Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4323: Capture the ghost

"Although I, Chen Feng, acted abruptly, and my subordinates have killed many demons and treacherous evil spirits, but I never attacked myself."

"How much did you help me this time, how could I possibly act on you?"

Chen Feng's voice was sonorous and full of determination.

Fan Qishui trembled at first, and then said with a wry smile: "It's just being a villain."

At this time, he finally understood a little bit why a person like Pu Jingyi could be so convinced of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng, Fan Qishui, and Pu Jingyi negotiated in a low voice, and then they decided what to do next.

The second day, early in the morning.

The sky has just been dim and the sun has not yet risen.

It's just that in the extremely eastern sky, there is a blush, quietly coming.

The sky above the ghost forest is still covered with dense fog that never dissipates all day long.

And this time was the happiest time for the ghosts in the ghost forest.

They are even yin and cold, and what they fear most is the strongest sunlight.

At this time, the darkest moment of dawn before this dawn is the most cloudy time.

It is also when they are happiest.

At this moment in the ghost forest, these ghosts moved much faster.

But the expression is still muddled.

Obviously, what excites them is only their instincts.

At this moment, one ghost suddenly walked in front of the other ghost.

I don't know what was whispered there.

Suddenly, the ghost that was provoked was furious, and there was a roar in his throat.

The face is extremely hideous, and he wants to attack.

But the ghost that was talking saw that the situation was not good, and turned around and fled outside.

When the two ghosts fled and chased, they floated far away in an instant.

The ghost that was hunted down was obviously weaker.

The ghost who was chasing him was bigger, and the aura on his body was stronger.

I don't know why the former should provoke the latter.

This scene attracted the attention of some ghosts.

But it just attracted them a little attention.

Soon, everyone started doing their own things if nothing happened.

Because of this scene, it is too common.

In this dense forest of ghosts, countless ghosts are all violent and bloodthirsty.

Every day, I don't know how many ghosts will fight each other.

Who cares about this kind of thing?

As soon as the two wandering souls chased and fled, they had already reached the edge of the ghost forest in an instant.

The fleeing ghost rushed out without hesitation.

The ghost who came here to hunt down suddenly hesitated.

After all, as long as he leaves the ghost forest and waits for the sun to rise, without the cover of the thick fog, even if he is hidden in the shadow of the forest, it has no effect and will be directly steamed into nothingness!

Ghost forest, it is not the forest that really shelters them, but the thick fog!

At this time, the ghost that was hunted down turned his head, showing a mocking look.

This ghost of chasing and killing was immediately angered.

Seeing that the sun had not risen yet, there was not much harm to him outside.

Even if it is a brief escape from the dense fog and ghost forest, there is no danger.

They immediately killed out.

And just when he left the ghost forest, the moment he left this thick fog.

Suddenly, I felt that a mighty and fierce force was pressing down!

"I was attacked!"

Such an idea immediately surged in his heart.

This thousand-year-old ghost is not easy to provoke, and immediately struggled frantically.

An unpredictable powerful force surged from his body.

At the same time, he opened his mouth even more, trying to scream sternly.

But at this moment, a low shout came, and that power increased crazily!

At the same time, golden light flashes!

The power he played was directly offset.

At the same time, that power formed a round light mask in an instant, enveloping him!

The screaming roar he made did indeed come out, but he was trapped in the light shield, and no one was heard outside.

The next moment, he saw a young man dressed in white standing in front of him.

And this young man still held something about three feet high, like a candlestick.

"What is this? I look familiar..."

This was the last thought of this powerful ghost.

In the next moment, above the young man's left hand, there was a vast and mellow force, like sunlight.

Pour into the plain silver candlestick!

Suddenly, the light shines on the plain silver candlestick.

However, within a very small range, it does not continue outward, but spins rapidly!

It actually formed a vortex!

Like a black hole, if it can swallow everything.

This powerful ghost immediately felt a huge suction rushing fiercely, and he couldn't help but was directly sucked into the plain silver candlestick.

In an instant, there was no sign.

With a snap, Chen Feng pressed his right hand on the plain silver candlestick.

Just now, he was holding a plain silver candlestick in his left hand, and his right hand forced the powerful ghost into the plain silver candlestick abruptly!

After the powerful ghost disappeared in his hand, Chen Feng also sighed softly, dripping sweat from his forehead.

Just now, his face turned pale.

It seems to be an understatement, but in fact, this head has the strength of Emperor Wu, and it is not easy to deal with a powerful ghost over three thousand years old.

He also exhausted all his strength, just looked effortless!

Alongside, the other ghost watched this scene, with a strong look of awe flashing in his eyes.

The remaining ghost is naturally Fan Qishui.

The one that Chen Feng pushed into the plain silver candlestick just now was a target he carefully selected.

A powerful ghost who was about four thousand years old and whose strength was in the two-star Emperor Wudi.

Chen Feng looked at Fan Qishui, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly nodded and said, "Fan Qishui, doing a good job."

"While the sun is not rising, the yin is the heaviest, let's continue!"

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Fan Qishui floated into the ghost forest again.

Looking at Chen Feng from his back, Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Today, at least two more ghosts of this level can be caught."

"If you are struggling with the loss of strength, then it is not a big problem to grasp the three heads."

That's right, this is how Chen Feng and Fan Qishui came up.

Fan Qishui first provokes those old ghosts who are more than three thousand years old and above the Wudi level.

Enraged them, and then lured them to the edge of this ghost forest.

Then Chen Feng shot, captured it, sealed it in the plain silver candlestick, and became the fuel for the plain silver candlestick.

This method is simple but extremely effective.

The most important thing is to choose a good time, take a good measure, and grasp a good measure.

Fan Qishui must be careful not to be swallowed by these old ghosts who are far better than him before they come to the edge of the ghost forest.

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