Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2301: Time to settle accounts!

Uncle Dao closed his eyes tightly at this time and trembled all over.

In just a few months, he has lost weight astonishingly, and his two cheekbones have risen high.

At this time, Chen Feng did not see Liu Chengyi, but then he heard Liu Chengyi's familiar voice.

The voice was full of weakness: "Chen Feng, you are finally back."

As soon as Chen Feng turned around, he saw that Liu Chengyi was on the other side of the stone platform and was blocked by Uncle Dao's huge body just now.

At this moment, Liu Chengyi's hands trembled, pressing on the stone platform, and there were already many magical artifacts around his body, a formation was set up, and the huge star power was drawn from the void and poured into Uncle Saber. Fight against those blue toxins in his body.

But even so, it is not an opponent of Blue Toxin at all.

Liu Chengyi had to pour countless stars from his body into Uncle Dao's body.

Even so, it can only slow down the deterioration of Uncle Dao, and there is no way to stalemate, let alone fight back.

Liu Chengyi's face was extremely ugly at this time, trembling all over, sweating like pulp, his face pale, and his voice was trembling.

After he saw Chen Feng, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes as if he was a survivor. Fortunately, he said, "Chen Feng, you are finally back. Taiyi Diling Xuelian must be brought back, right?"

He didn't think Chen Feng would not be able to bring it back!

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Fortunately, I have brought it back."

"Great!" Liu Chengyi trembled: "I can't hold it anymore. Ten days ago, it has been a bit unable to hold it. Your Uncle Dao's condition has been getting worse."

"I have been using the power of the stars to continue his life for the past ten days, but these ten days have almost exhausted me."

Chen Feng said sincerely, "Thank you Elder Liu!"

"Don't talk about it, give me the Taiyi Di Ling Xuelian!"

"Yes!" Chen Feng quickly took out the Taiyi Di Ling Xuelian.

As soon as Taiyi Diling Snow Lotus took it out and felt the blue poison, the snow lotus started to wither instantly, then withered, and then turned into countless light spots in the next moment.

These light spots are white and clean, without the slightest meaning of dryness and stagnation, but as noble and beautiful as thousands of years of ice and snow!

Then Chen Feng felt an extremely angry breath from them.

They seemed extremely resentful of the blue toxin, and then they didn't use Chen Feng's instructions. Chen Feng didn't even do anything. These light spots rushed towards Uncle Dao fiercely.

However, Chen Feng clearly heard that the blue toxin on Uncle Dao squeaked.

They seem to be spiritual, and they seem to know how restrained these white light spots are. The next moment, countless blue toxins turned into an arrow fiercely toward Uncle Dao’s heart. Ruthlessly pushed past.

They even thought of killing Uncle Dao directly before the white light spot attacked.

But how can the white light spot make them do what they want?

The white light spot penetrated into Uncle Knife's body in an instant, and greeted the blue toxins. Then the next moment, the blue toxins melted like a snow lion seeing the sun.

Boiling, then evaporate and melt.

The blue faded in large areas, and they made miserable squeaks, like living creatures, but they were of no use at all.

The white light spots are also being consumed, but the consumption speed is obviously much slower, but in a short time, these blue toxins have been expelled.

But Uncle Dao's body quickly began to recover. The scars on the surface of the body began to burst one by one, all the pus inside was squeezed out, the rotten flesh fell off, and then the clean blood muscle was exposed, and then the scars were quickly formed.

Then, it began to fall off, and in an instant, Uncle Dao had returned to normal.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng, who had been holding his breath for a long time, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

At this time, the white light spots were not over yet, condensed in Uncle Dao's body. The next moment, Chen Feng was shocked to find that Uncle Dao's body began to tremble.

It was not the tremor of poisoning, but the tremor of strength.

Uncle Knife's momentum rose in madness, these white light spots turned into endless power, injected into Uncle Knife's body, making Uncle Knife's strength crazy breakthrough.

Uncle Dao was originally only the pinnacle of the Nine Star Martial King, but now he has directly broken through the half-step Martial King realm.

However, this is not over yet, it is a direct breakthrough, to the realm of the one-star Wuhuang.

Until this time, these white light spots were consumed.

Chen Feng seemed to hear a faint sigh, this Taiyi Land Spirit Snow Lotus, after all, disappeared!

This whole process is extremely clear, making people see very clearly step by step, but it is extremely fast.

Almost instantly, the toxin disappeared, Uncle Dao recovered, and then his strength broke through. Chen Feng looked stupid beside him.

Only then did he come back to his senses, and then he let out a cheer full of ecstasy: "Uncle Dao, Dao, are you recovering?"

Uncle Dao woke up. He seemed to be in a coma before, but in fact, he knew everything very clearly.

He looked at Chen Feng with a deep gratitude on his face, and said, "Little master, thanks to you, if you are not there, the old slave's fate will be accounted for."

Chen Feng glanced at him angrily, and said, "Uncle Dao, don't you think we can make a difference when we say this?"

Uncle Dao laughed loudly: "I am a little hypocritical."

He stood up, and suddenly knelt directly in front of Liu Chengyi, banged his head three times, and said, "Elder Liu, thank you for your help."

"I have always been clear about my grievances. You saved my life this time, and you will come and go in the fire in the future, as long as you say a word!"

Liu Chengyi's face was still very ugly at this time, and he looked very tired. He smiled and said: "You have this heart is enough!"

Uncle Dao laughed, his arms shook, and he felt an incomparable force rushing into his body. This force was unprecedentedly huge, which made him extremely excited.

He shouted: "Little Master, I have never felt so powerful before!"

He suddenly asked, "Little master, where should we go?"

"Where are you going?" A cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I have found out now that the poisonous sword that was given to the Lieyang family at the beginning, made you fall into such a situation, it is the soldier family!"

"Later, I took the initiative to pass the news to Li Binbai, let Li Binbai chase me in southern Xinjiang, and almost killed me, it was also a soldier's family!"

"Now, it's time to find them afterwards!"

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