Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4285: Consolidate the crown!

Xiahou Yinghao is the opposite.

He had no intention of fighting this world at all, because he was not an opponent of many powerful monsters, and he could not pick many treasures.

But he can deal with those warriors!

So he found the strong men of other clan sects and snatched treasures from them.

Once you fail to comply, it is a painful killer!

After these disciples came out, they were extremely angry and yelled at Xiahou Yinghao.

At this moment, many people have tasted it.

If it can be said that Xiahou Yinghao and others slaughtered the people of the Foundry Master Association and snatched their treasures, it could be justified, it was just an accident.

Then, he cleaned up almost everyone he saw and robbed all the treasures he could see, then this thing is a bit too much!

This is definitely not a temporary intention!

It was obviously Xiahou Yinghao, and he had planned before entering!

Many people looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan's gaze, which was somewhat abnormal.

It turned out that this was Xiahou Jiuyuan's calculation!

However, Xiahou Jiuyuan still sat there with a golden sword, as if nothing had happened.

However, there was a smile at the corner of that mouth, which was full of contempt.

Of course, not everyone gets nothing.

A few people came out from inside, but they were from the Sword Sect of Scarlet Clouds.

They came out of five people, and the clothes were quite neat and clean, and the number of people was complete. Obviously, they did not encounter much danger.

After seeing them, the people in the Chixiao Divine Sword Gate who had been in fear on the stand all cheered in excitement.

They were nervous at first, but at this moment they relaxed a lot.

The Chixiao Divine Sword Gate is not even the nine major forces, and will be eligible to participate in Kongsang Lunjian.

They were afraid that their five disciples would be wiped out.

Many people are quite puzzled.

"Why the people of Chixiao Divine Sword Sect are fine, can it be said that they haven't met Yinghao Xiahou?"

After the few people from Chixiao Divine Sword Gate came out, they looked around and saw a dozen disciples above the Rising Dragon Platform with their heads down, their faces grayed out, and nothing.

Suddenly he was stunned, not knowing what happened.

Before they could come back to their senses, an inexplicable and mysterious power suddenly surged out of the copper gate.

After this power emerged, it immediately hovered above the heads of the five who came out.

It seems to be thinking about something, it seems to be judging their gains in the small world.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted, watching this scene intently.

The next moment, the next moment, all the treasures that the five members of the Chixiao Divine Sword Sect had obtained from the small world flew out and listed them above their heads.

The spirit of the monster beast they killed in the small world was also condensed on top of their heads.

All of a sudden, it was colorful and splendid.

The treasures they obtained and the monster beasts they killed varied in number.

There are seven or eight more, and only two or three.

That power hovered in a circle, and immediately divided into five.

Then, the treasures they had obtained in the small world shattered, and the spirit of the monster beast was also directly shattered.

Condensed with the power gushing from the copper gate and turned into five powers.

These five powers are of course large and small.

Among them, the young disciple who has gained the most and killed the most monsters has the strongest power above his head.

Then, the five powers crashed down, hovering, solidifying, and changing over their heads!

Then, everyone shouted in exclamation!

It turned out that the five powers turned out to be five crowns, which fell on their heads!

Four of them had very small crowns, only the size of a fist, and the whole body was the color of white iron.

It looks unusual.

Only the disciple of the Chixiao Divine Sword Sect with the strongest strength and the most reaps, gathered a copper crown.

It's a lap bigger than the white iron crown.

And it looks so gorgeous.

Obviously, it has a higher level than the white iron crown!

Everyone saw it and was in an uproar.

"That's the case. I was wondering how to judge the gains of everyone in it. It turned out to be in this way."

"It seems that the treasures they got inside after they came out, and the monster beasts they killed, will all be transformed into the original power of the emperor's evergreen lamp, condensed into a crown."

"It seems fair at a glance."

Everyone knows that this is the way to judge this time.

"And, in this way..."

Someone glanced at Xiahou Jiuyuan and said in a low voice, "So Xiahou Jiuyuan can't do anything with it."

The person next to him suddenly sneered and said: "Xiahou Jiuyuan has already done so much convenience for Xiahou Yinghao, what else does he need to do?"

"If Xiahou Yinghao can't get the first place like this, it would be too wasteful."

Xiahou Jiuyuan faintly glanced at the people of the Chixiao Divine Sword Sect, and said slowly: "Congratulations, Chixiao Divine Sword Sect, everyone."

He turned to look at the crowd, Man Sheng said: "Everyone, the lowest level of the crown is white iron."

"On top of it is red copper, on top of it is black silver, and on top of it is red gold!"

"What kind of crown is condensed into depends entirely on how many treasures you get in the small world and how many monsters be killed. No one else can interfere!"

Everyone nodded.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "The Grand Marshal, on the golden crown, what is it?"

"On the red gold crown?"

Xiahou Jiuyuan raised his eyebrows, looked at the speaker, and smiled faintly: "On top of the red gold crown, it is: Qingyan Liuli supreme crown!"

"It's just..."

He waved his hand and said dismissively: "Qingyan Liuli is the supreme crown, it is extremely difficult to achieve it."

"At least 40% of all the resources in the entire small world must be obtained before it is possible to condense the Qingyan Liuli Supreme Crown!"

He smiled faintly: "This, you don't have to worry about it, no one can do this this time!"

Everyone heard it, and there was also a whisper.

"Indeed, even Xiahou Yinghao, with the support of Xiahou Jiuyuan, it is impossible to condense the Qingyan Liuli supreme crown."

"Get more than 40% of the resources of the entire small world! How many monsters have to be killed? How many treasures?"

"This is an impossible task!"

Among the crowd, a young man showed longing in his eyes and said loudly:

"Could it be that none of the past empty-sang swordsmanships can condense the Qingyan Liuli Supreme Crown?"

There are still dreams and longings in his eyes gleaming!

"Really not."

Among the crowd, an old man twisted his beard and said lightly: "Kong Sang Lunjian has been held many times. It is said that no one can condense the Qingyan Liuli Supreme Crown."

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