Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4272: Shifang Jungle! Empty mountain!

Without any hesitation, Miao Wenshi directly took out all the treasures he had obtained during this period.

Miao Wenshi's strength, coupled with the help of Shao Jianbai and others, has gained a lot.

In an instant, it was radiant.

The various monsters, demon crystals, inner alchemy, spiritual plants, and rare mineral deposits that he took out totaled seventeen or eight.

The colorful rays of light gleamed, haunting huge power, dazzling people's eyes.

Chen Feng glanced, flicked the sleeves of his robe, and put all these things away.

Then, his eyes turned to the other people lying on the ground.

Needless to say, Chen Feng, they also know what to do.

Suddenly someone struggled to get up and took out the treasure they had obtained.

No one resisted, no one desperately.

They know that desperately does not make sense.

Even if he tried his best, he was not Chen Feng's opponent.

And the treasure can still be obtained again, as long as there is life.

After all, there are still two days left!

There is no stupid person who can get to this point.

Suddenly, on the ground, all kinds of treasures competed for beauty.

The treasures of these people add up to 70 or 80 pieces.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, smiled all the time, then waved his hand: "Okay, get out!"

The people are about to leave as if they are forgiven.

And at this moment, suddenly there were several tyrannical auras approaching quickly.

A gentle and clear voice, full of magnetism, and very willing to make people approachable suddenly sounded: "This benefactor, acting too harshly!"

After hearing this voice, Chen Feng still had no response, but Miao Wenshi had already jumped up.

His face was suddenly filled with excitement and excitement.

The despair, fear, despair, etc. just now were swept away in an instant.

He screamed: "Brother Kongshan, Brother Kongshan, I am here, come on!"

His face was full of excitement, as if he had come to help and met a savior.

As soon as his voice fell, several figures came over in the valley.

All four of them wore golden and red robes, extremely gorgeous.

More importantly, their aura is very huge.

The one who walked in the front was obviously their leader.

I can't tell the specific age, but I am very young.

It feels like a person, but a person at the age of twenty-six or seven, this person is tall, with red lips and white teeth, and the whole person feels very handsome.

And his eyes are also very gentle, full of compassion.

Miao Wenshi suddenly turned around, staring at Chen Feng, and let out a triumphant laugh:

"Chen Feng, tell you, your good days are over!"

"The people from Shifang Jungle are here, and four of them are here at once!"

"Especially the Senior Brother Kongshan, who is extremely powerful and is the first person in the younger generation of Shifang Jungle!"

"A magical skill is integrated into your body, it is extremely powerful, and it can easily destroy you!"

He let out a spiteful and triumphant laugh.

Staring at Chen Feng, he was extremely vicious: "Chen Feng, I want you to die!"

He really hated Chen Feng to the extreme.

At this moment, when I saw the hope of a comeback, I immediately revealed the essence.

However, Chen Feng smiled slightly, and said with a faint smile: "Miao Wenshi, it's not enough to be slapped by me just now, right?"

He looked at the people in the ten jungles in the distance, but he felt a little excited.

"Korong Shan? I didn't expect to meet them so soon!"

"Alright, I was going to fight him, so it would be easier!"

Soon, the four of them came closer.

Miao Wenshi ran over immediately, facing the handsome monk with red lips and white teeth, and said with a stern voice: "Brother Kongshan, you must avenge me!"

He turned his head and pointed at Chen Feng, with a bitter expression on his face:

"Chen Feng, the dog thing, humiliated me and took away all the treasures from me."

"Brother Kongshan, our Association of Alchemists and Shifang Conglin have always been good friends, you can't just sit back and watch!"

However, he never said that it was the dark night of Chen Feng and others he wanted to grab first.

Instead, all the responsibilities were shifted to Chen Feng.

This person is really shameless.

Kong Shan smiled slightly, patted his shoulder lightly, and smiled: "Don't worry."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation about this!"

"Since I'm here, some people can't do whatever they want!"

When he speaks, he hides a knife, and some people naturally refer to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, but ignored him, just looked at him with interest.

He even raised his arms as if watching a good show.

He learned from Kong Yang's temperament and what he did.

But Chen Feng was not sure if what Kong Yang said was true, he decided to look at it for himself.

If Kong Shan is really such a person, then Chen Feng will not show any affection when he starts.

Seeing the arrival of a few of them, their expressions also changed.

"It's actually a man from Shifang Jungle!"

"The people from the Shifang Jungle gathered so quickly?"

"The four of them, I'm afraid they can be considered the top combat power in this small world at this time, don't you know how they compare to Chen Feng?"

"I think it's worse than Chen Feng!"

"Yes, I also think, I'm afraid they may not be Chen Feng's opponent!"

"Chen Feng's strength is really too terrifying, I feel that he should be the first person who deserves to be the first person to discuss the sword!"

Many people were whispering there.

They are different from Miao Wenshi. Miao Wenshi was really humiliated by Chen Feng a little bit too much. He was already a little confused and confused.

So when everyone in the jungle came, it was like seeing a savior.

Everyone is relatively calm, not optimistic about the people in Shifang Jungle.

Kong Shan also noticed the changes in the expressions of the people, but he didn't care about it.

In his opinion, this time Kong Sang's discussion on the sword, no one can compare with him.

Chen Feng's strength may not be weak, but he still won't be his opponent.

He looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "But Chen Feng?"

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded.

Kong Shan's robe shook, and he was unspeakably handsome: "Master Chen Feng, you are also a member of the Xuanyuan family, so you know some etiquette."

"It was a bit wrong to treat Miao Wenshi just now, right?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Then, Kongshan, what do you think should be resolved?"

Chen Feng's smile made Kongshan particularly uncomfortable.

But he still maintained a gentle smile on the surface: "You will return all the treasures you robbed of Miao Wenshi to him, and then take out your treasures as a gift."

When Chen Feng heard it, he almost laughed.

He shook his head, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, Kong Yang didn't tell lies."

This empty mountain seemed to be very fair, but when he came up, he didn't ask whether it was indiscriminate or indiscriminate, and he immediately believed that Miao Wenshi was telling the truth.

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