Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4332: Solve the battle within three breaths!

"He will crush you no matter what!"

"You are really a joke that looks at the sky!"

At this moment, suddenly several voices sounded in the distance: "Why is it so noisy?"

"Let's go and take a look. Although nothing has happened in these years, if there is anything, I can't afford it."

This is a very majestic middle-aged voice.


The other voices were awe-inspiring.

Obviously, the master of that majestic voice is the leader of this small team.

Then, several figures appeared at the mouth of the valley.

There are four people in this line.

They all wore black robes and white hats on their heads.

The hat is very tall and has a pointed top.

The robe is extremely wide and very fat.

They flew at a low altitude, the robes floating in the air, looking like ghosts one after another.

On their robes, there were many ghost patterns depicted, which looked extremely strange.

In this cold and dark ruins, it was like a lifeless ghost floating.

The weapons in their hands are also quite strange.

Two of them have hooks of equal length, and the other two have extremely long chains.

At a glance, it was like the black and white impermanence of the underworld in the legend.

This is exactly the standard dress of the disciples of Soul Destruction Hall.

In the name of destroying the soul, they deal with the souls of the whole world.

It is the soul that kills, and the soul that is hooked.

He is dressed as the legendary ghost of the black and white impermanence of hell.

Seeing them, everyone looked different.

Chen Feng frowned, but Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang's expressions changed drastically.

Instead, Yang Yu was empty and his face was full of ecstasy.

Obviously these people are the disciples of the Soul Destruction Palace who should have come here.

To Kong Yangyu, they were just a witness to his expectations.

Now, for him, it is a life-saving straw!

At this time, these disciples of the Hall of Soul Destruction also saw Chen Feng and others.

Suddenly, his face was full of surprise, and then his face was full of guard.

In these years, few people have dared to break into the Hall of Soul Destruction.

But anyone who dared to come in, without exception, was a tyrannical generation.

At this time, their hearts are full of wariness.

Then, they saw Kong Yang Yu.

Suddenly, they exclaimed: "Brother Kong, why are you here?"

"Brother Kong, what's wrong with you? Have you ever been injured?"

At this time, Kong Yangyu sternly shouted: "Brothers!"

"This person, named Chen Feng, broke into the Hall of Soul Destruction, with the intention of rescuing Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, two felonies!"

"Quickly kill it with me! Otherwise, the ancestors will be blamed at that time, no one of you or I can afford it!"

Suddenly, these disciples of the Soul Destruction Hall looked awe-inspiring.

The ancestor in the mouth of Kongyang Yu is the thousand-year-old soul slave.

Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were caught by soul slaves and used to refine them into the pill, they all knew.

They naturally knew how important the soul slaves were to Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang.

He knew how terrifying the strength of the soul slave was.

At this moment, my heart trembled, and Chen Feng and the others were surrounded in an instant.

However, they glanced at Kong Yangyu, and then at Chen Feng, but their eyes were a little frightened.

The situation is obvious now.

Kong Yangyu was beaten so miserably, it was the young man who was standing in front of the two of them to clean him up.

As for Kong Yang Yu's strength, they all knew that they were true disciples, and they were much better than their ordinary inner temple disciples.

Kong Yangyu was beaten like this, let alone them!

Therefore, all of them are drumming in their hearts.

At this moment, the young man suddenly turned around, looked at them, and smiled slightly.

Then, took a step forward.

He just took a step forward, it was such a simple move.

However, the hearts of these inner temple disciples trembled, and they all took a step back.

Chen Feng's move was to directly force them back!

It shows how fearful they are!

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Everyone, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Feng looked at the four of them, smiled and said, "Are you here to catch me or to make fun of me?"

Suddenly, the four faces flushed.

Chen Feng's words are undoubtedly a huge humiliation to them.

The leading middle-aged disciple gritted his teeth and said sternly: "Let's go together! At the same time, a signal comes out!"

"Entangle him for a while, and there will be a strong one in the sect!"

After all, he raised his hand.

Suddenly, a black-and-white light flashed from his hand and hurried toward the sky.

With a bang, it exploded directly in the air for several kilometers, and it condensed into a huge skull.

This huge skull is actually a blood-red color.

On top of it, there are two heavy traces, forming a huge cross.

One cross, two traces, one black and one white.

The most surprising thing is that despite the dense fog here, visibility is extremely low.

But this blood-red skull can be seen clearly in a radius of thousands of miles.

Obviously, the special color of this skull is aimed at this dense fog.

You can see clearly even in the dense fog!

Chen Feng was not surprised when he saw his move, and he didn't even panic at all.

Here, it is already close to the edge of the ghost forest, and you can leave at any time.

Those powerhouses in the Soul Destruction Hall are definitely beyond reach.

After releasing the skull and crossbones, in an instant, in the thick fog thousands of miles away, a few more blood-colored skulls rose.

It seems to be in response to this.

Obviously, it is the master of Soul Destruction Hall, seeing the signal here, hurried towards this side.

Seeing this scene, the leading middle-aged disciple seemed to be greatly depended on.

In an instant, he calmed down.

Looking at Chen Feng, he gave a grinning grin: "Chen Feng, in our sect, there will be strong people coming to help soon."


He said with a gloomy face: "It's dead!"

Chen Feng looked at them and smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, you can't wait for the moment they arrive."

After that, Chen Feng smiled slightly and stretched out three fingers.

The leading middle-aged disciple was surprised: "What do you mean?"

Chen Feng grinned: "Within three breaths, solve the battle!"

Suddenly, the faces of the four disciples of Soul Destruction Hall were extremely ugly.

They knew that this young man named Chen Feng was absolutely powerful.

But Chen Feng's words are really a great humiliation to them!

They are the four inner disciples of Soul Destruction Hall!

Also four masters above the level of the three-star Wudi!

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