Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4279: The treasure of luck!

Murong Guan, who had been knocked awake, leaned against the stone wall, looked at Chen Feng, and said nothing.

There was a gleam of fear in his eyes.

Chen Feng sat quietly on the side, bowed his head in thought.

Chen Feng is most concerned about three issues.

First, the six hidden sects themselves, including their constituent strengths and so on.

Second, the origins of the six hidden sects.

And the third is the six hidden sects. What is the specific action this time? What is its purpose?

Chen Feng didn't have any nonsense, and immediately hit the point.

He opened his mouth and asked directly: "Murongguan, your six hidden sects, this time you are spreading out on the Dragon Vein Continent. What is the purpose?"

But Murong Guan did not pay Chen Feng's expectations, and soon explained everything.

Chen Feng asked, he knew everything he could say.

He and Chen Feng had no intention of resisting anymore.

"Chen Feng, this time our six hidden sects are for a treasure."

"And this treasure is the luck of the entire Dragon Vein Continent, condensed in one body!"

"The person who owns this treasure can almost say that he has gathered the luck of the entire Dragon Vein Continent on himself!"

"Once you get this treasure, you will monopolize most of the luck in the entire Dragon Vein Continent!"

"Own the luck of the entire Dragon Vein Continent!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart jumped fiercely, and his whole body was shocked.

He only knew that this treasure was no small thing, and it was about the greatest secret of the Dragon Vessel Continent.

But it's just about it.

Unexpectedly, those who get this treasure can get the luck of the entire Dragon Vein Continent!

This whole world!

The luck of a whole world!

How horrible will it be?

Chen Feng's heart instantly became hot.

"If you get this treasure, I'm afraid your luck will be extremely terrifying!"

"Doing things will be detrimental! No one can kill! We can always turn a good fortune! If you meet the most powerful, you can also turn the danger to the end, but the hostile strong may be mine!"

"All kinds of treasures and so on will be swarming, you don't even have to look for it!"

"This is the son of heaven and earth! This is the son of luck!"

"Unparalleled luck!"

In Chen Feng's heart, this information burst out instantly.

What luck means, few people know it better than him!

Because he knew that he had a trace of luck before.

But, it's just a trace, a tiny trace!

So he felt the most intense and shocking about this!

Suddenly, at this moment, when these thoughts came up in Chen Feng's mind, an inexplicable feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Just like a whim!

It seems that a certain part of the heartstrings has been quietly moved!

The whole person immediately entered a mysterious and mysterious state!

That turbulent feeling has always made Chen Feng stunned for a moment.

In the next moment, he felt as if his body no longer existed.

Because, after his consciousness awakened, he did not feel the presence of the body.

Chen Feng suddenly panicked, but then he calmed down and observed carefully.

At the next moment, he discovered that his body does not exist anymore, but that he is everywhere!

Chen Feng opened his eyes. No, to be precise, he did not open his eyes.

Rather, consciousness has awakened.

So he saw the cave, saw Murongguan inside the cave, and saw everyone.

Then, with a thought in his mind, his consciousness floated out into the midair.

So he saw the mountain, the woods, and the stream!

Even the great river plain in the distance, the endless dense forest!

He continues to rise again, continues to rise.

Then, he seemed to see the whole small world.

He saw that above this small world, it was an inverted white mask like a bowl.

On the periphery of this white mask, there are numerous black space cracks densely distributed, as well as endless blue lightning balls.

Spatial cracks and lightning spheres continue to rise and fall.

Then, Chen Feng saw that the piece of land buckled in by the bowl was round, with an endless void on the edge.

Chen Feng just swept away, and a piece of information surged in his heart:

"This land has a radius of one hundred and six thousand three hundred and twenty-seven miles!"

Chen Feng was shocked instantly!

"How can I see this? How can I see so clearly? So clearly?"

The next moment, Chen Feng's heart moved, he decided to make a try.

As a result, there was a huge voice in his heart: "I am Chen Feng, yes, break the world!"

And he just came up with this idea!

Suddenly, outside the void, outside the sky, there are countless space cracks emerging, frantically rushing toward the inverted bowl-shaped sky!

Then the next moment, with a bang on the sky, a huge crack burst out.

The cracks are still spreading outwards rapidly, growing rapidly.

It gives people the feeling that the entire sky will be shattered in the next instant!

At the same time, a huge gap appeared on the earth, which was a thousand miles long and a hundred miles wide, without bottoming out!

And it is spreading rapidly to both ends!

It seems that soon, the earth can be divided into two halves!

Break the world!

This turned out to be, really!

Open the sky!


When Chen Feng wanted to open up the world, he actually had such a scene!

This world, even real, is breaking new ground!

This scene stunned Chen Feng!

Not just him, everyone in this small world at this time.

No matter how powerful they are, they all stabilized their figures at this time, looking up at the sky, watching the larger and larger space cracks above the sky!

There was an extremely shocked look on his face!

"What's wrong? This, is this world going to collapse?"

"Why is there such a huge spatial crack in the sky? Could it be that God of War Palace, Xiahou Jiuyuan, has lost control of this world?"

No matter how strong their strength, no matter what kind of cultivation level they are, they are all flustered at this time.

Because no matter how strong they are, they can't compete with this world!

And I'm afraid that even if you tell them, they can't believe it, this scene is just created by Chen Fengfeng's heart!

This is almost a god-like power!

At this time, Xiahou Jiuyuan, who was sitting on the dragon-shaped high platform of the empty sang sacred tree, originally closed his eyes, as if he was closing his eyes to rest.

Leisurely leisurely.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes!

In his gaze, there are actually two electric lights shooting out!

No, it's not like an electric light, but it is really two rays of light coming out directly!

These two rays of light directly burned the dragon-shaped platform in front of them with a bang, and burned a large hole several hundred meters deep!

Everyone was taken aback, their faces were all shocked, they stood up and looked at Xiahou Jiuyuan with horrified eyes.

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