Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4288: Want to be the first? Have you asked me?

That is to say, Xiahou Yinghao did not feel the abnormality, but was very happy because he did not see the empty mountain coming out.

This person is not only bad, but stupid enough.

More than an hour later, someone came out one after another.

There are surprises.

A young female disciple from Bahuang Tianmen who had no reputation before, she was in a very difficult situation this time, and she had gathered a black silver crown!

The elders of the Bahuang Tianmen are all luminous, and all of them are quite proud.

This female disciple did not say a word, but quietly entered the crowd.

But even so, there is still no threat to Xiahou Yinghao.

Not to mention the others.

As more people come out, there are fewer and fewer people inside.

Except for the God of War Palace, the expressions on the faces of the other nine powerful forces became increasingly ugly.

How they don't know at this time, they have been severely shaved by Xiahou Jiuyuan!

Xiahou Jiuyuan said that he took this treasure out to the first person of Kongsang Lunjian, but in fact it was equivalent to giving it to his son.

Many people from the nine major forces are quite dissatisfied.

Although the God of War Mansion has exerted the greatest effort to obtain this treasure, the nine powers are not undead!

However, at this time Xiahou Yinghao's abilities were placed here, but they also had nothing to say.

To say that Xiahou Jiuyuan is a positive or shameless one.

Anyway, people are dignified and blocked everyone's mouth.

"This time Kong Sang discusses the sword, the first person is definitely Xiahou Yinghao."

"That's right! It turns out that the mansion of Emperor Dongyang, Xiahou Jiuyuan said so well, in fact, it was written to his son a long time ago!"

"This Xiahou Jiuyuan is really shameless. The other side that I said before is high-sounding, saying that this is a battle, saying that everyone regards the other party as a life and death enemy, it turns out to be an excuse for his son's behavior!"

But no matter what everyone said, from everyone's point of view, this time Kongsang's first person on the sword must be Xiahou Yinghao.

No accidents!

A smile appeared on Xiahou Jiuyuan's mouth, and he didn't care what others thought.

What he cares about is whether this treasure can be in the hands of his son.

At this time, Xiahou Jiuyuan and Xiahou Yinghao looked at each other.

Xiahou Jiuyuan nodded slowly, stood up, looked at the crowd, smiled and said, "This time the empty sang sword, it seems to be over."

Xiahou Jiuyuan was about to announce loudly that Xiahou Yinghao was the first, and the matter should be closed.

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from the stands: "There is still no one out there!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on her.

I saw that the speaker was a woman.

Dressed in red, it is as bright as flames, but as cold as frost.

It was Wu Linghan, whom everyone had seen before.

Xiahou Jiuyuan looked at her and said lightly, "Who else hasn't come out?"

"Chen Feng, haven't come out yet!"

Wu Linghan said every word.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was quiet for a moment.

The next moment, there was a huge ridicule.

"Haha, does Chen Feng still need to come out?"

"That's it, not to mention whether he is already dead inside, even if he is not dead yet, what will happen if he comes out?"

"Is it possible, what influence can he have on the final result? What a joke!"

"Chen Feng is afraid that even a copper crown will not be able to condense. I think he is also a material for a white iron crown!"

"Yes, does it matter if he doesn't come out?"

Everyone's words were full of contempt.

Looking at Wu Linghan, all kinds of taunting words were smashed.

Especially, above the stands, Baili Minxue and Tantai Wu, who were sitting not far from Wu Linghan and others, laughed wildly, extremely disdainful.

"Wu Linghan, are you mad?"

"Then Chen Feng is already dead inside! Yes, I know you don't want to believe this! But unfortunately, this is the truth!"

Bai Li Minxue held on to his body, tapping Wu Linghan with his fingers, his face full of resentment and excitement.

"Yes, Chen Feng is already dead inside, a terrible death!"

Tantai Wu twisted his beard and smiled triumphantly.

Wu Linghan stared at them with a cold color in his eyes, saying every word:

"Big Brother Chen Feng did not come out, the result is undecided!"

These words drew ridicule from everyone.

Xiahou Jiuyuan looked on and ignored it.

Facing the crowd, he said lightly: "Now, I'm here to declare that Kong Sang Lunjian is number one, who is it?"

Everyone raised their spirits, waiting for this moment to come!

Xiahou Yinghao showed a thick smile on his face, and laughed wildly, arrogantly: "Who will I be the first one this time?"

"Want to be number one, have you asked me?"

At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from the bronze gate.

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned.

Then, they saw several figures slowly walking out of the bronze gate.

The figure in the front is a long and handsome figure.

The large-sleeved robe floats slowly in the wind.

Who is it instead of Chen Feng?

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Chen Feng is not dead? He actually appeared?"

After Chen Feng appeared, everyone looked different.

Baili Minxue and Tantaiwu almost jumped and screamed: "Chen Feng, are you still alive? Why didn't you die inside!"

Their faces are full of spite.

Chen Feng just ignored them.

These two people didn't deserve him to care about them.

Xiahou Yinghao stared at Chen Feng with a trace of fierceness in his eyes, a trace of looking down, and a trace of disdain.

He and Chen Feng have a deep connection.

The two had a grievance before.

Xiahou Jiuyuan looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed, the vague anxiety in his heart suddenly surged again.

Bai Ruoxi looked at Chen Feng with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and she tapped her fingers lightly.

Wu Linghan, Mei Wuxia, Win Ziyue, Qingmu Wuling and others all cheered.

"Brother Chen Feng, are you back?"

"Brother Chen Feng, I know you have no problem, you must be the strongest this time!"

Chen Feng smiled at them and said softly:

"I, Chen Feng, when did I disappoint you?"

A sneer came from the side, full of disdain: "Chen Feng, are you not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

Chen Feng turned his head and saw Yinghao Xia Hou speaking.

He looked at Xiahou Yinghao, and suddenly smiled: "Xiahou Yinghao, goodbye to Tianlongcheng, it's been a long time!"

Xiahou Yinghao glanced at Chen Feng and said faintly: "Why, I'm afraid that I'll be slapped in the face later, and now I start to have a relationship?"

Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh, and shook his head, not even bothering to care about him.

This Xiahou Yinghao did not make any progress.

For some reason, when Xiahou Yinghao saw Chen Feng, his heart was inexplicably irritable, and even more faintly disturbed.

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