Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2212: Snake Emperor Bloodline!

"This, this, this is the bloodline of the highest Snake Emperor, and the Snake Emperor's sound can only be possessed!"

"This is the top-notch black water mysterious snake bloodline, which can only possess the talent skills. It is born with it. It only needs to be awakened and does not need to be practiced. No one can obtain this powerful and incomparable talent skill through practice!"

"Could it be that someone who has awakened the blood of the black water black snake appeared near the tribe?"

There was still a trace of unbearable ecstasy in the shock on his face. Suddenly, he raised his hands and laughed up to the sky, tears criss-crossing: "God open your eyes, it's really an eye open!"

"My Black Water Black Snake Bone has been around for seventy-nine thousand years. No one has awakened the Black Water Black Snake Bloodline, and if it is the Black Water Black Snake Bloodline this time, it means that my Black Water Black Snake Branch The opportunity to rise again has arrived!"

As he said, his figure flashed quickly, and in a blink of an eye he had come hundreds of miles away.

At this time, he had already seen the woman and the little baby girl in her arms.

Therefore, his eyes shrank suddenly, and his eyes showed extreme excitement and fanaticism: "Yes, it is her, it is her!"

At this moment, in his eyes, where is the baby girl in this woman's arms, it is clearly a golden light!

From time to time, there was a bright azure light flashing inside, so clean and gorgeous!

At this time, there were thousands of people beside this woman and baby girl.

These thousands of people are all warriors of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe. They are powerful, but when they look at the mother and daughter, they shrink and dare not move forward, and there is an unstoppable look of fear in their eyes. .

The thousands of corpses around were the reason for their fear. Many of their companions rushed up, without exception, their heads were shattered by the terrifying sound waves of fear!

Finally, without knowing who yelled, they snarled frantically and killed the mother and daughter.

At this time, the little girl seemed to want to make that terrifying scream, but when she was about to move, she felt a sharp pain.

There was a look of pain that could not be concealed on his face, but he was powerless to repeat it.

The leader of the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe laughed loudly and exclaimed excitedly: "That little boy has no power. Go up and kill them!"

"Yes!" Everyone yelled frantically, and they were about to rush up and cut the mother and daughter into mud.

And at this time, suddenly, the old man with white hair and beard waved the snake stick in his hand and screamed: "Get all back!"

Following his roar, these people were directly bounced back tens of meters by the shock, staggering, but they were still uninjured.

The control of this strength is so wonderful that this person's strength is unfathomable.

Seeing his appearance, these Black Water Profound Snake Warriors were stunned, and then one after another exclaimed: "Elder Withered Wood, it is Elder Withered Wood!"

They knelt to the ground one after another, bowing their heads to the dead wood elder.

Obviously, Elder Witherwood has a very high status in the Blackwater Black Snake Tribe, while Elder Witherwood didn't even look at them, but before coming to the mother and daughter, his voice trembled and said, "You, where do you come from? ?"

After the woman saw him, she immediately realized that her opportunity had come.

This person is obviously a master in the Black Water Profound Snake Tribe, he speaks extremely fast, and talks about his own experience.

After the dead wood elder listened, he was silent, and then suddenly grabbed them directly and disappeared!

The Heishui Profound Snake Tribe is vast and boundless. This huge tribe occupies the most fertile valley in the depths of a continuous mountain range.

Their main hall is located on a huge mountain in the north of the valley.

On the peaks, densely densely packed, many palaces were built.

These palaces are not so gorgeous, but they are strong enough, thick and heavy.

Elder Witherwood’s residence was in the hall closest to the main hall. He brought the two of them here and looked at them. At this time, the enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes had disappeared, and his eyes became extremely deep and long. There is still some calculation!

He looked at this woman and said lightly: "I won't hide it from you. The reason why I appeared just now is because I sensed that someone has a very powerful black water black snake bloodline."

"And this kind of black water mysterious snake bloodline is the supreme bloodline in our black water black snake tribe."

Yuechan said in surprise and excitement: "What do you mean?"

"Yes, this daughter of yours has the magical blood of the Black Water Black Snake. If the test is successful, then the Queen of the Black Water Black Snake Tribe will be vacant for 70,000 years, and she can occupy it!"

"What?" Hearing this, Yuechan's breathing instantly became extremely heavy!

The position of the queen, if her daughter can really become a queen, then everything is not a problem, she definitely has the strength to avenge her murderous husband and enemy, her daughter's murderous father!

She has a clear mind, and she has suffered all the hardships in the world along the way, and she is no longer the little girl who has no knowledge of the world.

She immediately looked at Elder Witherwood and said sincerely: "Elder Witherwood, if you can help my daughter ascend to the throne, we will agree to any request you have!"

Elder Withered Wood looked at her, nodded in satisfaction, and said in his heart: "This woman is still knowledgeable and interesting."

Then, she smiled and said something, and the woman nodded repeatedly.

In the early morning of the second day, suddenly, the entire Heishui Profound Snake Tribe became agitated in an instant.

Because everyone heard the sound of war drums coming from the huge 10,000-meter-high sacred mountain in the center of the tribe.

The sound of the war drum, as if it had its own soul, shocked everyone's souls, causing the blood vessels in the deepest part of their bodies to agitate together.

Everyone's blood seemed to be burning, and that blood was almost gushing out.

Only by yelling can I calm my mood slightly.

Everyone looked at the sacred mountain in horror, and saw that the top of the sacred mountain, a huge war drum with a diameter of more than 100 meters, was constantly beating.

The drumsticks are made of two extremely thick thigh bones.

Above the battle drum, there is a huge phantom that is as high as 100,000 meters. It is suspended there. Everyone exclaimed: "The ancestral soul drum, this is the ancestor soul drum!"

Only when major events that can affect the entire tribe happen, can the drum of ancestor souls be sounded.

The ancestral soul drum has not been sounded for 700 years, and this time it has been sounded again. What happened?

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