Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2239: I will teach you for Ziyuan

"Oh? A cruise ship?"

"That's right, it's a pleasure boat, and it stops in the clear river on weekdays!"

Soon, Chen Feng saw that there was a big boat with a length of 10,000 meters parked on the bank of Qingjiang River.

This big ship is ten thousand meters long, extremely huge, but what is even more rare is that it is not only huge but also very exquisite. From bottom to top, there are hundreds of floors of pavilions built, which seem to be thousands of meters in height. I don’t know how many rooms there are.

And this pavilion is very beautifully built, with gold and jade inlaid everywhere, carved beams and painted buildings, and a beautiful scene of wealth and glory, rushing to the face.

Chen Feng shook his head and sighed, "This Red Sleeve Tower is really not enough!"

Uncle Dao lowered his voice and said, "Not only that, it is said that this Red Sleeve Tower is even a powerful magic weapon."

"What? Such a huge ship, such a big building is actually a magic weapon?"

"Yes." Uncle Dao said in a low voice: "But no one has seen it in hundreds of years."

Chen Feng slowly nodded, and a few of them walked forward, and Chen Feng suddenly heard a clear voice full of joy: "Brother Chen?"

When Chen Feng looked to the side, he saw a woman standing there looking at herself with a smile.

The woman, dressed in a goose yellow shirt, was charming and cute, but she was exactly Chen Ziyuan.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Ziyuan, are you here too?"

Chen Ziyuan nodded and said, "I came with my brother."

Then he pointed to the front, and Chen Feng saw that there was a young man in his 30s who was walking forward surrounded by a bunch of slaves.

He turned his head and shouted impatiently: "Sister, don't talk to people who are inconsistent. Our Chen family is a person of identity."

Chen Feng frowned immediately after hearing this!

The young man shook something in his hand and said triumphantly: "I was invited by everyone to come here, but I have an invitation in my hand. How honorable is my identity, how can I compare it to these untouchables? Got it?"

He pointed to Chen Feng and the corners of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile, and said:

"These few untouchables, look at the clothes, they are so shabby, you know at a glance, they are here to join in the fun, I am afraid that they don't even have the qualifications to enter the venue."

After Chen Feng glanced at it, he saw the invitation in his hand. It was written on a piece of plain paper, with no color at all, it was just plain white.

Uncle Dao smiled and said, "This is the most common white invitation."

"As far as I know, there are four types of invitations, namely white, copper, silver, and gold. The golden invitations are the highest-level invitations and are dedicated to distinguished guests."

"The white invitation is just..."

When Chen Feng heard it, he understood and laughed.

The three of Chen Feng laughed, Chen Ziyuan's brother heard their laughter, his face immediately became extremely gloomy.

However, he couldn't figure out the origin of Chen Feng's trio, so he didn't dare to offend easily, but cast his temper on Chen Ziyuan.

"Chen Ziyuan, get me here quickly!" Suddenly, the young man shouted impatiently.

He winked, and beside him, two sturdy servant women in their thirties walked out immediately, and they were about to grab Chen Ziyuan's arm and drag her away.

Chen Feng frowned immediately, because this person was Chen Ziyuan's elder brother. Although he was rude to himself just now, Chen Feng didn't want to do anything to him.

But now, seeing him treat Chen Ziyuan like this, Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

Chen Ziyuan saw the look on Chen Feng's face, and a bitter smile appeared on her face, and she whispered: "My mother is my father's concubine."

When Chen Feng heard this, he immediately understood everything!

At this time, the two sturdy servant women had grabbed Chen Ziyuan's arm. One of the servant women, with a hideous expression on his face, said: "Little wave hoof, the eldest master called you twice, didn't you hear it?"

"I just want to be here with this little white face?"

"Who is this little white face? Is it your friend?" The other sturdy couple smiled even more. As soon as they stretched out their hands, there was a big ear scraper, and they slapped Chen Ziyuan.

While fanning, he coldly shouted, "It seems that you forgot the rules after entering Wudong Academy, right?"

"Now, I want to teach you the rules of the house! Let you remember a little bit!"

Behind them, Chen Ziyuan's brother showed a sneer on his face, but he didn't even mean to stop it.

Chen Feng suddenly snorted: "Get out!"

Following his cold snort, the two sturdy servant women screamed and fell straight out.

The two of them vomited blood violently, and they were already seriously injured by Chen Feng!

Seeing this scene, the luxurious youth immediately showed a look of anger, staring at Chen Feng and sternly shouted: "Who are you? How dare to intervene in the affairs of our Chen family? Are you looking for death? Do you know my Chen family is How prominent?"

Chen Feng walked towards him and said slowly as he walked, "I don't know how prominent your Chen family is, I only know one thing."

"That is, you, a brother, dare to treat Ziyuan like this. How can I spare you?"

With that said, he pushed towards Chen Ziyuan's brother.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson for Ziyuan!"

Chen Ziyuan's brother showed a look of fear on his face, and shouted loudly: "Stop him, stop him!"

Seven or eight guards walked towards Chen Fengfeng. The leading guard showed a grin on his face, rubbed his hands, and said: "Little boy, I advise you to get out of here. You are not the Chen family!"

"You take a step forward. Not only will Chen Ziyuan's little wave hoof come back to the clan to be severely punished, but I will also directly break your legs and abolish your cultivation!"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "Really? Then try it!"

As he said, he screamed and blasted out with a palm.

An extremely tyrannical aura shrouded the seven or eight guards. The seven or eight guards changed their complexions and exclaimed in unison: "How is it possible? How can you be so strong?"

Chen Feng sneered: "This question, you have time to think about it when you die."

In the next moment, his palm power was to bring these eight people, all of them were actually vomited blood back and fell to the ground, screaming!

Seeing this scene, Chen Ziyuan's brother was even more shocked. He was just arrogant and domineering, but he was definitely not a fool.

He stared at Chen Feng and said, "You, who are you?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I am Chen Feng!"

"What? You are Chen Feng?"

"You are that Chen Feng who was at the top of the sunset peak, fighting against Grandpa Lieyang and killed Grandpa Lieyang with a single blow?"

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