Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4317: I want him to die!

It is also a frightening place in the entire Arctic Ocean: the Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts!

It is said that this Pagoda of Ten Thousand Beasts is countless times deeper than it looks.

What's exposed on the surface is only about one-third of the height, and the rest are all deep into the island!

Even, deep into the deepest part of the ocean floor!

And inside are all the powerful monsters that have been captured by the Ten Thousand Beast Islands but have not been tamed!

And, some extremely terrifying enemies in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands!

The Tower of Ten Thousand Beasts is as large as hundreds of thousands of meters!

Because it is too high, the thick tower also looks very slender, like a needle inserted here.

At this time, at the tip of the tower.

Through the thick and narrow windows, you can see that there is a hall inside.

In the hall, the three of them are sitting cross-legged in a finished shape.

All three of them opened their arms and separated their fingers.

And one after another, the force was hovering and surging continuously on the thirty fingers they opened!

This force, the whole body is the color of red gold!

Its shape is like a whip, but also like a huge chain!

These thirty whips and chains were entangled to form an extremely large formation.

This formation lingers them.

The heartbeat of the three people, if you feel it carefully, you can feel that the heartbeats of these three people are actually the same!

Jump up and fall at the same time!

And their heartbeats are extremely slow, and it takes only a dozen breaths to beat once.

Suddenly, their hearts beat at the same time!

In an instant, the scarlet golden chain whip surged wildly!

Then, he stabbed fiercely into the black ground in front of them.

At this moment, the entire tower seems to tremble violently!

If you look from the outside, you can see that the shadows of thirty golden chains and golden whips are entwined together and turned into a huge one hundred thousand meters, rising high!

Then, he smoked hard!

Seems to smash the world!

Slashing fiercely somewhere above this ten thousand beast tower!

The entire ten thousand beast tower seems to be shattered!

Accompanied by the sound, there was a terrifying beast roar.

Then, the phantom of the golden chain whip suddenly disappeared.

The hearts of the three fell.

The roar of the monster beast stopped!

Ten more breaths, then again!

It turned out that the three of them were using their supreme strength to continuously tame monsters!

Every ten breaths is the power of three people to flog and suppress the monster beast!

Bringing that monster beast unparalleled pain from soul to body!

After so many years, until the monster succumbed!

The strength of these three people is so powerful that it makes people tremble. Each one is weaker than Xiahou Jiuyuan, but not much weaker.

And when the three of them add up, it seems to be stronger than Xiahou Jiuyuan!

What kind of monster is it that the three of them need to work together to tame it?

And just after another heartbeat and another pulse, all three of them opened their eyes at the same time.

All three of them felt the same.

It's just that the three of them are also old monsters who have lived for too long, and have seen countless things.

Therefore, although the three of them were surprised, their expressions were still unwavering!

The next moment, with a brushing sound, a thick cyan light gleamed and flew out of the window.

Then, he hovered directly in the middle of the three of them, and slid around there.

If Chen Feng saw it, he would definitely recognize it.

This is the seven-treasure bronze gourd that Murongguan used to hold his taming monsters!

The three waited quietly.

Finally, when the Qibao bronze gourd stopped, there was a soft sound and the gourd mouth opened directly.

Then, from the mouth of the gourd, a faint phantom flashed out, hovering directly above the gourd.

It was Murong Guan!

No, to be precise, it is a remnant of Murongguan's soul!

At this time, the breath on his body was already extremely weak.

But I could vaguely see that it was Murong Guan's appearance.

He was covered in blood, his eyes were chaotic, dull and lacklustre.

Obviously, this strand of remnant soul has only a trace of instinctive consciousness.

Even the sanity is gone.

He stood there blankly, looking at the three of them, and suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry of blood.

"Three ancestors, you have to call the shots for me!"

"I'm dead! I was killed by Chen Feng! I was killed by that **** Chen Feng from the Xuanyuan family!"

He suddenly fell to his knees, looked at the three of them, and kowtowed frantically.

"Three ancestors, you must call the shots for me!"

He was howling miserably there, his voice full of resentment and hatred.

At this moment, he has no saneness, he is just a microphone full of hatred.

In his voice, there was only one sentence left at the end: "I want him to die! I want him to die!"

And as he cried and cried, behind him, some scenes of his life were revealed.

There was the scene before Murong Guan died.

The old man sitting in the direction of the north could not tell how old he was.

He described it as withered, giving people the feeling that they are almost dead and extremely old.

Even the body has lost its vitality, the muscles have been completely atrophy, and only a layer of skin is left on the bones.

On the chest of his black robe was embroidered with a giant whale.

Under the design of the giant whale, there is an archipelago, which gives the impression that this whale is larger than this archipelago.

He raised his eyelids and spoke slowly, his voice hoarse: "You were killed by Chen Feng?"

"okay, I get it."

After hearing these words, Murong Guan's remnant thoughts seemed to be relieved.

The whole stiffened for a moment.

Then, he knocked his head heavily towards the old man, shaking his whole body.

Dissipate directly!

At this point, Murong Guan disappeared and disappeared into this world.

And the bronze Qibao gourd, it turned dripping, and fell on the ground.

It turned out that this seven-treasure bronze gourd was extremely mysterious, and it was actually a strand of remnant soul that could seal people.

Murongguan’s remnant thoughts were hidden in it, and he returned to report.

The giant whale robe suits the old man, glances at the two of them, and his voice is deep:

"We people in the Ten Thousand Beast Islands, we can't die in vain if we die."


The old man on his right hand spoke.

The person's voice was sharp, like a bird singing.

On his black robe is embroidered with a golden-winged roc, spreading its wings to fly, its wingspan covering the sky!

The last old man finally said: "Especially Murongguan, we have carefully trained for so many years, which is related to the overall situation."

His two eyebrows were pale gold, and his face was pale gold. I don't know why.

A mountain was embroidered on his chest in a black robe!

That's right, a huge pale golden mountain!

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