Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4291: give me! To shut up!

Stabbed with a sword, extraordinary power!

"This Xiahou Yinghao has great strength! He has the strength close to the five-star Wudi!"

"Yes, he and his long sword is definitely a treasure of the God of War Palace. This sword pierced out and already has the power of the five-star Wudi peak!"

"Yes, this long sword directly increased his strength by two small levels!"

Can Chen Feng stop it? Can he be Xiahou Yinghao's opponent?

At this moment, this sentence flashed in everyone's mind!

Looking at Yinghao Xiahou, Chen Feng spit out four words: "Insult yourself!"

When these four words are spoken, many people have different expressions.

In the next moment, Chen Feng didn't dodge or evade, and directly greeted him!

The body instantly turned into a dark golden color!

Donkey Kong Arhat's second stage of Immortal Body, suddenly launched!

In the next moment, Chen Feng's fist slammed against the scarlet sword!


A huge golden and iron symphony, resounding through the sky!

The shock made everyone's eardrums shook and buzzed.

The next moment, they heard a miserable howl.

Xiahou Yinghao screamed and sifted violently.

The scarlet sword was directly shaken out.

It turned out that at that moment, he felt a terrifying force flowing into his body along the big sword!

He couldn't even hold the long sword, so he was directly shocked!

With a look of astonishment on his face, he glared at Chen Feng and shouted, "You, how can you be so strong?"

Chen Feng ignored him, just smiled coldly, his fists were not exhausted, and he went straight forward!

It slammed on his chest again!

With a loud bang, Xiahou Yinghao screamed again, spurting blood, his figure flew out hundreds of meters, and hit the ground fiercely!

Coincidentally, he happened to fall in front of Xiahou Jiuyuan.

The splattered blood sprayed Xiahou Jiuyuan's face.

As if Xiahou Jiuyuan hadn't seen it, he still sat there steadily, his expression indifferent!

Everyone was in an uproar!

"Chen Feng is so strong!"

"He actually blasted the five-star Wudi Peak's move with one punch, and severely injured Xiahou Yinghao!"

"Is it possible that Chen Feng turned out to be a six-star Wudi?"

Someone said with a trembling voice in a dreamlike tone!

And this sentence made everyone tremble.

Looking at Chen Feng, there was a deep awe in his eyes!

Chen Feng's punch was to severely wound Xiahou Yinghao!

This extremely powerful combat power made everyone realize that Chen Feng didn't rely on any luck to get the first place this time.

Rather, he has such strength!

His strength is the actual number one this time! The horror is extreme!

Chen Feng used his strength to crush all doubts!

At a young age, he has the strength close to that of the Six-Star Martial Emperor. This makes everyone a little unbelievable, feeling like they are dreaming.

But it's a pity that everything happening before them tells them that this is the truth!

Plain fact!

Chen Feng looked at Yinghao Xiahou, and smiled slightly: "I said you are insulting yourself, is there a problem?"

no problem!

Of course no problem!

Chen Feng severely injured Xiahou Yinghao with a punch, which means that he is qualified to say this!

"We were really ridiculous before, so how did we say Chen Feng? I don't know that his strength is far beyond me!"

"Chen Feng already has the strength of the nine major powers at a young age, which is really terrifying!"

"What are we people? Still laughing at Chen Feng? It's not worthy to give him shoes!"

Many people who had ridiculed Chen Feng before had their faces flushed.

At this moment, they looked into Chen Feng's eyes, there was nothing but one emotion!

That is: awe!

A young six-star Wudi who is more than twenty years old is worthy of their awe!

Chen Feng has already used his strength to win the respect and fear of everyone!

"I see, I know why the empty mountain didn't come out? I must have met Chen Feng, right?"

Suddenly someone shouted.

And what he said seemed to be the fuse.

In an instant, everyone's thoughts were detonated.

Everyone shouted: "Remember the embarrassing appearance of the winner of the Eastern Wilderness just now? I think they met Chen Feng!"

"Yes, only Chen Feng can do this!"

"What happened to the huge disturbance in the small world before?"

Someone muttered in a dreamlike voice: "The movement is so loud, it almost destroys this small world!"

"Could it be that Chen Feng was the one who caused the trouble?"

Someone next to him said: "It may not be impossible! Chen Feng's strength is so terrifying, what he has done does not surprise me now!"

Everyone's exclamation sounded one after another!

And those who had seen Chen Feng's strength before, looked at them like fools, and ridiculed one after another.

"These people, only now know that they are really stupid."

"A group of ignorant people sitting on the well and watching the sky!"

These people who had seen Chen Feng's strength sneered.

They felt that they knew Chen Feng's strength, and they were immediately full of superiority.

At this moment, all the information was strung together.

Everyone was horrified to discover that everything fell on Chen Feng!

Kong Shan died at his hands!

The winner of the Eastern Wilderness was cleaned up like this by him!

Everyone is here, noisy and noisy, like a pan, boiling.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly turned around, facing everyone!

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on him, wondering what he did.

The next moment, Chen Feng's behavior surprised them!

With a smile on his face, Chen Feng faced the tens of thousands of people who came to observe the ceremony.

Then he gave a soft boo!


This sound was very slight, but it happened in everyone's ears!

Everyone heard it really!

Everyone saw this movement and heard this voice!

The meaning of this action is very obvious, Chen Feng is to make them shut up!

Let them close their clamoring mouth!

Chen Feng's eyes are extremely contemptuous!

Chen Feng's movements are extremely frivolous!

He seemed to give a sneer of contempt to everyone: "Shut up, I!"

This action is full of insults.

It was simply stomping their faces on the ground, and then stomping their feet fiercely!

If someone else did this action, they would be scolded by everyone, and would be overwhelmed by the overwhelming humiliation and ridicule.

But at this time, when Chen Feng made this action, the audience instantly became silent!

No one spoke, everyone looked at Chen Feng blankly!

Because at this time they knew that Chen Feng had this qualification!

Chen Feng is qualified to shut up all of them!

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