Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4305: Want me to serve? Are you worthy?

Shangguan Junfa also slowly stepped forward, staring at Pu Xingzhou, smiling and saying, "If you have any comments, you can say it now!"

Shangguan Junfa slowly stood beside Pu Xingzhou, and his power enveloped him.

Obviously, his purpose here is to suppress Pu Xingzhou in order to avoid any accidents.

Pu Xingzhou sighed dejectedly.

What Xiahou Yinghao said, it was already shameless.

However, afterwards, Xiahou Jiuyuan would definitely not admit it, and would definitely say Xiahou Yinghao's nonsense.

Then at most, he would punish Yinghao Xiahou a little, but that was all painless.

Pu Xingzhou did his best to achieve this step, completely offending the God of War Palace.

Pu Xingzhou looked back at the entrance that was still floating in the sky, and sighed quietly:

"Chen Feng, sorry."

He felt extremely ashamed of Chen Feng in his heart.

At this moment, suddenly, the violent fluctuation of the door twisted.

There seems to be some power to break out of it.

Obviously, the time when Chen Feng came out was not far away.

Everyone looks different.

However, the common point is that they all believe that Chen Feng is absolutely inevitable this time.

When Chen Feng came out, it was the day he was beheaded by Xiahou Yinghao!

A large array of 500,000 people!

Could he break it?

Even Wu Linghan, Mei Wuxia, Ying Ziyue and others on the stand in the distance showed a touch of worry on their faces.

Chen Feng is certainly strong, but he is besieged by such a large array of hundreds of thousands, how can he be an opponent?

"Xiahou Jiuyuan, a strong generation, has he reached this level?"

Bai Ruoxi's face was full of pain, and she shouted sharply!

Xiahou Yinghao suddenly turned his head and stared at Bai Ruoxi, and shouted sharply: "Old thing, dare to make more noise, kill you today!"

"Exterminate your Xuanyuan family!"

He is extremely arrogant.

It seemed that annihilating the Xuanyuan family was just a matter of flicks to him.

The scene was quiet, but suddenly a cold voice came from: "With me, who can you kill?"

When everyone heard the voice, they shouted: "Chen Feng is back, it's Chen Feng!"

A figure slowly stepped out from the light gate.

Who is it if it's not Chen Feng?

As soon as Chen Feng stepped out, he saw the situation outside and felt the tremendous pressure.

Saw those hundreds of warships, hundreds of thousands of powerful!

However, Chen Feng didn't have any panic, just glanced at it and understood what was going on!

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Yinghao Xiahou and said lightly: "Oh, Yinghao Xiahou, he can't beat me, so he went back and called someone?"

Xiahou Yinghao's face changed, Chen Feng's words were nothing more than a word, so he grabbed his hair and slapped his face fiercely.

However, Xiahou Yinghao didn't plan to make a face at all today!

He sneered: "Chen Feng, I hope you will be captured by me later, and you will be able to say the same when you are tortured!"

"Hopefully, your mouth will still be so hard!"

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "Xiahou Jiuyuan is unwilling to get that treasure by me, and you are not reconciled."

"So, there are things now, right?"

Xiahou Yinghao sneered and said: "Whatever you say, anyway, your fate today is to be captured by me!"

"Bring it back to the God of War Palace, tortured at will!"

He gritted his teeth and said: "I will not only let you hand over the treasure, but also let you spend the rest of your life in regret!"

"Before you die, you will be tortured!"

His voice was full of spite.

Obviously, the hatred for Chen Feng has reached an extreme!

However, Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, with a look of doubt in his eyes.

"What he said is, capture me, not kill me?"

When Chen Feng heard it, he felt something strange.

Because, obviously, for the God of War Palace, he is a great scourge.

The longer he lives, the more hidden dangers there will be. If he were Xiahou Yinghao, he would definitely choose to kill himself here to avoid future troubles!

"Then, why did Xiahou Yinghao just say to catch me?"

"For my secret? That's not necessary."

"He was born in the God of War Palace and has a high self-esteem. He still doesn't think there is any secret he values ​​in me?"

"If it's just for robbing treasures, killing and stealing treasures couldn't be easier."

However, it was not just Chen Feng who was puzzled at this time.

And Xiahou Yinghao.

It turned out that Xiahou Jiuyuan had told Yinghao Xiahou that he must not kill Chen Feng and must save his life.

He doesn't care about the others.

But if Chen Feng dies...

Xiahou Yinghao still remembers the tone of Xiahou Jiuyuan just now.

With a touch of indifference on his face, he slowly spit out a sentence: "I will let you, pay him his life!"

At that time, Xiahou Yinghao was like falling into an ice cellar.

Because he knew very well that his father did what he said.

He will support himself and be able to kill himself!

So even though Xiahou Yinghao was reluctant, he still had to keep Chen Feng alive.

Of course, this is just his wishful thinking.

Xiahou Yinghao stared at Chen Feng and said word by word: "Chen Feng, now I ask you, are you convinced?"

It turned out that Xiahou Yinghao set up a big battle, not only to capture Chen Feng today, but also to make Chen Feng surrender in public!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Want me to take it? Are you worthy?"

This sentence immediately made Xiahou Yinghao's face green.

He sneered: "Okay, are you not convinced?"

"Unfortunately, now if you are not convinced, you can't help yourself!"

He yelled arrogantly: "Now, I will crush you!"

"Kneel! Begging for mercy! Surrender!"

The next moment, he raised his right hand aloft and shouted: "Xuanwu trapped dragon formation!"


Above the sky, half a million experts from God of War Palace roared at the same time.

All the warships began to move slowly in an instant, drawing a mysterious line.

The formation was activated instantly.

Suddenly, everyone felt that a huge and incomparable force above the sky was pressed down like a giant hand!

Everyone feels that the pressure has doubled!

As the force slowly pressed down, many people sitting in the stands were already unable to hold them at all and could only choose to kneel on the ground!

Even lying on the ground, my heart is full of humiliation!

But, even so, they all raised their heads desperately and looked at the high place of Shenglongtai!

They are still on the edge of this force, extremely weak.

I have been crushed and have to kneel! Have to surrender!

Not to mention Chen Feng, who is at the center of the battle and is under the most pressure!

The overwhelming, extremely ferocious aura, pressed down so hard that Chen Feng was almost about to stand unsteadily, and immediately fell to the ground!

No, falling to the ground is not enough!

Chen Feng felt that the breath was grand and full of malice.

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