Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2236: First snow

"The patriarch of the Grass Snake Tribe and its warriors are 1.7 million, and they will submit to the Queen of the Black Snake Tribe, willing to listen to the Queen's orders!"

As a result, the soldiers uttered a huge cheer that was deafening.

However, cheering back to cheering, but not much shock.

Because of this kind of thing, it has happened several times in the past month.

Standing on the top of the mountain from a distance, Elder Deadwood saw the patriarch of the grass snake tribe, leading the most powerful warrior among the tribe, kneeling on the ground, walking forward on his knees for a full thousand meters, and came to the white elephant to offer them The holy thing of the clan.

They also presented a vessel containing their own blood.

With a gentle smile on Yuechan's face, when he was calm, Gu Jing was not at all flustered, nor flattered.

She just dipped her fingers in the blood very indifferently, stroked a few strokes on her face and the face of the baby in her arms, and then smiled and said, "Everyone, please."

She coped with all of this very skillfully, making everyone in the Grass Snake Tribe feel like a spring breeze, without the slightest intention of being left out.

Elder Withered Wood's face became more gloomy.

Almost on the second day of the queen's succession, this woman took the baby in her arms and led the army in the tribe. Started the conquest.

In just one month, thirty-seven tribes that did not obey orders were levelled.

This did not surprise Elder Witherwood, after all, with the strength of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe. It is easy to level these tribes in such a short period of time, but it is also possible to change individuals.

Because, as long as the other three tribes counterattack together, the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe will not only spit out what it eats, but also suffer severe damage and pay a great price.

However, the superiority of the empress with the blood of the black water mysterious snake appeared at this moment.

After hearing that another queen with the blood of the Black Water Black Snake appeared, it was a vassal of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe that had already submitted to the other three tribes a long time ago. They have taken refuge, and even the entire tribe fled. Take refuge.

Because in southern Xinjiang, in this jungle, everyone believes that blood is the highest.

This kind of appeal made the other tribes panic, and they didn't even dare to directly attack the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe.

Because if they did this, all their vassal tribes would rebel!

Elder Witherwood said softly: "It seems that the original strategy is not working. It turns out I wanted to keep her in control and let her cling to me."

"But now it seems that I still underestimate people's reverence for the Black Water Black Snake bloodline, and underestimate her ability, I can't control her at all."

"Then, there is only one thing to do next..."

His eyes flickered: "Make a good relationship with her, and let her rely on me, but also rely on me."

"In that case, you can go and die for the other three elders!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of the news from yesterday's men, so he immediately rushed over to the Southern White Elephant and said something in a low voice through Yingluo.

Yuechan's expression changed, she immediately opened Yingluo, and asked excitedly, "Do you know the news about Chen Feng?"

"I don't know the specific news of Chen Feng yet, but my people have found out. Chen Feng should be in the Tianyuan Dynasty."

"Good! Good!" Yuechan gritted her teeth and said sharply: "Continue to inquire, I must know the specific whereabouts of Chen Feng, I will smash his corpse into thousands of pieces, and frustrate his bones and ashes!"

Her voice was extremely bitter.

The Elder Withered Wood said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry about this matter to me, I must do it properly. After hearing Chen Feng's whereabouts, I will catch him, and personally present him to you, and wait for it to happen."

"In addition, should we speed up some other things?"

He pointed to the guide and said: "There is a large tribe with a radius of one million li, with six million elite soldiers, and the powerful are unknown."

"To defeat this tribe, I'm afraid that one of the four elders must personally lead the troops. Otherwise, no one is the opponent of the masters of that tribe."

The woman glanced at him, an interesting smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth, and she smiled and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Elder Withered Wood whispered: "It's better to let Elder Ghost Vine go."

"The ghost vines used to travel there when they were old and young, and I am quite familiar with them."

Elder Guiteng was one of the elders who had conflicts with Elder Withered Wood, and the two could even be regarded as enemies of life and death.

Yuechan thought for a moment and nodded gently.

Soon, the order was passed down: "Elder Ming Guiteng led five million elite soldiers in the clan to conquer. If you can't conquer the victory and return, come and see you!"

After receiving the order, the elder Guiteng was extremely angry and even lost his temper.

But he was helpless, after all, he couldn't match the general trend, and he could only lead his orders obediently.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't know at this time. In the Southern Wilderness, tens of millions of miles away, there was an enemy of life and death. He already wanted to eat his own flesh and blood.

Chen Feng was sitting on Wangya, watching the snow scene.

The first snow of this year came quietly, at this time, November 21.

"It's snowing!" Standing on the edge of the cliff, Han Yuer stretched out her hands, and the snowflakes fell softly on the palms of her hands.

Then, feeling the temperature in the palm of the hand, it will melt quietly.

Han Yu'er was a little bit reluctant. In her hands, power gushed softly, and in a flash, her palms became even colder than the weather.

So in an instant, in the palm of her hand, the snowflake recondensed.

Bloodwind seemed to have never seen snowflakes, the sky was white, and the goose feathers and heavy snow made him feel very novel.

A thin layer of snow fell on Zuwang Cliff, and he stepped on it, leaving behind a series of small footprints like dog paws, which were really cute.

In the end, he didn't think it was too much, so he flew up, chasing the snowflakes in the air.

However, he seems to be deliberately mischievous, chasing snowflakes at an extremely fast speed.

The snowflakes were all driven by his speed, condensing towards a certain place in the air, and after spinning in the air for a long time, Chen Feng and others discovered that it turned out that under his drive, those snowflakes actually condensed in the air. Looks like a little white wolf.

That way, it's no different from blood wind.

Chen Feng laughed loudly, applauded and said, "Blood wind, great!"

Bloodwind slipped back to Chen Feng triumphantly, with an expression of asking for appreciation.

Chen Feng touched his head, suddenly a little sad, he just remembered that Blood Wind had been with him for several years, but he seemed to have never seen Xue.

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