Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4240: small world

In an instant, his pupils shrank sharply, and the look on his face became extremely complicated!

There is shock, there is fear, and there is disbelief!

There is even a trace of unbearable ecstasy!

I don't know what he felt!

It's as if he saw a scene that he absolutely couldn't believe, but it happened that this scene was of great benefit to him and gave him endless surprises!

As a result, the look changed one after another.

But after all, he is a strong man in the Shifang Jungle, and Shifang Jungle attaches great importance to the effort of nourishing the heart.

His expression immediately returned to normal, and he lowered his head, unable to observe his expression.

He didn't speak either, just bowed his head, silently, and entered the gate of light.

However, just before entering, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Chen Feng!

But Chen Feng didn't see it.

Soon, Chen Feng also entered the gate of flames!

A familiar feeling of weightlessness came, but Chen Feng didn't care.

He has shuttled through several big worlds, not to mention this small world.

Soon, a flame light gate appeared in front of Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng stepped into it without hesitation.

When a person is in the air, he has stabilized his figure.

Chen Feng looked around and saw that his position was in a huge virgin forest.

There are huge trees hundreds of meters high everywhere, and rolling mountains are all around.

The scenery farther away is invisible.

Because Chen Feng found that his position was not very high, it was only about kilometers away from the ground.

The scope of vision that can be seen is naturally limited.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "This world is really not big, and the place of whereabouts is so low."

At this time, Chen Feng instinctively wanted to control his body and stay in the air.

But he found that as soon as this idea surged and the power was released, he was immediately suppressed by an extremely vast force in the void!

This vast power was terrifying to the extreme, and Chen Feng couldn't match it at all!

For an instant, Chen Feng felt his body plummet down.

Chen Feng didn't panic, just nodded slowly.

Then, he tried to run the shadow ghost step in the air, and came to the shadow of a certain mountain.

But the discovery is not enough.

Chen Feng nodded: "Sure enough, the use of flight and body skills is restricted!"

In the next moment, Chen Feng fell on the ground.

He stretched his muscles and bones, feeling the fluctuations in his body's strength.

Then, a punch came out.

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm in the air.

In the void, there are faint cracks appearing!

Fist shatters the void, the realm is still there!

Chen Feng has a bottom in his heart.

That is to say, the use of flight and martial arts was restricted, and everything else was as usual.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, a firework rose, hung in the sky, the shape was an inverted long sword.

It was the contact signal of the Xuanyuan family.

Before Chen Feng came in, he had already made an agreement with the other four members of the Xuanyuan family.

After entering it, only oneself releases this signal, and everyone else comes to meet by oneself.

Chen Feng will protect them this time and lead the Xuanyuan family to be the number one this time.

Several juniors, he also intends to bring them some benefits.

With their senior brother, Chen Feng would not sit back and watch.

At this moment, not only Chen Feng, but also in this vast world, there were people slowly falling.

This world is said to be not big, and the radius is as large as 100,000 miles.

Dispersing these hundreds of people into this world, it can be said that even the waves cannot be seen.

Moreover, due to Xiahou Jiuyuan’s arrangement, their landing heights are all very low

Therefore, it is not even possible to observe where other people are.

This is also Xiahou Jiuyuan's idea, so that everyone can be dispersed as much as possible at the beginning, and each has some time to harvest and prepare.

It's not a battle of life and death!

At this moment, a figure also fell down somewhere a few hundred miles away from Chen Feng.

This person was dressed in a gorgeous golden-red robes, tall and thin, with high cheekbones and a cold face.

The look in his eyes was a bit cruel.

It was the master in the Shifang Jungle whose face suddenly changed when he passed by Chen Feng.

The master of Shifang Jungle fell straight from the air and hit the ground with a bang.

It fell like a meteorite.

He didn't even have the momentum to slow down his landing a little bit.

In fact, his entire expression has always been stunned, and he feels a little silly.

It's like thinking about something, completely distracting.

And this severe impact seemed to wake him up.

He fell from a height of several hundred meters, but he was safe and sound. Instead, he smashed the ground into a big hole.

He stood up, shook his robes, and instantly he was as clean as new.

If nothing happened, he walked up and stood there, again dumbfounded.

He seemed to try his best to control his emotions, don't change anything, and continue to be as solemn as before.

But he couldn't hold it back after all.

The next moment, his eyes were full of ecstasy.

He pursed his mouth, gritted his teeth, and seemed to want to force it.

But finally, this joy was so great that it completely overwhelmed his efforts!

He couldn't control it anymore, he let out a burst of laughter, startled the flocks of birds!

"God has eyes, God has eyes!"

"Unexpectedly, let me find the whereabouts of that treasure!"

"I actually felt the breath of that treasure from Chen Feng!"

He was almost going crazy with excitement.

He just stopped after laughing for a full cup of tea.

The next moment, the whole person suddenly returned to a rather dull state, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a bit of confusion in his eyes, as if he was reminiscing.

I don't know what he thought of, a flash of hatred suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I have been in the Shifang Jungle for decades, and entered here at the age of three. Since I was a child, I have an excellent talent. I was carefully cultivated by the abbot."

"It's just because the master abbot once swore an oath that he would no longer accept apprentices in this life, so he had to accept apprentices on his behalf."

"But my skills are taught by the abbot himself!"

"When I was less than forty years old, I had already broken through the Martial Emperor Realm, when I was fifty, I had already reached the three-star Martial Emperor!"

"Three years ago, I was in the middle of the four-star Wudi!"

"By now, my strength has approached the five-star Wudi!"

"In the entire Shifang Jungle, the younger generation, do not want to be the second person!"

"Everyone knows that I am the candidate for the next abbot!"

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