if it is Chen Feng's Donkey Kong Arhat Immortal Body, his strength can't compete with the majesty of heaven and earth caused by these nine volcanoes!

In an instant, Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang's situation continued to deteriorate.

The three of them even started to burn flames on their bodies.

Chen Feng's heart was extremely anxious, and his heart almost exploded.

But at this moment, suddenly, the sapphire bodhi branch on his chest lit up slightly.

The green light is soft and calm, but it has a mellow and huge warm power!

This green light instantly enveloped the three of them.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt cool all over his body.

The pain and despair that almost burned to ashes disappeared instantly.

Like a long drought in the rain, the whole body is refreshing and cozy.

He looked at Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang, as did the two women.

Even their bodies are slowly recovering.

Chen Feng was overjoyed and whispered softly: "Thank you for the green jade bodhi branch."

At this time, the soul slave did not notice the situation of Chen Feng and others.

Because all his attention has been completely focused on the nine giant lava fire dragons.

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