Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2297: Who dares to surrender!

The burly man gritted his teeth and gave a smirk: "Do you think you are great? Do you think you can easily defeat me by killing a few ordinary sergeants?"

"What are you?"

He disdainfully said: "Within three moves, I can defeat you!"

The sergeants of Lanyang City around all shouted excitedly: "Zhou Commander is mighty!"

"Yes, once Commander Zhou shot, this little **** is absolutely dead!"

"Yes, how could this little boy be the opponent of Commander Zhou?"

They all praised Commander Zhou, and Commander Zhou was so proud to hear their praise, he laughed.

Moreover, he really felt that he could easily defeat Chen Feng.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and a funny expression appeared on his face: "This person is really overwhelming!"

Chen Feng could see his strength clearly, not even in the Martial Emperor Realm.

This kind of opponent, Chen Feng can easily defeat with one hand, I don't know how much!

The burly man screamed: "Little boy, get out of the way and don't be nosy!"

Chen Feng frowned and his face was cold.

Seeing that this person dared to say it again, Chen Feng would directly kill him.

Chen Feng doesn't mind doing this.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a black tide rushing towards here in the distance.

And soon, people will see, where is the tide? It is clearly an endless black cavalry.

They rode on the black panther and the flying tiger with wings, and looked fierce. They wore black armor and embroidered with the black water mysterious snake pattern.

As a result, a huge scream of horror broke out among the crowd: "Come, come, come from the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe."

They immediately rushed towards the city frantically.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also shouted loudly: "Everyone, go back to the city first!"

Chen Feng also swept up the city wall. The burly middle-aged man stared at Chen Feng fiercely, and said in a dark voice: "Little boy, I will settle accounts with you later!"

Soon, the black water mysterious snake army swept in madly, a group of cavalry kept running around the city wall, bursts of arrogant laughter from their mouths.

The black panthers and black tigers below them also screamed and laughed, which made people shudder.

Many people have a look of fear on their faces.

And many soldiers, those who were still slaughtering the people wantonly, turned pale and trembling all over.

Although the Heishui Profound Snake Tribe invaded the Tianyuan Dynasty in only a short time, their foul name has spread throughout the Tianyuan Dynasty area bordering the Southern Wilderness.

At this time, a fat man with a fat figure was also carried on the city wall while riding on a jade.

This fat man wore gorgeous robes, and his decorations were all treasures, and he knew his status at a glance.

After he came here, the burly general hurriedly bowed and said, "I have seen Lord City Lord!"

This person is the Lord of Lanyang.

He looked at the burly middle-aged and said, "How are you doing what you are told?"

"All are ready." The burly middle-aged said respectfully, "When they persuade them to surrender, I will surrender!"

City Lord Lanyang nodded.

They even talked about surrender directly here, which is extremely shameless.

"Surrender?" Chen Feng's expression instantly turned cold: "Who dares to surrender?"

"How about I surrender?"

The burly general stared at Chen Feng disdainfully, and said proudly: "You little **** has such a small amount of strength, and you want to learn from other people's nosy? What a death!"

"Go back and practice for decades before coming out, don't be embarrassed here!"

He ridiculed loudly and mercilessly, with a joking expression on his face.

In his opinion, Chen Feng was not his opponent at all, and the soldiers and generals around also made a ridicule.

A cold color flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. These people said that surrender was so open, as if this was such a glorious thing!

Chen Feng stared at him, and said coldly, "You say it again!"

"I want to surrender, what can you do to me?" The burly general stepped forward. Seeing Chen Feng blocking him, he immediately reached out and pushed Chen Feng away with disdain, and shouted, "Go away. !"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist directly.

This burly general struggled a few times, but found that he couldn't get away at all, and his hands didn't move.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face immediately: "This kid is so powerful!"

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, murderous intent was raging, and he slammed Chen Feng with a fist, and said grimly: "If you dare to stop me, I will kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Really? Look at who killed who!"

He also blasted a punch, and with a bang, these two fists hit each other.

Chen Feng didn't move, but the general uttered a scream, and the fist and arm that hit Chen Feng burst into pieces.

However, Chen Feng grabbed his right hand and made him unable to move. At the same time, he slapped a big slap on his face, and screamed: "Are you still surrendering?"

The general was beaten up with crazy screams, bursts of pain, tears and nose came out.

Chen Feng made another big ear scraper on his backhand: "Are you surrendering?"

Papa Papa, Chen Feng beat a dozen big ear scrapers, and the general was beaten to a nervous breakdown and wept bitterly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and they all looked at Chen Feng with an unbelievable look.

After a long time, the crowd exclaimed: "How is it possible? Commander Zhou is not the enemy of this kid?"

"Commander Zhou fought him and was seriously injured directly?"

"And did you see that this kid feels that he hasn't exerted any strength yet, how strong is this kid?"

At this moment, they looked into Chen Feng's gaze, and the contempt and ridicule just now disappeared without a trace, replaced by a deep sense of fear and shock!

Those dozen big ear scrapers slapped Zhou Tongling's face like a pig's head.

Chen Feng grabbed him by the collar, directly lifted him high, and shouted sharply: "Dare to say surrender, this person is the end!"

As he said, his hands shook, his power surged crazily, and with a loud explosion, the commander was directly blown into blood mist this week!

Then, Chen Feng turned around and looked there.

He looked at the city lord of Lanyang and smiled slightly: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again."

At this time, the city lord of Lanyang was already trembling at the shock of Chen Feng's strength, where would he dare to say anything?

He immediately put a smile on his face and said: "I didn't say anything just now! I didn't say anything!"

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