Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4260: Punch! Blow!

The next moment, he appeared fiercely in front of the giant dragon turtle!

With one punch, he slammed the tail toward the meteor tail!

Chen Feng's fist blasted out, and the void in front of him was instantly broken!

Several spatial cracks appeared directly, meandering away!

"A punch to the sky!"

"Chen Feng broke into the air with a punch! He actually reached this level just now!"

Ying Chaoyang and others all exclaimed.

"How many catties does his punch have? One hundred billion catties? Or 150 billion catties?"

Chen Feng smashed the void with a single punch, leaving them all speechless in shock!

In the face of this trick, even Murong Guan was shocked.

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of something, exclaimed, and shouted: "Dragon Turtle, come back!"

However, it was too late.

In the next moment, Chen Feng's fist and the meteor tail hammer of this giant dragon turtle violently collided with each other.

A loud bang, resounding directly through the world!

Just like the impact of the two huge metal mountains, everyone's eardrums were aching.

It seems to be torn apart alive.

In an instant, countless blood splashed out frantically, almost staining the sky red!

Then, the giant dragon tortoise raised its head and let out a terrible scream.

The scream is so loud, it makes people feel almost overturned the whole world.

Countless blood burst out frantically, almost staining the sky with blood red!

It turned out that the meteor tail hammer of the giant dragon turtle was blown apart by Chen Feng with a punch at this instant!

It's not a crack, it's not a break!

Instead, with a bang, blow it to pieces!

Turned into countless bone debris, countless pieces of flesh and blood, madly splashing around!

This huge meteor tail hammer with a diameter of several hundred meters was blown directly by Chen Feng with a punch!

And this meteor tail hammer, of course, is Dragon Turtle's strongest attack method, and it is also his most important point.

It was directly shattered at this moment, and it was so painful that it was so painful that it almost died of pain alive.

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed!

Murong Guan's indifferent expression that had been maintained, also disappeared instantly.

He shouted: "How is this possible! How is it possible!"

At this moment, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes:

"Could it be that Chen Feng's strength is extremely terrifying? Would it be beyond my imagination?"

"Could it be that Chen Feng is actually strong enough to kill me!"

He didn't want to believe his speculation, but he had to believe it!

Chen Feng's punch had already fully revealed his strength!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "What is impossible? Do you think this is over?"

As soon as his voice fell, his figure was forward, and he actually rushed towards Murong Guan.

He actually wanted to rush to Murong Guan and kill him!

Murong Guan's eyes instantly showed a touch of horror.

He is a summoner, and his fighting power is not strong.

The strength of a body is all on the summoning object.

Moreover, just now, Chen Feng shattered the void with a punch and beat Dragon Turtle's strongest offensive to violence!

It made him realize that Chen Feng's strength was extremely terrifying!

Where is he opponent?

At this time, he backed away frantically and shouted sharply: "Dragon Turtle, stop him!"

The giant dragon turtle was obviously extremely loyal to him.

Hearing the order, he held back his violent pain and forcibly struggled to block between Chen Feng and Murong Guan.

Although the dragon turtle was Chen Feng. Abolished his strongest attack method.

However, this by no means means that he has no combat effectiveness!

In fact, the strongest dragon turtle is its defense!

It is blocking here, his tortoise shell, which is as thick as a thousand meters, like a rock formation on the earth, blocking here is the strongest defense against Murongguan!

Chen Feng yelled coldly: "Get out!"

The next moment, another punch came out.

This punch hit the dragon turtle's body fiercely!

Chen Feng's strength of 108 billion catties burst out and hit the bottom of the dragon turtle's shell!

The force of 108 billion catties surging, directly smashed the huge dragon tortoise and almost turned over.

But he is too heavy and powerful!

With this punch, Chen Feng still failed to knock it over.

Chen Feng laughed loudly, but at this time he lost his temper, punched out again, and screamed frantically: "Get away!"

The power of one hundred and eight billion catties gushes out again!

Just as this punch blasted out, Chen Feng suddenly felt an extremely strange and unobstructed feeling in his heart.

It seems that the three punches in succession have opened up his meridians and eliminated his stagnation!

At this moment, the whole body is all over Tai! Get up and down! Very comfortable!

Chen Feng suddenly realized:

"When I broke through to the second stage of Donkey Kong Arhat's Immortal Body, there was actually a trace of stagnation, and I couldn't reach it successfully.

"But now, this blow has completely opened up all my meridians and completed it!"

Chen Feng was at ease, and the power of this punch was even greater!

The dragon tortoise finally couldn't resist it. Under the bombardment of Chen Feng's flood of fists, it turned out to be a wild roar, and his body couldn't help but flew to the distance!

Flew tens of thousands of meters away, and hit a mountain that was 30,000 meters high!

A loud bang directly exploded that mountain into countless debris!

What Ying Chaoyang and others watched are all eyelids jumping wildly.

When they looked at Chen Feng, the expressions in their eyes were more than shock and disbelief!

They looked at Chen Feng's eyes as if they were looking at a deity!

They are now extremely convinced of one thing, that is, Chen Feng's strength not only far exceeds them, but also completely beyond their imagination!

Win Chaoyang murmured: "Chen Feng, how strong are you?"

"You, can you smash this dragon turtle weighing several thousand catties directly?"

You know, the weight of this dragon tortoise is definitely not weaker than a giant mountain that is several kilometers high!

"What kind of strength is he?"

"Six-star Emperor Wu? Even stronger than Six-star Emperor Wu?"

Seeing this scene, Murong Guan couldn't help showing a look of horror in his eyes.

Yes, it's just panic!

Therefore, at this time, he realized that he had made a great mistake!

Chen Feng, I can't afford it!

This young man may be the strongest person in Kong Sang Lunjian this time, even stronger than the young talents carefully cultivated by these six hidden sects!

Without any hesitation, he turned around and fled away frantically!

Murong Guan escaped!

Yes, he ran away, he was scared!

He was so frightened by Chen Feng that he didn't have any daring to fight anymore, his soul flew away, and he ran away!

At the same time, the spiritual power in his heart radiated out.

Suddenly, those giant sharks rushed frantically and stood in front of Chen Feng.

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