Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2242: Hayashi University Master!

Que Qianqian smiled slightly beside him: "Junior Brother Chen Feng, you really are so powerful!"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "I made the senior sister laugh."

After seeing his golden invitation, those in charge of checking the invitation welcomed Chen Feng aboard the ship very respectfully.

Then a maid with a beautiful face personally took Chen Feng and others all the way up, and soon they came to the height of the 90th floor.

On the top of the ninetieth floor, there is a huge platform, which is enough to overlook the entire Tianyuan Imperial City.

And behind the platform, there is another nine-story pavilion.

This nine-story pavilion is that only the person with the highest status among the Hongxiu Tower can live!

On the platform, it is extremely elegant, not a round table, but a pattern of one person and one small table. The main seat is placed in the hands, but the main seat is empty at this time.

On the left and right sides of the main seat, there is a row of small tables, and there are three or four rows behind each.

At a glance, this place can accommodate at least thousands of people. Obviously, the closer you are to the main position, the closer to the central axis, the higher the position of the owner.

Chen Feng saw that there were already more than half of the people sitting on top of these little tables. At the entrance, the guard shouted: "Chen Feng, Master Chen!"

"What? Chen Feng is here?"

"Is that the one Chen Feng who slayed Lord Lieyang with a single blow at the top of the sunset peak?"

Hearing the words Chen Feng, the inattentive expressions of everyone present immediately changed.

Few people looked at Chen Feng just now, but now everyone's eyes are on his face!

Then in the next moment, everyone knew that what he had guessed was absolutely correct. This young man was definitely the man Chen Feng who had smashed Lord Lieyang with a single blow and gained fame.

Because at this time, Chen Feng got his eyes, Liao Ruoxingchen, tall and tall, and only such an outstanding person can do that kind of thing.

In the respect, admiration, and jealous eyes of everyone, Chen Feng slowly took his seat. His seat was in the first row, and he was closer to the main seat, showing his noble status.

Then, people came one after another.

Soon, the place was full and there was almost no free time.

At this time, a red cloud appeared in the sky, and then slowly fluttered, gently falling towards the main position.

Everyone cheered: "Everyone is coming."

Many people have their eyes widened: "Haha, I didn't even have the qualifications to see everyone on the moon before, and now I can take this opportunity to see you, and I have fulfilled my long-cherished wish!"

Chen Feng also looked at the first seat with some curiosity, wondering what kind of person this moon master was so fascinated by all the young talents in Tianyuan Imperial City.

Soon, he saw it.

The red cloud floated above the main seat, and then the owner of the red cloud flashed and turned into a woman in red.

The red-dressed woman has a very white complexion, white and even a little dazzling. Although she looks beautiful, but more importantly, there is an unspeakable coquettish and charming in his beautiful beauty.

Paired with her long red dress, she looks even more white as snow, with red lips and long hair like ink.

This extremely sharp contrast has caused a strong visual impact, which makes people feel dazzled at first glance.

Chen Feng sighed slightly, women have different beauty methods, and this woman is obviously the kind that is extremely seductive and harms the country and the people!

No wonder she is so famous, this face is worthy of her fame.

Everyone in Yue spoke slowly, her voice was soft and graceful, as if she could remove the soul of a person by just listening to it: "Thank you all for coming to attend the Mandala Flower Poem Festival this time, this mandala flower festival poem Yes, it has always been a grand event for our Red Sleeve Tower."

"Everyone here today will definitely not disappoint you."

She smiled slightly and suddenly said softly: "Please be quiet, and welcome the distinguished guests of our Mandala Festival Poetry Meeting, Bachelor of Lin."

Having said that, she stood up first.

"What? Fellow Lin? Fellow Lin came?"

"Could it be that Moyu, the chief university scholar of the Hanlin Academy?"

When these three words were just spoken, suddenly a light flashed in the distance.

Chen Feng saw that a huge scroll actually passed by.

The huge scrolls on this side are as long as tens of meters, and they are about ten meters thick. They look extremely heavy. Their skin covers look like cast bronze, heavy and ancient.

Every page inside is like red gold casting, extremely sharp, extremely thin.

At this moment, a figure wearing an ink-colored clothes stepped on the scroll, coming out of the sky, and with a sigh, it came close.

Then, his figure flashed, and he sat on the position beside the main seat.

And the heavy classics turned into a big book about half a person tall, smashed down heavily and fell into his hands.

He gently placed this classic on the table in front of him, with an expression of cherishing himself.

"Sure enough, it is Lin Moyu, the chief academician of the Hanlin Academy!"

"This is incredible. This time Hongxiulou invited people with such a high status and strong cultivation to sit here. This event is really interesting!"

Chen Feng heard the discussion from the people next to him, and also understood the identity of Lin Moyu.

It turned out that he was the chief academician of the Imperial Academy. As for his martial arts training, he already had at least a two-star martial emperor's realm!

Among their discussions, Chen Feng also had some understanding of Wenzong Wuzong of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

It turns out that in the Tianyuan Dynasty, above the court, although almost everyone is a very powerful warrior, they believe in different things.

Many commanders believe in Wu Zong, they read, but they rarely read.

Many civil servants believed in Wenzong, and they believed that they could comprehend powerful martial arts in this scholarly writing.

They believe that making a powerful poem can greatly enhance their strength, and even directly break through the epiphany!

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and asked: "A poem can make a person stronger? Is it possible?"

Uncle Dao whispered: "Don't underestimate it. There have been such examples in the past. It is said that when the Tianyuan Dynasty was just opened, the first member of the Imperial Academy was a powerful man."

"And every time he writes a poem, it is an extremely powerful martial skill. He even retreats for three years and writes a long poem, and then directly breaks through the three realms!"

Chen Feng was dazzled, and he understood a little bit more in his heart. Whether he wanted to compose poems or practice martial arts, he paid attention to cultivation and accumulation, but sometimes the breakthrough of the state of mind was also extremely important.

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