Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2289: The realm of the First Grade Soul Sect!

He chuckled coldly and said, "I will capture you and ask you where the secret is, and then I will kill you again."

"As for the great opportunity, of course it belongs to me!"

As he said, he burst into laughter!

He was full of confidence in himself, thinking that Chen Feng could not be his opponent anyway.

An old man looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "As for the speculation about the martial arts technique, I won't talk about it. If you say that you can't get the strength here, it's bad."

He smiled and said: "There really is no martial art or technique to directly enhance your strength, but there are other aspects."

He bit the word'strength' particularly hard.

Chen Feng immediately felt the abnormality, his brows twitched, and his heart suddenly moved, and Fu Ling said with his heart: "Could it be that there is a way to enhance spiritual power here?"

Chen Feng thought about why An Lao had to mention whether his spirit was stimulated.

The dark old man laughed: "Yes, that's it!"

As he said, he pointed to the cloud above the sky and sighed: "You little fellow, you really didn't know when you entered Baoshan."

"It's all strong and incomparable, pure and extremely spiritual. If it flows outside, this cloud will not know how many people who cultivate spiritual power will rob it."

"In front of you, you don't even know you."

"All these are extremely strong mental power." Chen Feng looked at the clouds in the sky, and couldn't help but exclaim.

An Lao nodded slowly.

Chen Feng's heart was ecstatic for an instant, so many clouds, so many pure spiritual power, after he absorbed it, what huge benefits would he get?

An old man said: "Okay, let's practice now, time is running out."

Chen Feng nodded, he immediately floated up, sitting cross-legged in the void, very close to the clouds.

Then the next moment, he came into the spiritual world.

Driven by Chen Feng, the transparent divine light in his spiritual world immediately turned around, and the powerful suction power from the transparent divine light came out of Chen Feng's body.

When he touched those clouds, Chen Feng immediately felt aside. These clouds were originally so hard that Chen Feng almost had to be crushed alive when he hit them.

But at this time, attracted by the suction from the transparent divine light, these clouds instantly became as soft as cotton candy, and turned into silk like clouds of gas floating in the air.

Then, the transparent divine light shook, these white clouds seemed to feel the breath of the transparent divine light, and they immediately became extremely greedy, rushing into Chen Feng's body with extreme excitement, and went straight to the transparent divine light.

Then, it is directly absorbed by the transparent light.

In an instant, the transparent divine light shined.

The white cloud flocks were constantly being absorbed, and the transparent divine light skyrocketed wildly, and in a blink of an eye it had grown to more than ten feet long.

He also let out a whimper of satisfaction, and those dissatisfaction just disappeared without a trace!

And Chen Feng didn't have the slightest satisfaction, and the transparent divine light didn't have the slightest satisfaction. He was still absorbing it crazily.

I saw that with Chen Feng as the center at this time, all the white clouds around him were swept away, forming an existence similar to a huge vortex in the sky.

Chen Feng is right in the center of this vortex, and all the clouds revolve around the vortex.

The heavens and the earth changed their colors, and a large number of clouds were decomposed into the purest spiritual power, which entered Chen Feng's body in a state like a cloud, and was swallowed by the transparent divine light.

The transparent divine light skyrocketed wildly, twenty feet, thirty feet, forty feet, fifty feet...

In the end, it reached the length of one hundred feet.

One hundred feet, which is three hundred meters long!

The transparent divine light had become so huge, and when the transparent divine light reached a hundred feet in length, Chen Feng suddenly felt that there was a buzz in his mind, as if something had been directly broken.

And this was not an illusion, because Chen Feng was immersed in the spiritual space at this time, and he could clearly hear the sound of Carrara in the spiritual world, like a crystal breaking.

Then, Chen Feng saw that the transparent divine light was spinning frantically, moving around in the air, faster and faster.

And he had been exhaling mental power before, and at this time, it was radiating outwards with a gray misty light. In an instant, this gray light began to quietly diffuse from the spiritual world.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt that there were countless threads appearing above his body, connected with this spiritual world.

He took a deep breath, and suddenly there was this great joy and great relief in his heart.

It seems that he is supreme in this spiritual world, and he can do whatever he wants.

Do whatever you want!

Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised: "This, what kind of feeling is this? Why does it feel like this?"

Beside him, An Lao appeared quietly and smiled and said: "Chen Feng, congratulations, you have now stepped into the realm of the First Grade Soul Sect."

"And the feeling that you have now is the feeling that can construct the space of the soul."

"What? Constructing the Soul Space?" Chen Feng was surprised.

He knew a long time ago how powerful the soul-man space was, and he knew how difficult it was to construct the soul-man space.

And now, he has actually reached this qualification.

"Yes." An old man said with a smile: "You already have this qualification now."

He suddenly screamed: "Now, hold your breath and listen to me teach you a secret and mysterious technique for building a soul-man space!"

"Yes!" Chen Feng took a deep breath and immediately abandoned his mind. The whole person became extremely quiet, listening to An Lao's voice with his ears upright.

An old man spoke slowly, and an extremely profound and subtle method flowed out of his mouth slowly.

After Chen Feng heard it, he didn't even have to think about it, and he immediately understood what it meant.

After a long time, An Lao had just finished reading, and Chen Feng had completely understood it.

He was shocked that this was a very powerful technique. Chen Feng didn't know where Anlao got it, but he dared to conclude that the level of this mysterious skill was absolutely extremely high.

This also made him ecstatic, because even if it was the same level of the first-grade soul sect, if the cultivation method used to construct the soul person space was different, the power of the soul person space constructed would be different.

And what An Lao taught was undoubtedly the most top-level technique for constructing the Soul Person Space.

An Lao was beside him, and said with some worry: "Listen clearly, do you understand?"

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