Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4243: I'm not discussing with you

"Is there a top expert fighting so soon? I feel that the strength of the two of them has at least reached the five-star Wudi!"

Just when everyone was speculating about who these two powerhouses were, the situation in the field had changed drastically at this time!

When the two fists collided, Kong Yang was still full of disdain and indifference.

But the next moment, his face changed drastically.

It turned out that at this moment, he felt an extremely huge force burst out and smashed toward him!

This force is extremely fierce and surging!

It's like being photographed by the huge waves, and even makes people feel like facing the vast ocean!

In an instant, there was a sense of extreme powerlessness in his heart!

That's what I feel when I face a force I can't resist at all!

Kong Yang's face changed drastically, staring at Chen Feng, and shouted in disbelief, "You, how come you have such a powerful force?"

"You, aren't you in the realm of the four-star Wudi, the strength of the three-star Wudi?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "I can't be foolish!"

The next moment, 108 billion catties of power burst out and plunged directly into Kong Yang's fist of the color of black iron!

Kong Yang's fist, the light has changed!

The next moment, it was unable to contend, and it was blown apart!

Obviously, his physical exercises were bombarded by Chen Feng and directly broke the exercises!

As for Chen Feng's 108 billion catties of power, he continued to move forward without stopping at all!

It smashed into his right arm again.

Suddenly, his right arm was also directly shattered!

Then, it smashed into his body fiercely!

Suddenly, Kong Yang let out a scream.

He felt tremendous pain rushing over madly.

Kong Yang howled frantically, activated all his life-saving abilities, and with a bang, his robes swelled, trying to block it.

But, it's useless at all!

In the next moment, the robes shattered directly, revealing his dark as iron body!

Above his body, light circulated several times, squeezing out all the potential, trying to resist it.

But, still useless!

With Chen Feng's punch, even the Six-Star Wudi could kill!

However, his previous robes were obviously the most precious.

Coupled with the protection of his physical exercises, after all, he did not fall apart and was directly shattered.

Kongyang body is still intact.

But even so, all his bones were broken.

On the body, countless wounds burst open, blood rushing out frantically.

His body was smashed hundreds of meters away, slammed fiercely on a rock wall, and then slipped softly, shed a shocking blood-red color!

He collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, blood rushing out frantically.

But he has ignored the physical pain and his serious injury at this time.

He just looked at Chen Feng and hissed: "You, how come you have such a powerful strength?"

He suddenly realized that he shouted: "Have you concealed your strength before?"

"You are not a four-star martial emperor at all, and your strength is definitely not limited to a three-star martial emperor!"

"You are afraid that you have the cultivation base of the Six-Star Emperor Wu!"

Chen Feng slowly stepped forward, looked at him, and said with a smile: "I never said what kind of strength I am."

"Everything before is nothing more than you ignorant people speculating there."

He smiled coldly, raised his chin slightly, with a hint of arrogance on his face: "How can you predict the strength of my Chen Feng?"

He knelt down, looked at Kong Yang and smiled and said, "Kong Yang, didn't you just say that a punch will smash my fist, my arm, and then my torso?"

"Now, the two of us..."

He said lightly: "Who was shattered?"

Kong Yang's originally pale and bloodless face was instantly red like pig liver.

Chen Feng's words slapped his face like a big slap.

Chen Feng then smiled and said: "Just now, you said that you let me commit suicide, and you said that I was shameless?"

"We two, who on earth is shameless?"

These words were just said by Kongyang to Chen Feng.

When Kong Yang said these words at the time, he was arrogant and disdainful, and Chen Feng was not in his eyes at all.

At this moment, he was kneeling in front of Chen Feng, without the strength to fight back, like a dying wild dog.

Kong Yang remembered the words he had just said, and felt that the words he had said before, every word turned into a slap, and slapped him fiercely.

At this moment, endless humiliation surged in his heart, making him want to find a place to sew in.

"I'm so ridiculous!"

"Chen Feng's strength is so strong, completely surpassing me, I am compared with him, there is no comparison at all, even his shadow is invisible!"

"How dare I say that to him? What a shame!"

"Kong Yang, you are not only defeated, but even a trace of face is lost!"

These words are what Kong Yang once said to Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng returned everything.

The difference is that when Kong Yang said these words before, he was bragging without knowing the height of the sky.

At this time, Chen Feng said this because he was qualified to say it!

He has such strength!

Chen Feng's words and words, like a knife piercing his heart, brought Kong Yang a huge humiliation and made him tremble all over.

He wished he died quickly.

Chen Feng was really murdering and condemning him. Not only did he defeat him, he was severely wounded, and he was no longer able to fight back, but he humiliated him severely.

And Chen Feng didn't think there was any problem.

Chen Feng glanced at Kong Yang and said lightly: "Now, I want to ask you a few questions."

Kong Yang suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Chen Feng, and said coldly, "Chen Feng, don't think about it!"

"Tell you, you can't ask a fart from me!"

Chen Feng looked at Kong Yang and suddenly shook his head: "Kong Yang, you may have made a mistake."

"I am not discussing with you, but ordering you!"

He sighed helplessly: "I usually don't want to do it, but why do you have to force me?"

Then, Chen Feng brought Kongyang to the side of the mountain stream.

But after a while, there was a terrifying scream that sounded like earth-shattering.

The scream lasted for only a few dozen breaths, and then a loud begging for mercy came from: "Please, please, stop... I said, I said everything..."

But Chen Feng smiled slightly, looked at Kong Yang who was crying and begging, and said lightly: "Sorry, now begging for mercy, it's too late."

Then the screams screamed.

After a cup of tea rang, Chen Feng just stopped.

Looking at Kong Yang with a cold expression, he said lightly: "Now, have you said it?"

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