Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2244: The word shocked the world!

Xue Yankai was a little bit embarrassed at this time, and a voice in his heart roared loudly: "I'm afraid of what he does, and what am I afraid of this kid?"

He immediately stood up, pointed at Chen Feng, and cursed: "Chen Feng, you untouchable! You idiot! What do you know about you?"

"You can't do anything! I just dare to say that you can't write poems or lyrics, don't pretend to be here! You think you pretend, can't we see it?"

"Tell you? You can't pretend to hide the fact that you are a trash bag!"

Chen Feng ignored him, only looked far away.

Here is enough to overlook the entire Tianyuan Imperial City.

At this time, it was night.

The entire Tianyuan imperial city was celebrating the Mandala Flower Festival. People cheered and celebrated on the street. People carried countless lanterns and mountains, and swaggered past the street.

These lamp trees, these lamp mountains, are extremely beautiful and radiant, blooming bright light in this dark night.

"Dongfeng night puts flowers and trees, and blows them down, the stars are like rain!"

Chen Feng suddenly spoke, groaning manly.

As soon as these three sentences came out, the whole venue was quiet, everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Chen Feng with disbelief.

This opening made it clear that Chen Feng's poem was absolutely extraordinary!

And at the moment when Chen Feng's voice fell, suddenly, in the direction of the palace of the Tianyuan imperial city, there was a clear and sharp shout from the mighty generation, and the power surged out.

The entire Tianyuan Dynasty seemed to be shocked.

Then, suddenly there were countless meteorites falling above the sky.

These meteorites cut through the sky, and due to violent friction, they turned into huge fireballs, illuminating the entire night sky with brilliance, and they plunged down rapidly with their long tail flames, like the stars in the sky, they all swayed because of this!

This is a project performed at the Mandala Flower Festival every year. Powerful men with supreme power urge meteorites from the sky to make them fall!

Exactly, the stars are like rain!

This feast of falling stars, the countless falling meteors, gave Chen Feng the best comment on this poem.

In the midst of the falling stars, Chen Feng then slowly said: "BMW carvings are all over the road, the phoenix flute is moving, the jade pot is spinning, and the fish and dragon dance overnight!"

"The golden strands of the moth snow willow, the smile is full of fragrance."

"People look for him thousands of Baidu,"

Soon, the word is coming to an end.

Chen Feng walked slowly in the field. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Han Yu'er. He smiled slightly and said, "Looking back suddenly, that person is in the dim light!"

The next moment, the fireworks bloom.

The entire city is shrouded in a patch of colorful fireworks. The cheers of people can still be heard so far away.

What a prosperous world, what a beautiful poem!

When Chen Feng's last sentence slowly spit out from his embroidered mouth, there was a slight smile on his face.

On the other side, Han Yu'er, with bright eyes, looked at Chen Feng with affection.

Then, this smile turned into a joke, looked at Xue Yankai, smiled and said: "Brother Xue, how about my poem? Can you still read it?"

There was silence in the field, no one spoke, everyone looked at Chen Feng with shocked eyes!

There was a deep shock in their eyes, a color of disbelief.

And the next moment, this shock, this unbelievable, turned into endless heat, admiration, and even worship!

The next moment, Lin Moyu stood up suddenly, clapped loudly, and said loudly: "Okay, it's really a good word!"

He had always been very unconscious, with his eyelids drooped, leaning there, and even felt like he was asleep.

At this time, his face was full of excitement, his eyes gleaming, he was obviously excited to the extreme.

And the root of all his excitement was because of Chen Feng's words.

His applause, his applause, as if it were a beginning, everyone stood up and applauded heartily.

"This poem is really wonderful!"

Beside Lin Moyu, Zhou Dezhao sighed: "The old man has lived for more than one hundred and seventy years, and has heard countless poems, but he said bluntly, this time is the best."

This old man was an imperial Hanlin from the Hanlin Academy, but his home was in the Tianyuan Imperial City, so he was also invited over.

Although his status is not particularly high, he is just an ordinary Hanlin bachelor, but he has stayed in the Hanlin Academy for more than 100 years, and his prestige is extremely high. The poems he has read are even more unknown, and he is even regarded as a lexicon.

This means that there are few poetry in Tianyuan Imperial City that he doesn't know.

His words have great authority.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was even more shocked!

This word is of course a very good word.

Chen Feng didn't know that it was good. There was something in his heart that exploded. Naturally, this word flooded into his mind.

Lin Moyu laughed and said, "I don't think this year's poem meeting is worth comparing. The poem by Chen Feng, let alone this year's poem meeting, is the poem meeting of the past ten years, the poem of the past 100 years Yes, he can be ranked first!"

He was so excited that he drank three glasses of wine and said loudly: "When floating, one is white, when one is floating!"

"No, one drink is not enough, you have to drink three in a row to express your pleasure!"

Next to him, Zhou Dezhao was also an old man who was talking about juvenile madness. He was also full of a large glass of wine. When he met him for a glass, the two of them drank and looked at each other and laughed!

They are all people who love poetry, and of course they are extremely excited when they hear such a poem that is enough to spread through the ages.

Lin Moyu looked at Chen Feng, his eyes full of admiration, and asked softly: "Chen Feng, how did you make this poem?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I don't know either."

There was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth: "Perhaps, this is how the article is made by nature, and it's an occasional success!"

"Okay! Good! A good article is made by the day, and you will get it by hand!"

Lin Moyu looked at Chen Feng, his face was full of admiration: "I found that you really are a good word!"

His expression on Chen Feng was very plain at the beginning, without any importance, but when Chen Feng made a poem, it became more admiring. "

Until now, the color of this appreciation is even more intense.

However, it has not yet reached the level of appreciation, let alone emphasized.

After all, he is a martial emperor realm powerhouse!

Everyone present, as long as they are here, are mostly people who love poems and words, at least they have read a lot, and naturally they understand what is high and what is low.

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