Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2229: Defeat you with one hand!

"The body style is also very ordinary, and the cultivation base is so low that you can't even fly, you can only step up step by step!"

"Oh, how can such a person be qualified to fight Lord Lieyang? It can be reduced to a laughing stock!"

"This Chen Feng is nothing short of a joke, and he came to make a fool of himself today!"

They ridiculed them one after another, pointing at Chen Feng, their faces were full of disdain.

When Chen Feng walked to the high platform, his eyes were calm, just sweeping across the faces of these people.

Chen Feng's eyes stopped for a moment on their faces, their eyes were cold and clear, full of fierce chill and murder, but with the slightest disdain, it seemed that they did not put them in the eyes at all.

Such gaze caused these people to be shocked instantly, and a trace of fear was involuntarily raised in their hearts.

And the next moment, they became angry into anger: "How can I be afraid? How can I be afraid of Chen Feng? Afraid of such a pariah? Afraid of such a waste?"

As a result, their ridicule became even more unscrupulous.

Looking at Chen Feng, Lieyang Wenrui showed a cold look on his face, and said lightly: "Chen Feng, are you planning to die?"

Chen Feng smiled and looked at him: "This sentence actually I want to talk to you."

Lieyang Wenrui said coldly: "What? Do you think you might be my opponent?"

Chen Feng said: "It's not that I might be your opponent, but the one who won today, it must be me!"

After hearing this, Lieyang Wenrui was taken aback for a moment, and then he snorted, with a touch of disdain on his face, and said, "Chen Feng, are you crazy? You said such crazy things?"

"You can't even stop one of my tricks, you even said you could kill me?"

Behind him, there was a frantic ridicule: "Chen Feng, you untouchable, what are you? Don't take a **** and take pictures of yourself!"

"Yes, just like you, it's unworthy to lift the shoes for Lord Lieyang, and you said you want to defeat Lord Lieyang, are you mad?"

Behind Chen Feng, there were only two people, Uncle Dao and Han Yu'er. Han Yu'er was still holding the blood wind in his arms.

They both sat in the color shed and saw this scene, and their faces were full of anger.

Chen Feng suddenly raised his head, looked at those who made mocking sounds, and sneered clearly: "Every word you say now will turn into a slap in the face and slap your face to make you face. Nothing!"

As soon as the voice fell, it was the sun's mid-day, and it officially arrived at three noon.

The time for the competition is approaching.

An old man walked slowly into the arena, and said lightly: "I am the one who came to host this time."

Grand Prince Lieyang showed a look of surprise on his face and said, "I didn't remember asking him."

The old man smiled slightly: "His Majesty the Emperor heard that you two young talents came here to compete, so I specially sent me."

At this time, some of the rich and powerful in the color shed recognized him and suddenly exclaimed: "This person turned out to be Yan Chengwen, one of the commanders of the imperial guard with a knife!"

"What? It turned out to be Yan Chengwen?"

"It is said that Yan Chengwen is the most powerful officer among the guards and sword officers, even stronger than the legendary orthodox leader!"

"That's right, the orthodox leader Shenlong saw the head but didn't see the end, and no one has seen him. The eight hundred imperial guards and sword officers are actually in charge of Yan Chengwen!"

"This person actually came to host, that is really worthy of this competition."

"Haha, this commander Yan must have come for the Lord Lieyang!"

Someone bowed their hands to Lieyangshengsheng, with a flattering expression on their faces, and said, "Patriarch Lieyang, I really want to congratulate you. Needless to say, this leader Yan must be here for the Lord Lieyang."

Ye Hanxue also said loudly: "Yes, he came here. It can be seen that the emperor has heard of the reputation of Lord Lieyang, and he is extremely valued. Congratulations, the future of Lord Lieyang will be limitless!"

Although Lie Yangguangsheng did not know that Yan Chengwen was back before, but in his opinion, Yan Chengwen must have come for his son"

He was also very proud, laughing.

But when Yan Chengwen heard what they said, there was a strange look on his face.

He looked at Chen Feng and said indifferently: "I will be the referee of this competition. You two have no opinion?"

Chen Feng and the two said together: "No opinion!"

"Good!" Yan Chengwen said loudly, "Let's talk about today's rules first."

He pressed his hands on the table, rumbling and rumbling, the top of the table, the topography changed instantly, and a table ten meters high and a hundred meters in radius rose.

He pointed to the table and said, "This is where you two compete."

"You two, if anyone is knocked down, it is considered a loss, and any one who voluntarily surrenders is considered a loss!"

Both Chen Feng nodded.

Yan Chengwen said: "Then, today's competition, I announce that it officially begins!"

When the words fell, everyone was excited, looking at the high platform with excited eyes, looking at Chen Feng and Lie Yang Wenrui, looking forward to the next scene.

Of course, in their view, Lieyang Wenrui must have easily killed Chen Feng.

Ye Hanxue shouted: "Nephew Wenrui, kill this untouchable!"

And Lie Sunshine Sheng said indifferently, "Wen Rui, hurry up and go back, for my father, there is something to do!"

Lieyang Wenrui turned around and smiled and said, "Father, Uncle Zhao, please wait a moment, I will explain to you to get rid of him."

His tone was an understatement, as if he had dealt with Chen Feng, just squeezing a bug to death. It was easy without any effort.

After speaking, he turned around, looked at Chen Feng, and suddenly made a move.

He pinned his left hand behind him, leaving only one right hand, then waved his right hand, looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, I only use this hand, and I only use one move. You can easily kill you!"

Chen Feng stared at him and said nothing.

"Why? Don't you dare to talk back? You acquiesced, did you?" Lieyang Wenrui laughed.

Suddenly, his expression turned sullen and gloomy in an instant, staring at Chen Feng, and said viciously: "My third brother died under yours, and my most loyal and best servant Qi Yuanliang also died under yours. Do you know how much you have caused me to suffer?"

"Do you know how much humiliation you have caused the Lieyang Family?"

"Today, all of these, I will fall on you! I will use one hand to make a move to defeat you and make you faceless!"

Chen Fengfeng looked at him, but said lightly: "Why is there so much nonsense? Hit if you want?"

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