Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2259: breakthrough! The fourth heaven!

Liu Chengyi didn't know how much Chen Feng listened, so he nodded.

The old madman laughed loudly, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder heavily, and said, "Chen Feng, do it when you think about it, don't be afraid of you!"

Chen Feng smiled: "Don't worry!"

He knew that the two were really doing it for their own good.

After the two left, the calm color on Chen Feng's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a sneer.

Uncle Dao looked at him next to him, and asked softly: "Little Master, what do you want to do?"

"What to do? Of course it is a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth, his voice was extremely cold and harsh: "The sun beats that old thing, I want his life!"

"I want the Lieyang family to pay for today's affairs!"

His voice was full of awe-inspiring meaning, as if he had made the most solemn oath.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, looked at Uncle Dao, and said, "Uncle Dao, today is my responsibility."

Uncle Dao said: "Don't say that, no one can blame what happened today."

"No!" Chen Feng's voice was very firm, and said: "It is my responsibility. During this period, I am indeed a little more stable, a little more smooth, and a little proud of the spring breeze."

"I behead the giants, I destroy the soldiers and weapons, I behead the half-step Martial Emperor Realm Emperor Lieyang Wenrui, all this makes me a little complacent."

"At the same time, it also made me relax my guard. I should have thought that the Lieyang family would not let me go so easily."

"So, I am to blame for this matter today!"

Chen Feng said, stroking the blood wind in his arms. The blood wind was seriously injured at this time, and he let out a painful moan from time to time in Chen Feng's arms.

It was so small that Chen Feng felt distressed.

He gritted his teeth and said: "So, starting today, I will retreat and cultivate hard. I will make Lieyang Family pay the price of blood!"

He suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, screaming: "When I break through, it will be time to kill the Lieyang Family!"

Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the top of Zuwang Cliff. At this time, his expression was extremely calm, Gujing was waveless, and there was no fluctuation.

In Chen Feng's palm, there were three demon pills.

These three demon pills are all golden yellow, boundless light waves escaping from the inside, and the golden bright light illuminates the surrounding area within a hundred meters.

And in these three golden demon pills, there seemed to be a small world.

The golden light wave has solidified into a golden sand like substance, flowing slowly inside, tilting up and down.

Chen Feng knows exactly what this sands is.

This sands is power!

This golden sand is the essence of the powerful power of these demon kings before they were alive!

These three demon pills were obtained from the three-headed nine-star demon king.

Every demon pill, the power radiating from it is extremely surging, more than ten times more powerful than the demon pill of the previous Eight-Star Demon King?

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "Now, it's time for a breakthrough."

"I use the cultivation base of the third heaven peak of the Dragon Arhat Scripture, which can only be equivalent to half a step in the martial emperor realm, and it is impossible to deal with the one-star martial emperor like the sun."

"I only hope that after absorbing these three demon pills today, I can make a breakthrough."

In the next moment, Chen Fengzhen emphasized it, and held a golden demon pill the size of a small vinegar jar with extremely solemn hands.

In addition to the golden light inside this golden demon pill, there was still a hint of white light flashing.

The white light was extremely sharp, without any gentleness, like a steel knife out of its sheath.

Do not drink blood, do not return the sheath!

This demon pill belongs to the sky hunter, the sky hunter, belongs to the golden monster.

Therefore, the demon pill showed such a state.

Today, it has been more than a month since the last time Chen Feng was attacked. In more than half a month, Chen Feng will be raising his body.

In this process, Wudong Academy gave him a great help.

Feng Hongyun specially brought a Jiuhua Dilu pill to Chen Feng, and the old madman and Liu Chengyi also gifted him some pills.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Chen Feng to recover in such a short period of time. After all, he was injured too badly last time!

Now, with these medicines, not only Chen Feng, but also Uncle Dao and Blood Wind have recovered.

Chen Feng left these distracting thoughts behind him, and then, the three dragon descending Arhat Light Orbs in his body circulated together, and all the strength of the descending dragon Arhat came out!

The nine-star demon king's demon pill is extremely powerful, and its defenses are also very tyrannical. Chen Feng did not dare to underestimate it. All his power of the dragon descending arhat surged toward this golden demon pill.

But what shocked Chen Feng was that when his dragon descending Arhat power hit it, it immediately caused the golden demon pill to rebound.

In this golden demon pill, the phantom of a sky-reaching hunter appeared. This sky-reaching hunter waved the three hunting forks in his hand and stared at Chen Feng with spiteful and angry eyes, as if to He killed it!

But how could Chen Feng give him such a chance?

He was never Chen Feng's opponent before he was alive, let alone now, he can now say that he has no threat to Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the power of the dragon descending arhat surged out, and directly erased and killed the phantom.

Then, the power of the dragon descending Arhat slammed on the demon pill again.

After the first hit, it didn't break any cracks at all.

The second time is still the same.

It's the third time...

After a full hour, this golden demon pill was still extremely strong, and there was no crack at all.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and suddenly his heart moved, and then his power of descending the dragon and Arhat directly transformed, from the shape just like a sledgehammer into a sharp cone.

This sharp cone was extremely sharp and pierced fiercely on it.

Therefore, Chen Feng immediately saw that a small dent appeared on the surface of the golden demon pill.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and it seemed that this method worked.

Then, the sharp cone condensed by the strength of the dragon descending arhat pierced fiercely.

Finally, half an hour later, with a boom, a gap was broken on the surface of this golden demon pill.

Then, the golden sand has generally condensed into substantial power, fiercely rushing out of the golden demon pill, and directly poured into Chen Feng's dantian.

As soon as this power entered his body, Chen Feng immediately felt like drinking alcohol, feeling his body relaxed to the extreme, almost ecstatic.

This golden sand possesses incomparably powerful and abundant power.

This power poured directly into the three luminous orbs of the dragon descending arhat, and then turned slightly among them, it was transformed into the power of the dragon descending arhat.

As if it was the last straw that crushed the camel, Chen Feng felt that with a boom, something in his body seemed to be broken, as if some shackles were untied.

The next moment, the surging power of the dragon descending Arhat circulated from the three dragon descending Arhat Bright Orbs, and directly in Chen Feng's Dantian, it formed another Dragon descending Arhat Bright Orb.

This Dragon Dropping Arhat Bright Pearl is extremely subtle, only the size of a grain of rice, but it is extremely radiant, showing a bright golden color from the beginning, completely different from the other three.

Obviously, the quality of this dragon descending Arhat Bright Pearl is higher than the other three!

Chen Feng's dragon power directly increased to 8,000!

His realm also broke through into the fourth heaven!

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