Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2275: Destroy the White Elephant Tribe!

After their tribe was annihilated by the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe, all the males in the tribe were dragged into the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe as slaves, and the strong and strong were dragged into the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe Army to serve. !

Now, the size of the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe's army has expanded tenfold.

It was similar to the White Elephant Tribe a year ago, but now it is part of the Stable White Elephant Tribe, and it should be said that it is far more than that.

At this moment, in the largest camp facing the south gate of the White Elephant Tribe.

This camp is magnificent and magnificent. It is not as simple as other camps. It is a luxurious palace with a radius of several thousand meters and dozens of stories high.

And this palace is entirely built of precious metal gems such as gold, jade, gems, amethyst, etc. It looks extremely gorgeous.

Under the light of the surrounding torches, there were bursts of bright light.

This is the palace of the supreme queen of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe!

The empress’ palace is extremely high, hundreds of meters higher than the surrounding area, and the entire palace will shake from time to time, and it looks even more radiant.

If you look closely, it will definitely shock people.

It turned out that this palace was built on top of a giant.

This behemoth is a giant land turtle.

This giant tortoise has a body length difference of more than 10,000 meters, a width of several thousand meters, and a height of more than 300 meters. His two pillars stand on the ground like giant pillars, and the carapace on his body is even more impressive. There are tens of meters in thickness.

The whole color is like bronze, shining with the heavy light of metal.

Above his head, there is a huge bronze horn 100 meters long.

And behind this bronze horn, there is a row of plot spikes, stretching from the head to the back, and spreading to the huge tail!

This giant tortoise is actually about the same size as the dragon tortoise Chen Feng saw in the Tongtian River.

At this moment, he seemed to be asleep, closed his eyes, shaking from time to time, making a humming sound in his mouth.

And at this moment, on his back, in the palace of the empress, there was a bright light and a loud voice.

In the most central hall, the woman Yuechan stood high on the top seat, holding the little baby girl in her arms.

Next to her, there was Elder Wither Wood. Obviously, the status of Elder Wither Wood was distinguished from the others, which seemed very unusual.

On both sides of the lower head, there are hundreds of generals standing, and every general is full of spirits at this time!

One of them laughed loudly: "Congratulations to your Majesty, to my Blackwater Black Snake Tribe. This white elephant tribe has been under our siege for several months. The warriors in the tribe have suffered more than half of their injuries. If you can’t go down anymore, you will surely open the city like her majesty the queen!"

Yuechan looked at them, smiled and said, "This is all the merits of the soldiers, of course,"

She looked at Elder Witherwood and said with a smile: "Elder Witherwood is in the middle of planning and planning, and the credit is the first."

Elder Withered Wood smiled and arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your compliments, Your Majesty, I dare not be the next."

He was extremely proud of himself, and suddenly felt a little bit emotional.

In this year, many things have really changed.

During this year, the cooperation between him and Yuechan became more and more tacit, Yuechan controlled the overall situation, and he was doing small moves in private.

In just one year, the other two elders who did the right thing were sent by him to attack the very hard bones, and they gave orders to die. If they can’t be beaten, not only will he die, but the members of his clan will also suffer. Punishing.

As a result, the two elders couldn't help but not work their lives.

As a result, the two elders were killed in battle, and even the elder who stood in line with the deadwood elder was forced to fight to death by his tricks.

Now, he is the only one left among the four elders, and he has the power!

"But..." He glanced at Yuechan, sighed secretly, suppressed the pride in his heart, and warned himself softly in his heart: "Your Majesty is not something you can provoke."

"Now she has gone through several years of conquests and repeated victories. In the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe and even among the hundreds of Southern Wilderness tribes, she can already be regarded as unparalleled. If she dares to move him, she will be The crowd began to punish!"

He has made up his mind now to help the queen well, not dare to give birth to strange thoughts.

Yuechan looked at everyone, her face suddenly became cold, and said coldly: "The generals listen to orders!"

"No!" everyone clasped their fists and bowed their heads, respectfully waiting for her to continue.

Yue Chan's voice is not loud, but every word is full of cold and solemn meaning: "Go back today, tell all the soldiers, replenish their energy, and make a full attack tomorrow morning. The White Elephant Tribe must be taken down within three days. !"

"Yes!" The crowd should be enthusiastic, imagining how much property they can grab and how many slaves they can get after taking the White Elephant Tribe.

Even more lustful, is already thinking about whether the famous beauties in the White Elephant tribe can take their turn to own them.

Following Her Majesty the Queen and Elder Withered Wood has such a benefit. Needless to say, Her Majesty the Queen, she is a woman, and Elder Withered Wood is not good at being a woman if she cultivates quietly.

Therefore, after each tribe is defeated, the most outstanding women are usually assigned by them, which makes them very happy!

Soon, everyone in this hall was gone, and they went down to prepare. Only Yuechan, the baby girl in her arms, and the dead wood elders were left.

Yuechan stood up slowly and walked forward. She walked out of the hall, and with a light jump, she landed on the huge spikes.

The surface of the spikes was so sharp that even the general martial emperor realm powerhouse could not stand on it, but it could not hurt her at all.

She jumped on it, and Elder Withered Wood felt a little astonished. It seemed that he didn't realize until then that this majesty, who had frightened the surrounding tens of millions of miles, was just a little girl less than twenty years old. what!

At this moment, she jumped on top of the spikes, her skirts flying, with a cheerful smile on her face, she seemed to be completely relaxed, she had forgotten everything behind her head, and her mood was unspeakably happy and relaxed.

Even chuckles like silver bells from time to time.

Behind her, Elder Withered Wood looked at with a smile.

After a while, she finally came to the head of the giant dragon tortoise, and then gently stroked the long bronze horns on the top of the dragon tortoise. The dragon tortoise seemed very comfortable and comfortable, and she couldn't help but shiver all over her throat. The gurgling sound.

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