Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2277: Deep into the Southern Wilderness

He turned around and left without any hesitation, and his direction was also to the south!

Here is an extremely prosperous town, located on the bank of the mountain and river, extremely rich.

And more importantly, this is the main way to communicate between the north and the south. If you want to go from the Tianyuan Imperial City to the Southern Wilderness, you will inevitably pass through here.

If you go to other places, you need to take a detour and walk a lot in vain.

An old man quietly appeared in the city. He took a deep breath and waved his hand, as if he wanted to distinguish the smell in the air.

After a long time, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly: "Chen Feng, I caught your breath!"

He smiled slightly, walked around the city, and continued to chase south.

This city is several million miles away from Tianyuan Imperial City, and this is also the tenth day he has pursued Chen Feng.

He was not in a hurry to kill Chen Feng, but followed little by little to determine his whereabouts clues, ready to act after the Southern Wilderness!

Because he still has no plans.

One month later.

Chen Feng looked at the vast jungle in front of him and let out a long suffocation.

Here is the Southern Wilderness.

At this time, Chen Feng stood on the bank of a big river.

The width of the river is a hundred miles, and the smoke is steaming from it, and if it is an ordinary warrior, it is impossible to see everything on the opposite side.

Chen Feng looked carefully, and saw that the south bank of the river was a vast jungle. This jungle seemed to be endless. I don't know how many mountains there are and dense trees grow on it.

It's just separated by a river, but the trees over there give people a very rich feeling.

In fact, this is also true. At this time, the trees on this side have just spit out young buds, and the trees on the other side are already green, the green is so thick that it is almost a little black, and it can't be wiped off!

"There, it's Nanhuang!"

"To the north of this Nanjiang River is the territory of the Tianyuan Dynasty, and to the south is the territory of the Southern Wasteland."

And when Chen Feng came along, he also saw the ferocity of these southern barbarians.

Within a thousand miles north of this river, Chen Feng didn't see anyone. That's right. It should be said that there had been people here.

He saw many abandoned cities and towns along the way. Village, but there is no one left.

The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no **** crowing for thousands of miles.

From the traders passing by, Chen Feng knew that they were killed by the barbarians in the Southern Wilderness.

There were countless hundreds of families in the Southern Wilderness. The officers and soldiers encircled and suppressed them. They hid in the mountains and forests. Once the officers and soldiers retreated, they came out again to kill.

Moreover, the truly powerful southern barbarians are hiding in the depths of the barbarians, and no officers and soldiers can touch them.

The officers and soldiers were too troubled, and finally gave up the land.

It's just that the fortress is set up in this place thousands of miles away from the north of the river, and the southern barbarians can't harass again.

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "The hope of curing Uncle Dao is there."

His figure flickered again and again, and soon he crossed the big river, and what appeared in front of him was the forest like splashing ink.

Chen Feng strode in.

Here is a small village.

No, strictly speaking, it should be a wild tribe, but it is more than a thousand households, and Dingkou is four to five thousand at most.

They lived in a small river valley, which was no more than tens of miles long, with a river about four to five feet wide in the middle, passing through the valley, and the village was next to the river.

Most of the villages are built of bamboo, which looks rather crude.

But there are exceptions.

In the center of this village is a palace, three stories high, and it is rare to be built with large stones and huge trees.

However, although it is much taller than other bamboo buildings, there is no glorious atmosphere at all.

Because the entire hall was smeared into a dark color by a strange paint!

In front of the hall, there are two wood-carved totem poles with strange figures carved on them.

On the top of the totem pole, there is a string of skulls. I don't know how to concoct these skulls. The whole body is pitch black, and the only contraction is the size of a child's fist, which looks terrifying.

At this time, a figure entered the village.

He didn't deliberately conceal his whereabouts, he just swaggered in.

In fact, he didn't need to deliberately conceal his strength, even if he walked into the village in broad daylight, no one would be able to find it inside.

Of course, the premise is that he is willing.

With a glance, he saw this hall, and then slowly nodded: "Yes, this is it."

This person is naturally Chen Feng.

It was just that his expression was a little embarrassed at this time, his shirt was a little torn, and there were several large and small wounds, which had not yet fully healed.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Since I entered the Southern Wilderness, I have walked hundreds of villages, and every village is like this!"

"Among the villages, the largest and most beautiful building is definitely the residence of witch doctors."

"And the witch doctor is the most knowledgeable person in this village. There is nothing wrong with asking them about the Taiyi Land Spirit Snow Lotus."

Chen Feng swaggered in and walked in.

In this hall, there is an old man sitting cross-legged. He is wearing a multicolored robe made of various bird feathers. There are also various messy decorations hanging on it.

For example, burnt skulls, teeth and toes of wild beasts.

He didn't know how long he hadn't taken a shower, his hair was in locks, his body was smelly, and his face was dark.

At this moment, he stared in front of him without blinking.

In front of him was a firepit, and there seemed to be some poisonous snakes burning in the firepit. These poisonous snakes were twisting and rolling, making a hissing sound in their mouths.

And waiting for the poisonous snake to be burned to half-rot and scorched black, the witch doctor grinned and revealed his pitch-black teeth.

To him, it seemed that the lump in his hand was extremely delicious food, and his greedy saliva flowed down.

He smiled, opened his big mouth, and stuffed the group of poisonous snakes that hadn't completely died into his own mouth, and then chewed it all over.

Blood splattered.

After a long time, he sighed long, his face was full of cozy and refreshing colors, as if he had eaten the supreme delicacy in the world!

At this time, a voice came from the side: "Is it delicious?"

"What?" The witch doctor almost jumped up in fright.

No, he must have jumped up, jumping three feet high, and then suddenly looking back, he saw a young man standing behind him at this time, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The witch doctor shouted in horror: "Who?"

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