Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2193: Collect the demon wolf spirit

Hundreds of demon wolves spit out together, and in an instant tens of thousands of water arrows shot fiercely at the inner courtyard disciples.

Many disciples have played their own tyrannical moves to resist.

And Yu Hongyuan yelled: "Wake me up!"

His voice was full of deterrence, and he suddenly awakened those flutes that had been frightened by the roar of the wolf.

Many disciples shouted and resisted, and these water arrows were quite powerful. Chen Feng directly saw that after a disciple had blocked more than a dozen water arrows, he could no longer resist the rest. Ten water arrows were broken into pieces.

Scream and die directly!

Chen Feng shot out with both hands one after another, constantly smashing these water arrows, which shook his fingertips a little.

Chen Feng was shocked: "These water arrows have at least the power to attack the Seven-Star Demon King. What's more rare is that they are so dense and so many."

Beside him, Que Qianqian said, "Have you seen? These blue demon wolves are demon wolf warlocks!"

Chen Feng knew that the blue demon wolves should be good at long-range attacks, while the black demon wolves were good at close combat.

At this time, those demon wolf warlocks shot out another wave of water arrows, and then another wave, a total of three waves of water arrows, there are at least more than 100,000, they have already killed dozens of inner courtyard disciples, screaming. The sound is endless.

Most of the remaining people were injured, and only half of the dam was bombed.

The Wangjiang Tower collapsed in the water arrows!

At this time, the black demon wolf warrior had already reached the front.

They bite fiercely towards the disciples in the inner courtyard. They don't need weapons. Their sharp claws and their fangs are their best weapons.

Two black demon wolves slapped an inner court disciple, and the inner court disciple stabbed with a sword, which directly pierced the huge mouth of the black demon king.

The black demon wolf didn't dodge, even after his huge mouth was stabbed, he directly bit his teeth on the long sword.

This disciple couldn't break free for a while, although blood rushed out of the big mouth after that black demon wolf was stabbed, but he did not let go.

At this time, another black demon wolf pounced directly from behind, biting the inner courtyard disciple directly in his mouth, and biting randomly.

Bloody water oozes from between his teeth, killing this disciple alive and swallowing it!

Such scenarios are happening everywhere.

These black demon wolves are definitely not the opponents of these inner court disciples when it comes to individual combat power.

However, they are in groups of three or five, but rely on the number to occupy an absolute advantage.

Therefore, the inner courtyard disciples began to suffer a lot of casualties!

But these are nothing to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shot out his palms and directly smashed a dozen black demon wolves!

Then there was a flash of body shape, and after dozens of demon wolves appeared again, King Kong played the pipa, and in an instant it flicked on the skulls of dozens of demon wolves.

Then the next moment, these dozens of monster wolves whimpered at the same time, blood gushing out of the seven orifices, their stature became soft, and they collapsed directly to the ground, completely dead.

And at this moment, suddenly, Chen Feng felt that the blood-stained giant knife behind him was humming and trembling instantly.

Moreover, there was a hot wave from above.

Chen Feng looked back and saw that, red light came out from the giant sword, and he could vaguely feel that this blood-stained giant sword seemed to be extremely eager for these monster wolves.

No, it should be said that what he yearns for is the spirit of these demon wolves.

With a move in Chen Feng's heart, he took off the blood-stained giant knife, and then severely slashed it out, directly cutting a dozen black demon wolves in the waist.

While he was slashing the dozen demon wolves in the waist, Chen Feng felt a burst of incomparable suction from the blood-stained giant knife.

However, this suction is intangible and intangible, not aimed at the body at all, but only at the soul.

In an instant, more than a dozen pieces of black smoke were drawn from the black demon wolf, and each piece of black smoke was like a shrunken demon wolf, and let out a miserable howl, as if to be confined by this blood-stained giant knife.

The blood-stained giant knife immediately sucked them into it.

Chen Feng was stunned: "This blood-stained giant knife can absorb spirits? It still has such an effect?"

At the next moment, Chen Feng was overjoyed, because he was thinking about how to store his spirits for the resurrection of Bloodwind, and he was a little worried about this matter, but now it has been resolved.

Because these souls are directly stored in the blood-stained giant knife.

Suddenly, in the next moment, these dozen pieces of black smoke floated out of the blood-stained giant knife.

Then, an extremely disgusting emotion spread from the body of the blood-stained giant knife, shaking it, and directly crushing all these souls.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter the next moment, because he had already guessed something.

Obviously, this blood-stained giant knife still didn't like these black demon wolf spirits, so it sprayed them again.

At this time, the pattern in the field gradually became clear, some strong men continued to kill the black demon wolf, and the two sides were deadlocked.

At this moment, the white demon wolves that had been hiding behind did not move suddenly moved.

Suddenly two wings appeared on both sides of their bodies. The two wings were huge and white, shaking, and then they were extremely fast, almost appearing directly on the dam in a teleporting posture!

And the target of their attack was the strong among those inner court disciples.

Obviously, they were watching from the side just now, and they had already seen which inner courtyard disciples were powerful. At this time, they were in groups of five and directly attacked those strong.

Their strength is stronger than those black demon wolf warriors, and their tyrannical muscles are full of unparalleled explosive power. In a blink of an eye, the strong among the seven or eight inner court disciples were directly besieged and killed by them.

Chen Feng couldn't help taking a breath: "These monster wolves are really amazing!"

I don't know how many people sighed at this moment: "This is the real beginning of the beast tide. It turns out that this is what the beast tide really looks like."

"It's not death, or reckless single-handed fighting, but a tight organization, extremely subtle cooperation, and tyrannical personal combat effectiveness."

"The beast tide has really arrived!"

Those white demon wolves may also know Chen Feng's power, so none of them dared to provoke Chen Fengfeng, but if they didn't provoke Chen Feng, it didn't mean that Chen Fengfeng would not find them.

Chen Feng sneered, and with a wave of his knife, he directly killed a white demon wolf next to him, cutting it in two.

The strength of these white demon kings is generally in the early stage of the eight-star demon king and the middle stage of the eight-star demon king. With Chen Feng's current strength, it is easy to kill them.

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