Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4281: It turns out that this is luck!

Chen Feng was inexplicably horrified.

But as soon as this horrified mood surged, it was overwhelmed by the endless joy and excitement!

He can't even control his emotions anymore!

This power is overbearing so far!

And with this force, there are still a lot of complicated information poured into Chen Feng's body.

This process lasted for half an hour!

After half an hour, Chen Feng suddenly shouted and took a step back.

That power has disappeared without a trace.

Even, it makes people feel that it has not brought him any change.

Chen Feng immediately felt himself, but he was surprised to find that his body was nothing unusual!

Same as before!

It seems that those just now are just a fantasy dream!

But Chen Feng knew very clearly that he was indeed different from before!

"It seems that we need to find the answer from the information that is coming."

He stood there for several hours before digesting the information that had poured in together.

Chen Feng sighed softly and whispered to himself: "I know, I know."

At this time, Chen Feng finally knew the ins and outs of this matter.

Murong Guan looked at Chen Feng blankly.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Come on, let's continue."

There is no wave on his face, but at this moment a storm is set off in his heart!

Only Chen Feng knew what happened just now, and he muttered in his heart:

"It turns out that this kind of power is luck!"

"And the state I was just now was just luck!"

"Sure enough, what I guessed before was correct."

"I have the existence of qi luck in my body, and even, I may account for a part of the dragon vein continent's qi luck, such as one percent.

"But I'm sure it will never exceed one percent."

"And in a certain world, there should be some people who are very lucky!"

Chen Feng's eyes were deep: "For example, Chu Shaoyang."

"Chu Shaoyang's luck may even be stronger than mine!"

"There is luck in any world, the Dragon Vein Continent has it, and this small world also has it!"

"What I just felt was the surging of luck in this small world!"

It turned out that at just that moment, because of the excitement of the great secret that Murong Guan had told, plus this world, there was no one who had good luck except Chen Feng.

Therefore, the luck of this small world directly fell on Chen Feng!

"It seems that my previous concerns are correct. Telling such secrets here will indeed cause some unpredictable consequences!"

Just now, as the luck of the small world came, Chen Feng merged with the world.

That feeling is very inexplicable.

Chen Feng had never felt it so clearly before.

And just now, he felt it.

Now, it still feels indescribable!

It was as if at that moment, he was the world, and the world was him.

Chen Feng seemed to do whatever he wanted, and was uncomfortable.

There is even a trace of control over the whole world, this whole world changes with him, that kind of state similar to the **** of creation!

"This feeling is really..."

Chen Feng closed his eyes, carefully aftertaste, and whispered softly: "Really, it's wonderful!"

"Control everything!"

"It seems that the world will be formed with the movement of your mind! With another movement, the world will collapse!"

"Do whatever you want, whatever I want!"

"This feeling is so wonderful."

He repeated it again.

Chen Feng is rarely so gaffe.

It was really because of this surging of air, the feeling that a person seemed to be in control of a world gave him too much shock.

It took a long time for Chen Feng to return to calm.

A huge voice was exploding in his heart: "This is the case with the luck of this small world, so what if it is the luck of the Dragon Vein Continent?"

"I must get that treasure, I must monopolize the luck of the entire Dragon Vein Continent!"

"As long as I get this treasure, I'm afraid that my cultivation speed will increase wildly! I will increase it countless times on the current basis!"

Chen Feng's eyes were full of longing.

"I'm afraid, I will do nothing to lose!"

"The mysterious powerhouse behind Chu Shaoyang is nothing, and will no longer pose any threat to me! I can easily crush them!"

"At that time, it is not a lie to rule the Dragon Vessel Continent and stand proudly at the top of this world!"

If you get the air fortune of all the Dragon Vein Continent and control the entire Dragon Vein Continent, what kind of a scene would it be?

When Chen Feng thinks about it, his blood is boiling!

As for the Temple of Soul Destruction, this is even more like a chicken.

Extreme desire surged in Chen Feng's heart!

He now has a lot of enemies, a lot of bright and dark, such as Soul Destruction Hall, Chu Shaoyang, etc.

Especially the mysterious powerhouse behind Chu Shaoyang, the huge and irresistible finger that seemed to have come from outside the sky, still pressing on Chen Feng's heart like a mountain!

Chen Feng didn't want to kill this person all the time!

"I must get this treasure!"

Chen Feng said firmly in his heart again.

As for the power that poured into his body after he woke up just now, this small world gave Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that this was a gift from this small world.

"I can feel that this small world seems to want me to save him?"

"Because it is now controlled by the God of War Palace and Xiahou Jiuyuan?"

Chen Feng's thoughts gradually became clear: "The Heavenly Emperor Evergreen Lantern has transformed this world, and the Heavenly Emperor Evergreen Lantern, seems unwilling to be controlled by the God of War Palace."

"So, it took this opportunity to ask me for help?"

"And that experience just now, is it a reward for me?"

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't want to save you. I am not an opponent of God of War Palace. How can I save you?"


He solemnly said in his heart: "When I have strength in the future, I will repay your kindness!"

Then, he cleared up his mood, looked calm, and looked at Murongguan again: "Go on."

Murongguan nodded, and then said:

"If you want to get that treasure, you have to find the six earth holes above the Dragon Vein Continent."

"Six Earth Apertures?"

Chen Feng frowned. He probably knew what it meant, but he wanted more accurate information.

Murongguan explained: "You can understand Longmai Continent as a human body, and since he is a human body, he also has meridians and acupuncture points in his body."

"It's just that the meridians and acupoints of the Longmai Continent are called the earth veins and the orifices of the earth."

Chen Feng nodded.

Murong Guan continued:

"Then its earth veins and orifices are naturally very important."

"It's like a warrior who doesn't have meridians and acupuncture points, so he can't cultivate, and above the dragon vein continent, there are six earth acupuncture points, the most important."

"These six earth holes each have a treasure."

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