Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4326: Chen Feng is here, waiting for a long time!

Those ghosts even just raised their eyelids, and didn't bother to get up, let alone kill them.

The direction of the three people is Zhengnan.

After walking for hundreds of miles in the direction of due south, Kong Yangyu's eyes flashed suddenly.

He saw a giant tree ahead.

The giant tree is thousands of meters high, like a giant mountain.

And more importantly, the entire lower half of the giant tree is a scorched black color, as if it had been smoky by a fire.

Quite eye-catching.

Kong Yangyu's eyes flashed, leading them to the east direction.

It turns out that this giant tree is a landmark.

Once here, turn to the direction of due east again.

If you head east, you will be able to leave this ghost forest in a short time.

Because the small courtyard where Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang were imprisoned was located at a location east of the middle of the ghost forest.

This is naturally the closest.

Han Yuer said softly, "Kong Yangyu, if we go like this, how long will it take to leave here?"

Kong Yangyu said solemnly: "You follow my footsteps, let's speed up a little bit, and we can leave in about two days."

Han Yuer didn't say more.

She actually knew it, she said so, just to make herself look more normal.

After all, if you don't know any information, you should have this question at this time.

If you don't ask this question, it will make Kong Yangyu doubt.

It was a few hours to go east.

Soon, the sun outside was setting.

This ghost forest also became completely dark and dead.

The ghost forest became dangerous, and those ghosts became active again.

There are strands of moonlight, and the night light shines through the thick fog and falls into this ruin-like world.

The ghost wandered in the meantime, with a strange beauty.

Kong Yangyu and the others kept walking towards the east without stopping.

At this time, in their true east direction, there was an area far away from them.

In this remote ghost forest and misty world, like the ruins of ghosts, there is also a small beam of light walking gloomily.

In this endless darkness, insignificance is like a firefly in the night.

But he was very firm and moved forward step by step.

There has never been any hesitation!

A small beam of light seemed to illuminate hope.

The area where this group of light advances is due west.

At this moment, if someone is in a very high place, they can see far enough to penetrate the mist and ghost forest.

It can be seen that the direction Chen Feng is heading and the direction Kong Yangyu is heading are actually in a straight line.

If nothing else, they would be able to meet after about two days!

In the blink of an eye, two days are over.

In the past two days, Han Yuer and the others have not stopped at all, and have been hurried hurriedly.

Even after the three of them entered the ghost forest, they didn't say a few words, but were silent.

Finally, two days after the three left the courtyard.

That is at noon on the third day.

After passing a wide river, before coming to a valley.

The valley is not big, and the height of the peaks on both sides is about kilometers.

The valley is only seven or eight miles long, and the width is about several hundred meters.

In the middle of the valley, on the cliff, a palace was built.

It's not big but it's very delicate, and it looks pretty neat and clean, and it's obviously often taken care of.

It's not such a deserted and ruined place, and I don't know what it is for.

Kong Yang Yu went straight into the valley, and Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang followed suit.

When he was about to reach the end of the valley, Kong Yangyu stopped.

He turned around and looked at the two Han Yuer.

The expression on his face is very strange.

Looking at Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang, they smiled strangely.

Seeing this scene, Han Yuer's heart jumped fiercely, Kong Yangyu's behavior was so abnormal, she naturally knew why.

A voice echoed in her heart: "Here, here comes!"

"This moment is finally coming!"

But Han Yu'er didn't show her true feelings. Instead, she frowned and stared at Kong Yangyu and said, "What's the matter? Why didn't she leave suddenly?"

Han Yuer knew that at this time, she should be in this mood.

She is going to pretend to be totally ignorant.

Now, it is not time to open the hole card.

Kong Yangyu smiled suddenly, but this smile was full of coldness and bloodthirsty killing intent.

He slowly said, "Han Yuer, Qingqiu Yaoguang, are you two ready to go on the road?"

Han Yuer sneered in her heart: "Sure enough, we guessed right, he just wanted to kill us!"

"It's just trying to trick us out. Anything to save us out is all nonsense!"

There was an expression of shock and panic on her face, and even more unspeakable anger.

Staring at Kong Yangyu, he sternly shouted: "Kong Yangyu, what do you mean!"

"You turned back! Didn't you mean to take the two of us out?"

Kong Yangyu laughed and looked at Han Yu'er with contempt and mockery:

"Han Yu'er, you are such a big person, you still believe this? Really naive!"

He squinted at Han Yu'er and Qingqiu Yaoguang: "You two, but the key to whether that old thing can become that **** pill!"

"It's not safe to send you away."

"Only killing you, is the most secure!"

He laughed wildly: "I have waited for this opportunity, but I have been waiting for a long time!"

"If you two are not stupid enough, you really can't trick you out and kill you here!"

Han Yu'er stared at him, trembling with anger, as if fire was about to burst into his eyes.

Kong Yangyu was even more proud to see her look like this.

Suddenly, he laughed: "Well, two, now, you go and die!"

He slowly pushed towards Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang.

But at this moment, a long laugh suddenly came: "Why are you here? Chen Feng is here, waiting for a long time!"

With this long laughter, all three of them looked different!

Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang shocked all over at first, and then their faces showed ecstasy!

At the same time, he yelled out: "Junior Brother!"

"Brother Chen Feng!"

Kong Yangyu's face changed drastically, and there was an extremely complex expression mixed with surprise, shock, and sluggishness in his eyes.

The next moment, they saw a figure slowly coming out from the end of the valley in front.

He is tall and straight, dressed in white clothes like snow, slowly fluttering in the wind.

He stood alone at that Taniguchi, as if he had completely blocked this coming!

Who is it instead of Chen Feng?

Seeing Chen Feng at this moment, Han Yuer and Qingqiu Yaoguang almost collapsed!

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