Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 405: If you don't kill you, I swear not to be human!

When Chen Feng heard this, he was shocked: "Leaving Qian Yuanzong? Where are you going? What are you going to do? Why are you leaving?"

Shen Yanbing whispered: "You may not know that this time, you fell into the beast tide and your whereabouts are unknown. A few days later, my mood is very complicated."

"I have been thinking a lot these days. I am too weak and can do nothing, no one can protect. I had this feeling before, but when you were away, it was so strong and so obvious."

"You are caught in the beast tide, and I cannot save you. I want to kill Yang Chao, but I can't do anything. When you were away, we were worried that those people would retaliate and deceive the door, so we had to retreat back in despair. In the clan."

"Do you know how I am feeling these days? On the one hand I am worried about you, on the other hand I hate my incompetence."

She looked at Chen Feng with a solemn expression: "I want to change all of this, I don't want to taste this again."

When Chen Feng looked at Shen Yanbing's eyes, she knew that she was telling this matter very seriously, and she seemed to have made up her mind.

And based on Chen Feng's understanding of Shen Yanbing, she knows that she is the kind of person who speaks her words and must practice her.

So Chen Feng did not try to stop him, but asked in a deep voice, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to change the current practice method, and I also want to change the current practice environment. In Qianyuanzong's inner sect, although there are always unruly people coveted by the side, most people still follow the rules after all. , There are sect rules and regulations, and it is impossible for the strong to dare to attack me unscrupulously."

"Such an environment is still not dangerous enough. After staying here for a long time, people will be lazy and will not spur themselves so much. They will constantly become stronger and stronger! I am going to enter the depths of the Aomori Mountains..."

She paused, looked at Chen Feng, and then said: "This time the arrival of the beast tide gave me a great inspiration. I also killed briefly in the beast tide, although only a few breaths Time, but that kind of pressure almost suffocated me."

"Around the body, up and down, around, there are monsters everywhere, their roars are everywhere, their sharp claws and fangs are everywhere. If I am not careful, they will be torn to pieces."

"You may not know that the situation is certainly very critical, but at that moment, I really felt an unprecedented stimulus. It was the pleasure of drifting between life and death."

"At that moment, I even felt that I had some comprehension about the blockages in many martial arts techniques! Those words were a little loose, and if you work harder, you can even become Get free!"

"Between life and death, others will die, and I may die, but I am more likely to break through the bottleneck. But unfortunately that time is too short, and I didn't even have time to break through."

These words Shen Yanbing said completely shocked Chen Feng, and he had to let himself re-examine Shen Yanbing.

Originally, Chen Feng had a very high estimate of Shen Yanbing. He believed that she was a genius in combat and had a firm mind. In the future, her martial arts journey would surely yield significant results.

But now, Chen Feng realized that he still underestimated Shen Yanbing. She is more than a fighting genius? It is simply born for combat, this is simply a natural combat weapon!

When others talked about the animal tide, when they talked about being in the animal tide, the feeling of being enemies on all sides and facing the danger of being killed anytime and anywhere, they are all talking about it, but Shen Yanbing seems to enjoy this feeling very much.

She enjoys fighting and killing. The stronger the war, the stronger she is in the moment of crisis, which is incredible.

Chen Feng didn't know how many years would it take for someone like Shen Yanbing to have one, but he knew that Shen Yanbing was definitely an unborn genius.

Shen Yanbing glanced at Chen Feng's expression and said, "You may not believe it. I am very obsessed with that feeling. I also have a strong intuition and premonition. If I enter the Aomori Mountains, I will be attacked by monsters at any time and even face. Attacked by countless monsters, I will face the danger of being killed all the time. I will force myself to stimulate all my potential. I should be able to break through soon and become stronger at a very fast rate."

Chen Feng said, "I understand."

Shen Yanbing nodded and continued: "So I decided to set off to the depths of the Aomori Mountains. The Aomori Mountains stretch for thousands of miles. The deeper the Aomori Mountains are, the stronger the monsters are, and the number of monsters will increase. ."

"After I go to the depths of the Qingfeng Mountain Range, I should look for those powerful monsters to challenge. Even, I will actively look for the source of the beast wave, and then fight the beasts in the beast wave!"

What this said made Chen Feng's face pale. He imagined Shen Yanbing wielding her giant sword and fighting with thousands of monsters and beasts with his own power. His body trembled slightly, and his chest was boiling with blood!

Although Shen Yanbing is a daughter, she has a lot of pride and has broken through the clouds. How many men can match?

Chen Feng asked: "Then when do you want to leave?"

He didn't try to persuade Shen Yanbing anymore. People like Shen Yanbing made a decision and couldn't bring back ten cows.

Shen Yanbing said: "It shouldn't be too late, the sooner the better. I will wait for you to come back today and bid you farewell. I plan to leave in the evening."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "This is too anxious, so let's not start in a hurry."

He thought for a moment and said: "Yan Bing, you have such courage and ambition, of course it is very good, but we can't just get into Aomori like a headless fly. Amidst the mountains, without doing anything, I just go through the experience empty-handed."

"In that case, going inside is not to improve strength, but to die."

What Chen Feng said makes sense. Shen Yanbing nodded, and Chen Feng continued: "Well, Yan Bing, before you go, I will buy something for you."

"Well, you can wait for a while, half a month, and just wait half a month? After half a month, I will definitely arrange everything for you. Then you will bring these things and enter Aomori Mountains, I feel relieved."

Shen Yanbing could feel his care, and his heart was warm. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "Chen Feng, I listen to you."

She didn't make any excuses, nor did she need this between the two.

Seeing Shen Yanbing's promise, Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "Yan Bing, don't worry, I will prepare everything for you. You have such feelings and pride. All I have to do is to support you. "

Early the next morning, Chen Feng went to Nei Zong Trading Street and Forged Tian Pavilion.

When he was about to enter the Forging Heaven Pavilion, Chen Feng was about to step on the stage when he saw a person walking out of the Forging Heaven Pavilion door.

After the man saw Chen Feng, his face instantly became gloomy, and between Chen Feng's eyebrows, there was a little more coldness.

This person is in his forties and looks resolute. It is Yang Chao.

Yang Chao looked gloomy and surprised. He looked at Chen Feng and said with a sneer: "It turns out that you haven't died, and you have fallen into the beast tide. You can't even let you die. It seems that life is really big! "

Chen Feng looked at him, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, and a voice in his heart whispered softly: "Yang Chao, if I don't kill you, I will swear not to be a human!"

He already hated Yang Chao and vowed to kill him. Yang Chao framed him in this way, making it impossible for Chen Feng to have any tolerance for him.

Chen Feng sneered and said: "Yes! My life is indeed quite big. Even if I fall into the beast tide, I can't die. But my life is big, I survived, and some people's lives may not be so. It might be unlucky when it's big."

Yang Chao's expression was cold: "Little bastard, who are you talking about?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Whoever has a guilty conscience, I'm talking about whom."

Yang Chao sneered: "Little bastard, you are looking for death!"

Chen Feng looked at Yang Chao, and if he didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, he had to walk into the Tiantang Pavilion.

After Yang Chao saw Chen Feng's movements, a flash of joking flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand, and then stood upright at the door of Forging Tiange, without moving or moving, holding his arms, looking at Chen Feng with disdain. .

He disdainfully said: "Little bastard, what are you doing here? Is this a place where you can come?"

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "Elder Yang, what you said is quite interesting. This Forging Pavilion is a place for buying and selling things. Why can you come and I can't come?"

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