Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2295: Damn it!

He was even more shocked in his heart: "Does this mean that the Black Water Profound Snake Department, it's not right, it should be said that the entire wilderness is already at war against the Tianyuan Dynasty?"

But Chen Feng didn't care so much at this time. What he wanted to do now was to kill these beasts.

Chen Feng's figure flashed and came directly to the ground.

At this moment, in front of him, there were a dozen soldiers from the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe, screaming and roaring towards this side.

Almost each of them is carrying large and small bags, which are filled with all kinds of treasures and treasures. Many black panthers behind them are tied to seven or eight women, many even ten. .

The clothes of these women are messy, some have been insulted by them, and there are tears on their faces!

Seeing Chen Feng standing in front of them, these dozens of Black Water Profound Snake soldiers looked ugly, and shouted sharply, "Little boy, are you looking for death?"

He looked like a leader of the Black Water Profound Snake soldier, without any hesitation, he sternly shouted: "Go on, kill him!"

"Yes." Suddenly, these Black Water Profound Snake soldiers rushed towards Chen Feng.

And Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Looking for death!"

He blasted out with a punch, and an extremely powerful force instantly enveloped these people.

Boom, boom, boom, these Black Water Profound Snake soldiers were all killed by Chen Feng!

They don't even say they fight back, and they didn't even react.

The little leader of the leading Heishui Profound Snake Tribe was still triumphant, looking at Chen Feng sullenly.

After seeing this scene, his whole person was stupid, his face instantly turned pale.

The next moment, when he saw Chen Feng walking towards him, his face immediately showed extreme horror.

Chen Feng stared at him and said with a sneer: "You are very happy to kill? It is very unscrupulous to slaughter my people from the Tianyuan Dynasty?"

"Now, die!"

With that, Chen Feng shot out with a palm.

The little head of the Black Water Profound Snake Department gave a scream of fright, thumped, fell to his knees, and screamed miserably: "Spare, spare my life."

But how could Chen Feng spare him?

The palm fell without stagnation and patted his forehead.

He snorted, before he even had time to scream, his whole body was cut off from vitality, his body tilted and he fell to the ground hard.

The movement here also shocked the heat of the other Black Water Profound Snake Tribes, they shouted one after another, rushing towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered, and suddenly he screamed: "You all deserve to die!"

As he said, his palms burst out, and King Kong pushed the mountain!

However, this King Kong pushing the mountain did not act on one person, but on all of them. The two huge dark golden palm prints were connected in the air, and then they slapped down fiercely.

Bang Bang Bang, on the ground, there are two more huge palm prints with a radius of hundreds of meters.

And all the members of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe who were photographed by this palm print have all died.

With Chen Feng's palm, he killed hundreds of people from the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe!

In an instant, all the members of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe were shocked and frightened to pee. All their eyes were focused on Chen Feng.

"Who is this? The strength is so powerful?"

"It's just a palm, so hundreds of our people were killed by him?"

They exclaimed one after another.

But at this moment, Chen Feng slowly raised his head, his eyes revealed a fierce murderous intent, looked at them, grinned slightly, but that smile was full of coldness!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You all deserve to die!"

He took a step forward, and these thousands of people from the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe were actually scared to take a step back.

They had no courage in front of Chen Feng.

At this time, suddenly, among the soldiers of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe, a middle-aged man in his forties strode out.

This middle-aged man looked like a general, the armor he wore was different from that of others, and the black panther he was riding was also exceptionally huge.

He stared at Chen Feng and sternly shouted: "Who are you? We are the soldiers of the Black Water Profound Snake Clan, crusade against the Tianyuan Dynasty, so you dare to be here as a car? You are just looking for death!"

Chen Feng sneered. Although this person pretended to be calm, from his voice, Chen Feng could hear the deep fear.

Obviously, he was already terrified of himself at this time.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Who am I? I am from the Tianyuan Dynasty. If you dare to invade the Tianyuan Dynasty, then you must be prepared to be killed!"

After speaking, Chen Feng screamed: "Kill!"

A punch was slammed, and in front of Chen Feng, the general of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe was no different from an ordinary soldier. Chen Feng slammed with this punch with an extremely powerful force.

The general screamed and screamed frantically, but it didn't work at all.

Chen Feng blasted out with a punch, and he flew out, and when he was in the air, the bones all over his body exploded and blood spurted wildly.

When it landed, it became a pool of rotten meat,

Chen Feng directly shattered his heart, shattered all the bones and internal organs, and completely cut off his vitality.

Seeing this scene, the remaining soldiers of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe were even more frightened.

When Chen Feng turned around and forced them towards them, they all fled out frantically.

Chen Feng sneered: "Escape? Can you escape?"

With that, he flashed in shape and madly chased him.

With one punch, it cut off hundreds of lives.

Chen Feng had no pity for them.

They have committed countless crimes, and everything in front of them is the best proof. Chen Feng wants to kill them all!

It took less than a cup of tea, and all the black water mysterious snake tribe thieves in this town were dead, and none survived!

Then, Chen Feng went to several other towns, and also killed the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe thief army in those towns, before leaving!

Chen Feng was all the way up, but he killed all the thief army of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe that he could encounter.

But for the rest, Chen Feng couldn't manage that much. From the information he got, it was known that this time the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe was invading the Tianyuan Dynasty with all its strength.

With hundreds of millions of troops attacking together, Chen Feng could not resist all the enemy troops no matter how alone.

No matter what, what he can do is limited.

Chen Feng just wanted to rush back to the Tianyuan Imperial City as soon as possible and report the news to the emperor, which would be more effective.

Chen Feng passed by a huge city, frowning.

Chen Feng remembered that this city was the largest city adjacent to the Southern Wilderness in the Tianyuan Dynasty, Lanyang City!

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