Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2282: Escape from the black water mysterious snake department

But when I saw the great witch doctor, the guard on this face immediately disappeared, turning into a strong feeling of nostalgia and admiration.

There was a look of joy on her face, and she shouted, "Grandpa, you are here."

It turned out that the great witch doctor turned out to be her grandfather.

The great witch doctor also showed a loving smile on his face, but he didn't have time to say more, he just lowered his voice and said, "Yaoyao, you will follow this big brother from now on and listen to him, do you hear?"

Yaoyao glanced at Chen Feng suspiciously, but didn't say much, just nodded sensibly.

There was even more worry in her eyes.

At this time, the great witch doctor no longer explained to her any more, and directly grabbed her by the hand, and it was the two of them with Chen Feng that led her to rush out.

With a wave of his sleeve, he still fascinated everyone in the courtyard.

But something unexpected happened. Just when the three of them stepped out of the courtyard, there was a loud warning sound in the courtyard, and there were countless rays of light drifting out of the courtyard, condensing in the sky above the courtyard. A huge white jade mirror.

This white jade mirror gleamed brightly, extremely dazzling.

In an instant, the entire Heishui Profound Snake Tribe's central location could be seen clearly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was shocked.

The great witch doctor smiled bitterly and said: "Sure enough, as I expected, they value Yaoyao far more than me, and it is impossible not to impose restrictions on her."

"As soon as Yaoyao left the courtyard, the alarm sounded loudly in the courtyard."

He shouted violently: "Go! Go!"

The three of Chen Feng did not hide their whereabouts, but rushed outward at a very fast speed!

And at this time, from the holy mountain in the center, there was already a roar, and seven or eight silhouettes were chasing here.

The one at the foremost is the dead wood elder.

After seeing Elder Witherwood, the great witch doctor immediately showed a sense of despair on his face. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "You quickly take the saint out, I will stop them!"

Chen Feng nodded, he didn't even stop at the slightest, just grabbed Yaoyao, and swiftly swept out.

He didn't even turn his head back.

The two of them had already agreed, and what Chen Feng had to do now was to complete the agreement between them.

He admires this kind and wise elder very much, so the best way to respect him is to fulfill his entrustment.

Chen Feng only heard a roar and crazy crashing behind him, obviously they had already started.

After Chen Feng stopped hiding his speed, he was almost at the extreme.

At this time, in front of Chen Feng, more than a dozen figures also rose into the sky. Among them were these half-step martial arts realm powerhouses, and a large number of martial arts realm masters.

These are the next-level powerhouses in the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe, and they should not be underestimated either.

Chen Feng roared: "Get away!"

In the next moment, a burst of bronze light flashed from his body, and his body instantly turned into a seven-treasure body of bronze, like the ancient fine bronze casting, rushing forward frantically.

With one punch, he smashed two half-step martial arts masters to death, and then kicked them out again, and a bunch of martial arts masters were killed by him!

With just one punch and kick, Chen Feng had killed them all and opened a way.

Seeing this scene, the rest of those who lifted into the air also exclaimed: "This person is amazing, not to be underestimated!"

People continued to fly into the air to intercept, but after Chen Feng turned into a seven-bronze body, his strength was extremely powerful and almost indestructible. They had nothing to do with Chen Feng.

Those who can deal with Chen Feng have been blocked by the great witch doctor.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng finally came to the edge of this tribe!

At this time, Chen Feng also heard a screaming scream from behind, which belonged to the great witch doctor.

Yaoyao had always been squeezing a small face, her face was extremely cold, without the slightest change in her expression, but at this time, he finally couldn't help it anymore and let out a stern cry, tears streaming down her face.

When Chen Feng looked back at this time, he could see nothing but a powerful voice resounding.

The great witch doctor shouted sternly: "Your Royal Highness, you must escape, you must save your life, only you can feed me and leave a trace of seedlings for my white elephant tribe and a trace of blood!"

"Only when you are here, our white elephant tribe can continue to pass on!"

The voice stopped abruptly. Obviously, this respectable old man had been killed.

Chen Feng said softly: "Let's go!"

As soon as he pulled the clothes of the saint of the White Elephant tribe, the two quickly left here and disappeared into the darkness of the distant mountains.

After a while, Elder Deadwood and others came here.

His face was extremely cold, and he said with a cold voice: "Search, search for me, dig three feet in the ground, and find those two people out!"

But where is it so easy?

It is easy for them to destroy a tribe, because there are many people in the tribe, it is difficult to relocate, and it is a bit too difficult to find two people in this vast jungle, one of whom is still a powerhouse equivalent to a one-star martial emperor. Up.

Here is a vast jungle.

Chen Feng was running wildly in the jungle with Yaoyao, the saint of the White Elephant tribe. His direction was toward the north, which was a full 170,000 miles away from the Blackwater Profound Snake Tribe.

It was hundreds of thousands of miles away from the border between the Southern Wilderness and the Tianyuan Dynasty.

Chen Feng's current goal is naturally to return to the Tianyuan Dynasty.

At this time, the chasers sent by the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe were completely left behind by him. They didn't even catch Chen Feng's shadow, so Chen Feng escaped.

I don't know how long he ran. After a long time, Chen Feng felt the fire in his chest and lungs. He just stopped and took a long breath.

Then, he found a quiet and remote mountain valley, turned around and looked at Xiang Yaoyao.

Yaoyao stepped down from Chen Feng's back and said nothing, but walked to sit quietly on a rock next to her and said nothing.

Chen Feng looked at her, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Yaoyao has been like this since the night he escaped from the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe, she said nothing.

Give her food, she will eat, give her a drink, she will drink, but she said nothing.

Chen Feng knows why. She is overwhelmed. As an adult, the pain of losing a loved one is almost unbearable, not to mention that she is just a child.

Chen Feng walked to him, squatted down, and said softly, "Yaoyao, your grandfather has passed away, and people cannot come back from death."

"But you can fulfill his sustenance and hope for you during his lifetime."

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