Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2291: Yin Shen

Old An sighed and said, "By now, I should also tell you many things."

Chen Feng listened immediately, looking forward and earnestly.

An old man said: "In this world, all warriors are not just pure warriors. In fact, pure warriors only account for a small part of all warriors, not even two Chengdu."

"There are other warriors, such as the alchemist."

Chen Feng nodded slowly, the alchemist was the first he had contact with, and he was also a alchemist.

Chen Feng said, "Isn't the soul corresponding to the martial artist?"

An old man looked at him with a smile and said, "That's neither right nor right."

"It can be said that all those who cultivate spiritual power can be called souls."

"But in fact, the stipulated statement circulated among us who are truly strong, the souls refer to those who cultivate spiritual power only cultivate spiritual power, and do not involve other professions, they are truly true. Soulman!"

Chen Feng nodded: "I see."

He asked: "So is there anyone who cultivates both spiritual power and martial arts? Like me."

Secretly said: "Of course there are, and there are many, but most of the people doing here are not good at low, and they can't practice martial arts well, and their mental strength is not good."

"From soul and martial arts dual cultivation to soul and martial arts cultivation is impossible! After all, the requirements for talents for soul and martial arts dual cultivation are too high."

He smiled and said, "Let's not talk about this first, let's talk about other things first."

"In addition to pure souls, there are many professions for cultivating spiritual power, such as animal trainers, for example, weapon refiners, and even medicine refiners."

"Because of these, all require strong spiritual power as support. If there is no strong spiritual power, even if there is force, it will be useless."

Chen Feng nodded.

"Warriors, do not use any other channels, never find another way, and point directly to the origin of the Dao! Other professions use other roads and other methods, and their ultimate goal is also the origin of the Dao."

"Even, the methods they use, the strength gained through those professions, are easier and more powerful than a simple warrior."

"For example, a beast trainer can train a powerful monster beast, and the strength of that monster beast can even be far better than him. With this monster beast, of course he can easily defeat warriors of the same level."

An old man continued: "Chen Feng, you have also cultivated mental power before, and you have cultivated very well, you have reached a fairly high level, and this is also related to your talent."

"But now you have to choose a focal point."

"Focus?" Chen Feng raised his brows: "Why?"

An old man said softly: "Because, after all, human energy is limited. Except for a very few Tianzong wizards, who have studied ancient and modern, and have talents with an incredible agenda, if you want to cultivate both soul and martial arts, then it is really very possible. Can't fix it."

"So, you have to choose a path, is it a warrior or a soul?"

Chen Feng asked, "What is your suggestion for me?"

An old man said: "My suggestion is that you take the path of the soul."

"Why?" Chen Feng asked, raising his brows.

An old man said: "You have now reached the first-grade soul sect, and the soul sect realm is already equivalent to the martial king realm of a martial artist, and you have cultivated to the fifth-grade soul sect realm, and you are already equivalent to the martial emperor realm.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "This means that the great realm of a soul is equivalent to the great realm of two warriors!"

"Yes, that's the case!" An Lao said: "And if you have cultivated to the level of the Ninth-Rank Soul Sect, then your soul can even become a yin god!"

"Yin God? What is Yin God?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, wondering what this meant, he had never heard of this concept before.

An old man smiled slightly and explained: "The so-called yin **** means that your soul can be condensed and become a separate individual, and this individual is very powerful and can even use various powerful spells."

"He can continue to exist in your body, but he can also fly out."

"What? Fly out? Is the soul out of the body?" Chen Feng asked in shock.

"You have to understand that it is okay for the soul to get out of its body." An Lao said:

"At the time. If your Yin God is produced, then, even if your body is damaged by others during the battle, and eventually your body is incurable and must die, you can guarantee that your Yin God will stay in this world."

"And the spirit staying in this world is actually equivalent to not dead!"

"That's it!" Chen Feng was shocked and extremely ecstatic.

He originally thought that the cultivation of this soul was much more tasteless than that of warriors, and apart from the mysterious skills, he had no expertise, but now it seems that he is shallow.

This soul is actually infinite, and if it can cultivate the Yin God, then it can be said that it can become an immortal body.

Although it is not a serious way of longevity, it can be said to be another way, at least the soul is immortal!

Moreover, the most basic requirement for cultivating Yin Shen is to possess the cultivation base of the Ninth-Rank Soul Sect. For Chen Feng, who has already become the First-Rank Soul Sect, this is not how far away!

A huge voice echoed in his heart: "This Yin God, I must cultivate, and I will not abandon the cultivation path of this soul."

"And the cultivation path of the same martial artist, I will not choose to let go."

Chen Feng looked at An Lao, smiled and said, "An Lao, besides the martial artist, what other professions are there?"

An old man counted his fingers and said, "That's too much, beast control master, tool refiner, pharmacist, array mage, etc., countless!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Okay, that's it."

"I not only want to cultivate the way of a martial artist, but I also need the way of a soul cultivator. I also want to be a tool refiner, a medicine refiner, a formation mage, and a beast master!"

"I will never let go of any profession!"

"What?" An old man was shocked when he heard it.

He has always been calm and calm looking at Chen Feng at this time, his face was extremely shocked, and he stammered: "Chen Feng, are you kidding me?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "An old man, do you think I look like a joke?"

"What? Do you really think so?" An Lao said: "Chen Feng, you have to know that this is enough for you to cultivate for a lifetime, or even a few lifetimes."

"Thousands of years may not be able to cultivate to the end, every discipline is broad and deep to the extreme, you want to cultivate everything."

He shook his head and said, "I think your choice is wrong."

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