Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2217: Beast tide, over!

"My lord gave me an order, and I had to come, but my order gave me only to disperse the defenses here, but did not say that I would kill a few people."

"So, I will only break the defense here today!"

After these words were said, all the monster beasts were stupid. They were originally so arrogant and extremely arrogant, but at this time their coach said such a thing, and they were all discouraged immediately. To be listless.

The faces of the disciples of Wudong Academy on the **** showed a very interesting expression: "The idea of ​​this monster is really unique."

This huge dragon tortoise let out a muffled hum, and moved forward heavily, slamming it directly towards the dam.

Its size is extremely large, and it smashed over, giving people the feeling as if a mountain was pressed down!

This huge body like a mountain range smashed down fiercely, so powerful that everyone evaded.

In the next moment, this huge body smashed on the Sky Split Island, with a loud bang, and the entire Sky Split Island trembled violently, as if an earthquake had occurred, with countless cracks appearing on it.

Chen Feng and others were all shocked and fell directly from the air to the ground, shaking and unsteady standing one by one. They all looked at people and saw the huge body of the dragon turtle return When he got into the water, the piece he had dropped just now disappeared.

Half of the Sky-Splitting Island disappeared directly, and was plunged into the river water by him.

The dragon tortoise seemed very proud to see his masterpiece and let out a humming laugh, then he turned around and wagged his tail, and left without looking back.

Those high-level demon kings could only watch the huge dragon turtle disappear into the boundless waves of the Tongtian River, all of them were dumbfounded: "Gone? Did they really leave like this?"

They came this time, expecting that huge dragon tortoise, as a demon king-level big demon, could take the lead and enable them to completely destroy the Sky-Cracking Island today.

As a result, he didn't expect that he would actually just run away like this!

But the morale of Wudong Academy was boosted, and then these elders rushed towards the nine-star demon king.

The weakest among these elders in the sky also had a half-step martial arts realm, which was equivalent to the pinnacle of the Nine Star Demon King, and with a dozen to eight, they also had a quantitative advantage.

Those big monsters are not stupid generations, seeing this scene, immediately know that today's affairs are mostly ten thousand.

So they shouted one after another, and then left without any hesitation.

Many disciples in the inner courtyard stared at each other, with a trace of stunned expression on their faces: "This huge tide of beasts is over?"

"The beast wave that happened once in a hundred years ended in this way?"

And the next moment, the whole person turned into ecstasy: "The animal tide is over! The animal tide is over!"

Everyone cheered.

At this time, no one knew it was. In a secret room in the deepest part of the Sky-Splitting Island, an old man with a strange appearance and a withered face, feeling that he was about to die, quietly retracted his hands.

At this moment, there was a bloodstain in his hands.

Although he has described it as haggard, his eyes are still very gentle and his voice is extremely peaceful, but he has a great momentum:

"You little guys, do you think that dragon turtle retreated so plainly?"

"If it weren't for me to take the shot secretly, I'm afraid that Sky Splitting Island is about to be razed to the ground, but the little dragon tortoise is also powerful enough. He completely relied on his physical instinct to make a counterattack and actually cut me."

"I even suspect that he didn't perceive my existence. He just perceives that there is a danger like me here, so he disappeared."

"It's worthy of being a natural psychic, and it contains ancient blood. It's really amazing!"

Yu Hongyuan laughed and said: "Now the animal tide is finally over, and the next thing to do is of course to reward it! Everyone has a Qingxin Jiuhua Dilu Pill and other rewards."

This is the treatment that everyone who survives will have, and some people will have the opportunity to become the disciples of the powerful elders.

However, this also depends on talent, not merit.

Obviously, if this is the case, it would be unfair for those who are not very talented and may not be selected, but who have made meritorious services in this beast tide.

Therefore, there must be rewards for meritorious deeds.

Many disciples are listed in the castle hall.

At this time, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but there was a strong guard and a trace of hostility on their faces.

The previous same hatred, the previous fight side by side, have completely disappeared.

Because what they had to deal with before was the animal tide, but now, their competitors, or even enemies, have become their brothers and sisters!

In the road of martial arts, there is no other than me, it is to fight for the front line of life, since it is to fight, naturally it will not be so happy.

This matter was presided over by Yu Hongyuan.

Yu Hongyuan looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, you are the first place here."

Chen Feng's face was calm, and he walked out slowly without saying a word, and there was no surprise on everyone's face.

If Chen Feng is not the first, that makes people unconvinced.

Chen Feng's performance these days has completely convinced them, and his strength is recognized as extremely tyrannical!

Yu Hongyuan said slowly: "Chen Feng, in this beast tide, beheaded two nine-star demon kings, eight-star demon king forty-nine, and killed the leading beast among the beast tide many times. Merit."

"So when it comes to rewards, he is the first. Can any of you disagree?"

No one spoke, everyone was convinced.

Yu Hongyuan looked at Chen Feng, his eyes softened, and asked softly, "Chen Feng, what reward do you want?"

Chen Feng raised his brows and said, "What rewards are there?"

"There are nothing more than three, magic weapon, pill, and exercise method."

Chen Feng suddenly smiled, smiling very slyly: "Elder, the Qingxin Jiuhua Dilu Pills we swallowed just now, are there any more?"

Yu Hongyuan suddenly said in amazement: "You want this pill just now?"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

Yu Hongyuan persuaded: "You have to know that this kind of pill only has healing effects, and it does not greatly promote your cultivation. You should have felt it just now."

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, but I have decided that I want this kind of medicine."

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