Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2285: In desperation

He couldn't even catch his breath, there was a pain between his chest and lungs, and even the inside of his throat was hot, and a smell of fishy sweetness was radiating from time to time.

Suddenly, Chen Feng uttered a wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, he was vomiting blood from running.

In the next step, if Chen Feng runs like this, he will run to death.

But Chen Feng didn't dare not run like this.

Because, compared to his strength, his light-weight technique is really too bad, and the speed of advancement is too slow.

Therefore, Chen Feng now simply uses the power of the dragon descending Arhat to drive his body to run, and he has abandoned the previous light body exercises.

But even so, Chen Feng knew that he couldn't escape the attack of Li Binbai behind him.

Therefore, Chen Feng did not hesitate.

In three days, after three full days, Chen Feng estimated that he had already run hundreds of thousands of miles away!

But he still felt unsafe. On his back, Yaoyao's face was also pale.

For these three days, she was not having a good time.

After all, she is a little girl with low strength, even if she is extremely talented, her strength is limited.

After these three days, for her, it was like **** torture.

But she knew that Chen Feng was more tired and bitter than him, so she gritted her teeth and did not make any uncomfortable sounds. Instead, she stretched out her sleeves from time to time to wipe sweat on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng raised his head and saw that not far in front, there was a tall and active cliff. The height might be as high as five to six hundred thousand meters. On both sides, there are huge stretches of mountains. There is no edge at all.

This mountain range is like a huge screen, suddenly rising from the ground.

At the end of the cliff, there are countless huge trees growing, which is obviously a huge mountain.

Even though there are many mountains in the Southern Wilderness, Chen Feng has never seen such a huge one.

There was a touch of fortune on his face, and he said, "Yao Yao, this mountain is so huge, there should be a very strong monster inside."

"We will run into this mountain. If Li Binbai comes after him, maybe the strong man will fight him first, and we will have a chance to escape!"

At this moment, suddenly, a faint voice came from behind: "Chen Feng, you are really fast enough to run!"

The sound was very soft, but it fell in Chen Feng's ears, and it was no different from the sound of a Ben Lei.

This is the voice of Li Binbai.

When Chen Feng looked back, Li Binbai had already caught up.

There are still many wounds on his body, and his face is a little haggard, and there is blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the injury caused by that blow a few days ago was definitely not easy to heal.

At this time, he was still seriously injured.

But Chen Feng knew very well that even so, he was not his opponent.

Li Binbai's voice was cold: "I originally planned to give you two a happy one, so I would kill you and eat her, but now it seems that this is not possible!"

He smiled sullenly: "If you were to fight with your hands, it would be fine, but you still dare to resist? You dare to hurt me? How can I easily spare you two?"

"Chen Feng, I will torture you to death. As for you, you little girl, although you are not very old, but it happens that I am very interested in your body!"

He chuckled slyly: "A little girl who is so beautiful and cute, if she plays with it, she must be very refreshing!"

As he said, he let out a lewd smile.

Chen Feng heard the whole body cold, and screamed: "Old stuff, you are simply a beast!"

Li Bin Baiyin sneered: "Yes, but what can you do to me?"

With that said, a palm hit!

Chen Feng hurriedly took Yaoyao into his arms and protected her, but this also made him unable to block this palm at all.

With a bang, Chen Feng spurted blood, and was directly smashed for several kilometers, hitting heavily on a cliff.

Chen Feng felt that all his bones were about to break.

One punch, just one punch, severely injured Chen Feng.

Even, at this time, his vision is already blurred!

The two-star Wuhuang realm is really terrifying!

Then, Li Binbai stepped forward again. He pulled Chen Feng by the collar and lifted him up, with a grinning smile, suddenly a punch on his chest and abdomen.

With a wow, Chen Feng spewed out another big mouthful of blood, and his chest and abdomen were almost beaten to death.

A puff of blood leaked out from behind him, rushing fiercely on the rock wall.

Li Bin smiled and said, "Dare to kill my grandson, right?"

As he said, he punched Chen Feng's shoulder again, and this one almost smashed Chen Feng's left shoulder, and another large piece of blood sprayed on the cliff.

He grinned again and said, "Dare to resist, right?"

With that, it was another punch.

He shouted sharply: "You dare to hurt me, right?"

Another punch!

He punched every time he asked.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of punches were already punched, and every one of these punches hit Chen Feng.

It's just that he deliberately tortured into madness, and didn't make any heavy moves at all, otherwise, a punch would be enough to kill Chen Feng.

He was to torture Chen Feng and make him suffer.

And such continuous blows made Chen Feng almost unbearable.

His body is like a tattered puppet, rubbed to and fro in Li Binbai's hands!

Chen Feng almost lost consciousness, his eyes were blurred!

At this time, his power of the dragon descending Arhat was exhausted, and the four dragon descending Arhat Bright Orbs were extremely dim.

His martial arts Tianhe has also dried up!

However, what everyone didn't notice was that at this moment Chen Feng's blood quietly poured into the ancient scroll he placed next to him.

This ancient scroll exactly describes the location of the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang.

After soaking Chen Feng's blood donation, the next moment, on the ancient scroll, a touch of pureness to the extreme, composed entirely of black and white, quietly released.

Then, it was splashed on the cliff.

After that, there was a slight sway on the cliff, but there was no movement.

At the next moment, the cliff seemed to be alive. In this black and white light, Chen Feng's blood quietly penetrated, and then the blood began to turn on the cliff.

In the end, a pattern of yin and yang is formed, black and white.

At a glance, on this cliff, Chen Feng's blood gathered into tens of thousands of small yin and yang patterns!

And the next moment, these yin and yang patterns actually gave birth to an induction, which penetrated directly into Chen Feng's body.

At this time, Chen Feng was in a state of confusion, and he felt like he was falling and falling crazily.

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