Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2184: Golden Crow Giant Wood!

They even held their breath, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, until Qi Yuanliang took the monster beast, flew up to the floating mountain and left the square, everyone breathed out.

A young handyman asked with a trembling voice: "This person, who is this person? Why is this cruel? With such a heavy burden, you dare to kill directly?"

An older steward said quietly, "He, he is a servant of the eldest son of our family."

"What? A slave has such courage?" the young handyman exclaimed.

The elder steward stared at him with a sneer in his eyes, and said, "You think, how can he really be just a servant with his cultivation level?"

He said leisurely: "This person used to be a thief who ran across the north of the Tianyuan Dynasty. He said he was a great road. In fact, he was extremely powerful. Some sect leaders were not his opponents."

"Even, even if his strength is placed in the Tianyuan Imperial City, it can be considered to be above average!"

"His strength is extremely powerful, killing countless people. The Tianyuan Dynasty sent people to arrest him many times, but he returned to no avail. A few years ago, the eldest son met him when he was traveling to the north."

There was a look of arrogance on his face, and he said: "Our eldest son, what kind of character is that? It's just like a human being. He easily convinced Qi Yuanliang and volunteered to serve him as a slave under the eldest son."

"It's just that, up and down in this mansion, no one really dared to treat him as a slave. They all treat him as a cult of growth and old age!"

Many servants who have joined the Lieyang family for many years nodded one after another, only then did they know the whole story.

"How cruel is he?" the young handyman asked curiously.

The steward said coldly: "I think that back then, this one existed in the north of the Tianyuan Dynasty for a million miles, and I don't know how many killings."

"Because of a disagreement, he killed the other side of the Nine Races, but he did not do anything less. Even after his strength, he once returned to the city where he was begging when he was a child, and the old and weak women and children in the city were up and down hundreds of thousands. Kill everyone!"

"How can they provoke these fierce and extremely cruel people! They were burned to death by this black fire today, and they deserved it, and they can only blame themselves for not having eyes."

Everyone gave birth to some feelings of sadness!

Qi Yuanliang, a man with a full face and a beard, came to the Lieyang family, and the guards at the door of the Lieyang family naturally recognized him and treated him respectfully.

Soon, Qi Yuanliang entered the mansion. He first met the Lieyang Patriarch, and then went to see the Lie Family Patriarch in the east side courtyard.

The residence where Grand Master Lie lived was not in a prominent palace or tower. There was nothing in his courtyard, only a towering giant tree.

The towering giant wood showed a deep black, as if it were cast of steel, and within this deep black, there were golden nuances showing through.

These fine points are still very rare, but the glittering golden light is quite bright!

Qi Yuanliang saw this huge fiery red giant tree, with a touch of surprise on his face, and said, "Master, did you really succeed in raising this golden ebony giant tree? You actually grew him and became so Big?"

A clear and domineering voice came down from the tree: "Hahahaha, what is this, now it is just the seedling stage of this big tree."

"What? Seedling stage?" Qi Yuanliang said with a look of surprise on his face.

This golden ebony giant tree is thousands of meters high and more than a hundred meters in diameter. I am afraid that it will take hundreds of people to hug it. It is only the seedling stage of the golden ebony giant tree.

He couldn't believe it.

At this time, a young man wearing a robe of flames swept down from above. The young man was about twenty-seven years old. He wore a big red robe. His hair was red, his eyebrows were red, and even his beard was red.

His appearance is very delicate at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that his eyebrows are flying diagonally, thick and heavy, both sharp and full of domineering!

Even people who don't know him can feel that this person must be a powerful character.

At the same time, his eyes flashed with a vicious and cold light!

If Chen Feng was there, he would definitely be able to recognize him. This person is very similar to the third Lieyang son who died under him. This person is the eldest son of the Lieyang family: Lieyang Wenrui!

Lieyang Wenrui smiled and said: "According to the records in the ancient books, if this golden ebony giant tree is fully grown, it will be taller than a mountain, and it can almost be connected from the earth to the sky, and the foundation can penetrate into the ground. Thousands of meters away! What do I mean by this?"

Qi Yuanliang also took a deep breath. He knew the origin of the Golden Crow Giant Tree. Once Lieyang Wenrui strayed into a secret realm, and after nine deaths, he also got many benefits.

And this golden ebony giant tree is one of these benefits, and also the most precious one.

The Golden Crow giant tree he got at that time was still a seed, but he didn't expect that it would now grow into a seedling.

The Golden Crow Giant Mu is an ancient sacred tree. It is extremely powerful and extremely hard. It is not known how many times it is better than ordinary steel. And most importantly, this Golden Crow giant tree has a special magical function, that is, it can absorb a kind of monster. The arrival of the beast.

This kind of monster's favorite habitat is on the golden crow giant tree.

The name of this monster is called: Da Ri Jinwu.

Da Ri Golden Crow, the lowest level has reached the realm of the Nine-Star Demon King, which is equivalent to a half-step Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse!

Therefore, Lieyang Wenrui attaches great importance to this seed. Over the years, there have been rumors in the city that he was practicing in retreat. In fact, he stayed in this Lieyang family for more than ten years, just to cultivate that seed.

It now appears that Huang Tian has paid off, he succeeded after all.

Qi Yuanliang said in surprise: "Lord, has the Dari Golden Crow been attracted now?"

When Lieyang Wenrui heard him mention this, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of smiles. He laughed and said, "Yuanliang, Yuanliang, I really have great luck. Logically speaking, only those who have grown into adult trees The Golden Crow Giant Wood was only able to absorb the Great Sun Golden Crow."

"And it will take at least one hundred thousand years for my seedling to grow into an adult tree. By then, it will be two if my Lieyang Family is still there."

"But I didn't expect that just three months ago, it really attracted a big sun golden crow!"

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