Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2234: Famous Tianyuan!

Lieyangsheng instantly paled.

Because, he also commented on another meaning from this sentence, that is, Chen Feng has entered the eyes of the Emperor.

At this moment, he was awakened, and he suddenly realized that if he really killed Chen Feng just now, then the emperor would definitely not spare himself!

He gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Feng with a bitter expression on his face, but he dared not make any more movements, just said nothing!

It's just that, in his heart, he already vowed with bitterness: "Chen Feng, you wait for me, I must kill you, and I must avenge my child!"

Yan Chengwen looked at Chen Feng with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Chen Feng, you really are a hero who was born in a young boy, you are very powerful!"

"Your cultivation base, among the younger generation, can already be among the top ten, very powerful!"

"Sure enough, it was not in vain to send me this time."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

At this moment, he could hardly suppress the physical injury, others hadn't noticed it yet, but Yan Chengwen could feel it a bit.

He smiled and said, "Then, I will send you back."

Chen Feng nodded: "Thank you."

He didn't decline either, after all, at this time, he could hardly be said to have any combat effectiveness.

If Uncle Dao and Han Yu'er meet a real strong man, they may not be opponents.

Yan Chengwen sacrificed a huge long sword, turned it into a length of 100 meters, and took Chen Feng Dao Shu and others to send him home.

Lie Sunshine's face was extremely gloomy, his red robe sleeves rolled, a flash of red clouds poured out, and he quickly left.

The rest of the people looked at each other and left one after another.

The expressions on their faces are very complicated, shocked, and some can't believe it, but there are also many people with a proud look on their faces.

Today, they met Chen Feng and saw the rise of such a powerful young hero, which even made them feel a little honored!

And as they left the sunset peak and came to the sunset town, everyone in the sunset town knew the situation today.

"What? How could it be possible? Chen Feng won?"

"God, it's impossible, how could Chen Feng win? How could he be the opponent of Lord Lieyang?"

When more details were told by everyone, these people were even more shocked.

"Lieyang Wenrui is already half-step in the martial emperor realm, or did Chen Feng kill him with a single blow?"

"During the entire battle, Chen Feng kept suppressing Lieyang Wenrui, like a play?"

"This Chen Feng is too terrifying, can it be said that his strength has already surpassed the realm of Wuhuang by half a step?"

Everyone was shocked, surprised and unbelievable first, then shocked!

Moreover, many of these people's faces suddenly turned bitter: "It's over, I bet all the money on the Grand Master Lieyang to win, but I didn't expect him to lose."

A middle-aged man next to him also collapsed directly to the ground with a nose and tears and said: "Me too. Not only did I take out all my belongings, but I also borrowed a thousand yuan of Xuanhuangshi loan."

"This is over. If I can't pay off the loan shark, my whole family will be forced to death by the lenders!"

Many people are crying and grabbing the ground, and they are all betting on Lord Lieyang.

And some of those who are less stressed are just buying lessons, with a wry smile.

Of course, there are exceptions.

There was a woman in a goose-yellow shirt, laughing like a silver bell, and shouted: "Haha, I won, I won!"

Then she rushed into a temporary casino nearby and said loudly to the dealer: "The dealer, Chen Feng’s ratio is one hundred for one loss. I have pressed a full 10,000 pieces of black yellow stone here. Give me those things!"

The dealer had a big smile on his face, because Chen Feng rarely won. Most of them were the victory of Lord Lieyang, but Lord Lieyang lost and made him a fortune. Of course It was a very happy smile.

At this moment, when he heard what the woman said, his face was immediately gloomy.

He smiled and said without a smile: "Oh, is it? Why don't I remember?"

It turned out that when he heard that he was going to lose so much Xuan Huangshi, he was going to fall back!

At the same time, he winked a few to the side, and immediately several big men with strong cultivation level walked over slowly, staring at the woman in the yellow shirt, with a cold smile on his face.

If the woman in the goose yellow shirt had encountered this situation a few months ago, she would have been scared and panicked a long time ago, and she didn't know what to do.

Now, she didn't panic, sneered, and said, "Boss Qi, do you want to go back on the bill? Don't look at who your aunt and grandma are!"

As she said, a waist card appeared in her hand. On the waist card, two big characters were written impressively: Wu Dong!

These two characters are shining brightly and cannot be forged at all.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked: "She turned out to be a disciple of Wudong Academy?"

"It turns out that this little girl has such a big background, she is from Wudong Academy!"

At this moment, boss Qi's face immediately became very ugly, and then, he took a deep breath, squeezed a smile on his face, and said, "This girl, I was just joking with you before."

Then he shouted: "Hurry up and take out one hundred thousand black yellow stones!"

The woman in this goose yellow shirt was naturally Chen Ziyuan. She got a good deal and didn't care for herself, giggled, glared at them, and left with Xuan Huangshi.

The end of the battle was only in the afternoon, and it took less than two hours. By the evening, the results of the battle spread throughout the entire Tianyuan Imperial City.

Countless people were shocked, but they didn't expect that Grand Master Lieyang had already reached the half-step martial emperor realm.

What they didn't expect was that even the Grand Master Lieyang who had reached the half-step Martial Emperor Realm would be killed by Chen Feng!

Moreover, he died so swiftly and neatly that he had never done any trick under Chen Feng's hands!

Killed with a knife!

This made everyone remember the two words Chen Feng, and Chen Feng became famous throughout the Tianyuan Imperial City.

Some people even ranked Chen Feng among the ten young masters of the Tianyuan Dynasty!

At this moment, I don't know how many people are chanting the word'Chen Feng' softly.

"Chen Feng!" At the same time, a woman wearing a purple shirt with extremely fair skin, towering cloud temples, gorgeous temperament, and beautiful face also opened her vermilion lips lightly and slowly uttered these two words!

Here, east of Tianyuan Imperial City, three hundred miles away.

The mountains here are not extremely high, but they are extremely beautiful, with green mountains and beautiful waters, and extremely elegant.

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