Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2179: True disciple! provocative!

But there were far fewer monsters inside than before, and there were only a few hundred monsters inside.

But among the hundreds of monsters, the lowest strength reached the Seven-Star Demon King, enough to be the boss in every beast tide in the previous ten days.

And there are many Eight-Star Demon Kings, and there are a total of six Eight-Star Peak Demon Kings.

The black air is vertical and horizontal, the ghosts cry and the wolf howls, and even their power has affected the celestial phenomena. The black clouds in the sky condensed and covered the entire sky of the island, instantly becoming extremely gloomy.

There was heavy rain pouring down, and in this rain, the waves became more prominent!

Among them, there are two patrol hunters.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: "There are six eight-star peak demon kings, which is equivalent to six nine-star martial king peak powerhouses. All of them now can only deal with one. It's just the peak of the Nine Star King Wu!"

Yu Hongyuan looked stern, facing everyone, and said in a deep voice: "There are so many peaks of the Eight-Star Demon King, so many masters, you are no longer able to deal with it."

"But don't worry, reinforcements will come soon!"

Before he finished his words, there was a screaming sound from a distance. Then, a dozen figures, transformed into lightning, approached here at extremely fast speed.

Soon, these dozen people all fell in front of Wangjiang Tower!

The faces of Chen Feng and others were surprised, and they looked at them one after another, and then they saw that these dozens of people were about 20 to 40 years old, and they were not very old.

All of them are dressed in luxurious clothes, have huge aura, look arrogant, and have eyes above the top, so they don't even look at them!

Occasionally, his gaze swept across the faces of Chen Feng and others, also full of disdain, and then turned around.

And the most striking thing is not these, but the instruments on them.

Almost each of them wore extremely high-level weapons, including long swords, swords, and shields.

Regardless of which, Chen Feng can feel extremely powerful aura from above, obviously these things are of extremely high level.

Chen Feng saw a long sword that at least reached the rank of the fourth rank king's soldier!

Chen Feng estimated their strength, and they were all quite powerful. Everyone had at least a nine-star martial arts level.

There was a touch of shock on Chen Feng's face: "What is the origin of these people? They all have such powerful strength!"

These people came over and walked past Chen Feng and the others, toward the side of the dam. One of them, a tall and strong young man of about 30 years old, also deliberately walked past Chen Feng.

Then, he deliberately hit Chen Feng with his shoulder, and coldly dropped a sentence: "Don't **** block the way here!"

Chen Feng suddenly wrinkled his brows.

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, the tall and strong young man immediately showed a thick provocative color, and said coldly, "What? Not convinced?"

He curled his mouth, his eyes swept across the faces of all the disciples in the inner courtyard, and said with disdain, "You trash can't resist even the tide of beasts. In the end, aren't you going to let us take action?"

"We are now resisting the animal tide, but you are still not convinced? What qualifications do you have to not be convinced? Are you also worthy to be convinced?"

A tall woman next to him sneered and said, "Waste has to be conscious of waste!"

With that, he glanced at Chen Feng, and it was obvious that this was meant for him.

Chen Feng glanced at them faintly, without speaking, he was not afraid, in fact, these people were basically not stronger than Chen Feng.

If it is alone, Chen Feng is confident to defeat any of them!

However, Chen Feng thought that now this unprecedented huge wave of beasts is about to come, and at this time the infighting is somewhat ignorant of the overall situation.

Therefore, Chen Feng forcibly endured this tone.

And they didn't know that Chen Fengfeng was taking care of the overall situation, they only thought he was timid, and their gazes toward Chen Feng were full of contempt.

The tall and strong man snorted contemptuously: "What a waste."

He turned and walked to the front!

Que Qianqian walked gently to Chen Feng and said in a low voice, "They are true disciples."

"True disciple?" Chen Feng raised his brows, a little surprised.

He hadn't heard of it before that Wudong Academy actually had true disciples.

Que Qianqian nodded and said: "The strongest disciple of Wudong Academy is not the inner courtyard disciple at all, but these true disciples. These true disciples have different origins."

"Some are from the wealthy families in the Tianyuan imperial city, and some are the beautiful jade materials that the elders found outside when they traveled abroad, and without exception, they are extremely talented."

"Even when they were young, they were adopted by the powerful Chongxiao elders, and they have been carefully escorted by all kinds of treasures, so they are very strong."

"Our true disciples of Wudong Academy, behind each of them is an elder Chongxiao standing."

"Their general strength surpasses the Nine Star King Wu."

He pointed to those people and said, "They are not the strongest among the true biography disciples at all. Those strongest ones will probably not appear today."

Chen Feng was shocked and said, "Then what do you mean, isn't it possible for their strength to be achieved?"

"That's right," Que Qianqian nodded and said, "It is possible that those few have already entered the half-step Martial Emperor Realm!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "Half a step in the Martial Emperor Realm, the strength of these people is so terrifying!"

And Chen Feng also realized his shortcomings at this time. Although he has risen up and practiced extremely fast, after all, there is still some gap compared with those who have practiced for decades!

However, Chen Feng was not discouraged at all. Instead, he was full of pride in his heart, and a voice in his heart roared loudly: "Wait, it won't be long before I will surpass you, and I will step on all of you!"

At this time, the tide of beasts had come to the front, and the eight-star peak demon kings were killing the disciples in the inner courtyard above the dam!

Yu Hongyuan shouted loudly: "The disciples in the inner courtyard who are slightly weaker, all have to retreat to avoid being affected."

Many disciples in the inner courtyard showed horror on their faces, and they kept stepping back to ensure their safety.

However, Chen Feng laughed loudly. He leaped up into the air and directly attacked one of the sky-sweeping hunters. He sternly shouted, "This beast, leave it to me!"

Then he looked at the sky-sweeping hunter and sternly shouted: "Bastard, do you remember me?"

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