Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4309: Kill the heart!

Before, Chen Feng left the Qingluan Ruyizhou on the outside.

In order to prepare for emergency!

He always felt that Kong Sang's discussion on the sword would not be that simple.

Chen Feng didn't know everything that would happen now, just his cautious instinct.

Unexpectedly, it really came in handy now!

The power of Qingluan Ruyizhou made Chen Feng a little moved.

But thinking about it is normal, this basalt trapped dragon formation has now evolved into a basalt trapped dragon killing formation.

It is aimed at the characters trapped in the formation.

This direction against the center is naturally extremely powerful.

Relatively speaking, its periphery, the external side, is much weaker!

Moreover, what kind of existence is Qingluan Ruyizhou?

That is a powerful artifact that can only be possessed by powerful masters at the dignified master level!

The strength of this Ruyi Boat is far better than all warships in the God of War Palace.

Moreover, with one point, one side, all the strength is gathered at this point!

Therefore, this basaltic trapped dragon formation can naturally be crushed!

At this moment, compared with the bottom, the flying battleships and hundreds of thousands of experts in the God of War Palace were chaotic in the basaltic trapped dragon killing array above the sky.

They all yelled and panicked, not knowing what to do.

Because they have never encountered such a situation before!

Before, with so many powerhouses and so many battleships, the enemy had never had the power to resist when they were deployed, and they were easily strangled!

But today, it was directly crushed by Qingluan Ruyizhou!

People are stupid, and I can't recover for a long time.

Just looking at Qingluan Ruyizhou, his eyes were full of fear.

Shangguan Junfa was the first to come back to his senses, his face was so pale that he was extremely embarrassed. He originally wanted to make a big show today, but he didn't expect this to be a lost adult.

Chen Feng looked at Yinghao Xiahou with a smile on his lips:

"Xiahou Yinghao, I said, you basaltic trapped dragon formation, you can't trap me!"

"just now!"

He came to Xiahou Yinghao and stared at him word by word: "Did you believe it?"

Xiahou Yinghao heard the first huge explosion sound just now, and the moment Qingluan Ruyizhou directly smashed the flying battleship to pieces, the whole person was already in a trance.

He stood there and didn't relax for a long time.

There was only one voice circling in my mind: "The Xuanwu trapped dragon killing formation, just broke?"

"My basalt trapped dragon killing formation, just broke?"

"My hope of overturning, is that gone?"

"Chen Feng won again? I was beaten by him again?"

There was a mess in his mind.

Originally, when Qingluan Ruyizhou first appeared, he still had some hope in his heart.

But now this hope is completely destroyed!

At this time, Chen Feng's words made him react.

Suddenly, with a sigh of relief, his face was flushed. He only felt hot on his face, and he wanted to find a place to pierce in.

Chen Feng looked at Xiahou Yinghao, smiled and said, "Xiahou Yinghao, I have a question, I want to ask you?"

Xiahou Yinghao was taken aback for a moment, and instinctively said, "What's the problem?"

The smile on Chen Feng's face was particularly brilliant: "Are you a masochist?"

"It's not enough to be slapped on my face once, but I have to send my face up and slap me a second time to be happy?"

Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter.

"Killing the heart! This Chen Feng is really killing the heart!"

"Yeah, it's not enough to clean up Xiahou Yinghao, slap her face hard, but also leave a huge shadow in his heart!"

"I'm afraid that in the future, when Xiahou Yinghao sees Chen Feng, he will think of today's humiliation!"

"I'm afraid, Xiahou Yinghao will face Chen Feng from now on!"

Everyone laughed jokingly, looking at Yinghao Xiahou like a joke.

Chen Feng walked slowly towards Yinghao Xiahou.

Shangguan Junfa's figure moved slightly, trying to stop it.

Chen Feng looked up and glanced at him lightly.

It was just this glance. Shangguan Junfa was frightened by Chen Feng's aura. He stiffened and stood still, unable to move.

He was frightened by Chen Feng's eyes!

Chen Feng walked to Xiahou Yinghao and looked down at him.

Xiahou Yinghao looked up in a daze and looked at Chen Feng, only to feel a powerful pressure rolling over, like being hit by a mountain!

"You, what are you doing?"

He was already cleaned up by Chen Feng, knowing that his strength could never be Chen Feng's opponent.

In fact, the fear of Chen Feng is extremely scary.

At this time, the Xuanwu trapped dragon killing formation that he believed to rely on was directly blasted!

In his eyes, Chen Feng has almost an invincible image!

He was full of awe for Chen Feng.

At this time, the powerful pressure came, and it made him feel a tremor of liver.

The trace of his cowardice was clearly captured by Chen Feng.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he reached out and patted Xiahou Yinghao's face gently.

This action is full of insults.

Feeling the humiliation, Xiahou Yinghao surged crazily, almost fainting him directly.

"I'm being humiliated by Chen Feng!"

"I'm being slapped in the face by Chen Feng!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all in an uproar.

"Chen Feng really doesn't give Xiahou Yinghao any face!"

Xiahou Yinghao did not hide.

Because he dare not hide!

Facing Chen Feng's indifferent eyes full of murderousness, Xiahou Yinghao felt his whole body froze.

He clearly realized one thing: "This young man, absolutely dare to kill himself!"

Suddenly, Xiahou Yinghao felt an extreme sense of powerlessness and fear. For the first time in his life, he gave birth to such deep-rooted fear!

Because of this person, completely crushed him!

Chen Feng put his hand on Xiahou Yinghao's face, patted lightly once and then smiled and said, "Teach you a good boy, Xiahou Yinghao, you can't afford anyone!"

Xiahou Yinghao raised his head and closed his eyes.

The strong humiliation made him almost unconscious.

However, he did not dare to hide!

Just stood there stiffly.

Chen Feng seemed to be very satisfied with his performance, and continued to smile and said, "Some people, you provoke and bully to death, it doesn't matter!"

"Some people, you dare to mess with it! Consequences..."

His hand was on Xiahou Yinghao's forehead, and he said, "You can't afford it!"

Xiahou Yinghao stiffened like an icicle, poking there in a daze.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Understood?"

Xiahou Yinghao gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words from his throat and between his lips and teeth: "Understood!"

When he said these two words, his heart suddenly relaxed.

Because he knew that he was completely planted!


Admit it!

This means that Chen Feng will not kill himself.

But this also means that this shame will accompany oneself for life!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Just know!"

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