Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4247: You must kill him!

In addition, there were so many people on their side, so almost immediately, Xuanyuan Yanghua and Xuanyuan Jiashi were in a dangerous situation.

Seeing that he was not an opponent, Xuanyuan Yanghua immediately decided, just to release the signal.

Suddenly, a huge inverted long sword appeared in the sky.

Seeing this situation, Baili grinned grimly: "Oh, can you call a helper if you can't beat it?"

"You call! Just call!"

"I see what your Xuanyuan family's trash can do!"

Xuanyuan Yanghua said sharply: "When my brother Chen Feng comes, I will definitely kill you all!"

Baili hated and laughed wildly: "Just Chen Feng? What is he? Will he kill me?"

"You think I don't know, now your Xuanyuan family has become a laughing stock!"

"Chen Feng is even more of a laughing stock!"

"Above the sacred tree of the empty sang tree, I dare not take any action when being provoked, only to hide behind a woman!"

"It's such a trash, still want to kill me? Is he worthy? What is he?"

In his words, he was full of disdain for Chen Feng.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Baili Hen's mouth: "Chen Feng is here, even kill him!"

At this time, Chen Feng didn't know what happened here.

Chen Feng looked at Kong Yang, frowning, "How did you find me?"

This is an issue that Chen Feng is extremely concerned about.

Kong Yang took a breath, looked at Chen Feng and said, "I found it with this thing."

After all, he flipped his palm to take out a treasure.

It is shaped like a disc, and in the middle is a Zen stick that has shrunk countless times.

At this time, the stick is straight to the sky.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and took the treasure.

This treasure, the color of purple and gold in its entire body, did not know what metal was cast, but it was Buddha-like.

On the top, there is a strong Buddhist atmosphere, which is obviously a treasure.

Kong Yang gasped hard, his voice was like a broken bellows:

"This treasure, called the Compass of Freedom, has only one function, and that is to find the long-lost treasure in the jungle of our ten directions!"

Chen Feng naturally knew what the most precious treasure was in his mouth, and naturally it was the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.

With a move in his heart, he put away the free compass.

In the future, he is going to find the Ten Directions Free Scriptures, and he still needs this compass to show the way!

Kong Yang went on to say: "It stands to reason that this treasure is the No. 1 treasure in the Ten Fang Jungle. It should be managed by the abbot himself."

"But in fact, Shifang Jungle, up and down, searched for that treasure for so many years, but found nothing."

"No one is still confident about this matter. This treasure has been thrown in the treasure chest for tens of thousands of years. It is regarded as **** and no one wants to hold it again."

"Then why did you get it?" Chen Feng smiled.

Kong Yang continued: "At the beginning, the temple's big competition, the winner, can choose a treasure with the highest specifications in the treasure chest."

"Originally, I didn't want to be a second person."

"As a result, I didn't expect that Kongshan suddenly emerged and won first place!"

"He took away my favorite treasure, an abbot in the ten-point jungle 30,000 years ago. It is said that his strength has surpassed the jade stick left by a great monk of the Nine Star Martial Emperor."

"But under my hatred, I was unwilling and looked down upon other treasures, so I took this most mysterious one."

"That's it."

Chen Feng nodded, knowing the whole story.

What he was most worried about before was that the disciples in the jungles of the ten directions could perceive the Golden Sutra of the Great Bodhisattva with ease.

In that case, it is really troublesome.

Now when he heard Kong Yang say this, he was relieved.

Kong Yang looked at Chen Feng, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Now that all the questions are finished, are you trying to kill me?"

Chen Feng suddenly felt that this Kongyang was really a wonderful person.

He smiled and said, "Then, give me a reason not to kill you."

"I know, you will definitely kill me."

"Furthermore, after the practice of my practice is broken by you, it will be difficult for you to cultivate to the original state in your life."

"I am afraid that I will become an ordinary person when I return to the jungle of the ten directions."

"For me, this is harder to accept than death!"

Kong Yang gasped and said.

Chen Feng did not interrupt, but listened to him quietly.

"But I'm not reconciled!"

Kong Yang's face suddenly showed a bit of resentment: "I'm not willing to be like this!"

"I'm not willing to die, but my worst enemy is still alive!"

"and so!"

He looked at Chen Feng and hissed: "Chen Feng, I will tell you a big secret!"

"After you get this secret, you must go and kill my enemy!"

Chen Feng heard what he said, and suddenly felt very strange.

This empty masculine man is really extreme, and he has reached such a situation, but he has not forgotten to harm others.

Moreover, Chen Feng certainly would not avenge him as he thought.


As soon as Chen Feng wanted to speak, Kong Yang said immediately: "Chen Feng, the secret I will talk about next has a very close relationship with the Shi Fang Zi Zi Jing."

Chen Feng said lightly: "Okay, then tell me!"

"My junior brother, Kongshan, is the next abbot of Shifang Jungle!"

"He has two treasures!"

"One piece, it's the King Kong Demon robes!"

"The other one is the King Kong Nine Tin Ring Rod!"

"Both of these treasures have a lot to do with those ten directions."

Kong Yang's face flushed and was extremely excited, swallowed, and continued to speak loudly:

"The ten directions free scriptures were placed in the secret room of the Tibetan scripture pavilion."

"The secret room of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is extremely secretive. If you don't have a map, even if you demolish the Shifang Jungle, you will not find it. You will only destroy this secret room along with the Shifang Free Scripture inside."

"And the map of the secret room of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion is in the Vajra Demon robes, isn't it?"

Chen Feng said lightly.

Kong Yang laughed wildly: "Chen Feng, you are really smart!"

"Also, to enter the secret room, you need a key. If you open it forcibly, not only will you not be able to enter, the secret room will still be destroyed."

"The key is hidden inside the vajra stick!"

"That's it."

Chen Feng nodded slowly.

He had to admit that what Kongyang said was indeed a huge temptation that he couldn't refuse!

He must find the Shifang Zizaijing, and will never allow it to be destroyed.

And if you want to get the Ten Directions Freedom Sutra, you must get the Vajra Fumo robes and Vajra Zen staff!

Naturally, Kongshan would not pass this treasure over.

Then, it must be...

Chen Feng sighed slightly, his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He looked at Kongyang and said softly, "I'm very surprised, why do you hate Kongshan so much? After all, he is also your junior."

"The empty mountain took everything from me! You know what!"

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