Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2172: Why is it so troublesome?

"Junior Brother Tao is powerful and low-key. Unlike some people, a little bit of strength is just bragging. In fact, it's just a useless waste."

With that said, he glanced at Chen Fengfeng, and he was obviously talking about Chen Feng!

Lu Yuanju, who was next to him, laughed and nodded and said, "In the future, all the disciples will have to imitate Tao Jianbai, but don't learn the kind of trash that only knows how to brag!"

They are all belittle Chen Feng and uphold Tao Jianbai!

Then, Lu Yuanju screamed and killed the golden giant tortoise.

His cultivation is much higher than Tao Jianbai and others. After avoiding the attack of the golden iron-clad giant tortoise, a sword pierced his neck fiercely, then pulled out instantly, and quickly escaped. Avoided the counterattack of the golden giant tortoise.

This sword caused a huge wound to the golden giant tortoise, and blood shot out.

However, it was just a wound, only a slight wound to him.

Then, he and Tao Jianbai attacked the golden iron-clad giant tortoise, but Chen Feng didn't do anything, just watched coldly from the side.

After watching for a while, he basically understood that Yuan Ju's strength should be considered weak in the middle stage of the Nine-Star Martial King, while Tao Jianbai and the others had just stepped into the Nine-Star Martial King.

If Chen Feng wanted to make a move, he could easily defeat them.

After hundreds of rounds of fierce battle, the golden iron-clad giant tortoise has already suffered some injuries, but everyone can see that all the injuries of this golden iron-clad giant tortoise add up to only minor injuries, which have no effect on his combat effectiveness.

And Master Lu Yuanju is already wearing colors, panting.

Seeing that he had been incapable of fighting for a long time, he felt very embarrassed. After all, he led everyone to come and besiege.

At this time, seeing Chen Feng next to him, there was an object to vent his anger!

He stared at Chen Feng and shouted sharply: "Little beast, why do all of us do it, but you don't do it?"

"Are you timid? You are fleeing! I can kill you!"

Beside him, Tao Jianbai mocked and said, "Elder, do you still need to talk about it? This kid is just a trash, with poor strength, and very cowardly!"

"Let me see that this golden iron-clad giant tortoise is so powerful, so it becomes a soft egg, and I dare not even do it!"

By the side, the two of them were also laughing, doing their best to mock!

Lu Yuanju sneered disdainfully and said: "Chen Feng, you are totally our drag. Without you, the four of us would have already killed this beast!"

"Yes!" Tao Jianbai and others nodded in agreement.

Obviously their own strength is inadequate, but they all blamed Chen Feng.

Tao Jianbai's eyes rolled, and then he sternly reprimanded: "Little bastard, you can do it quickly. Although you are useless and weak, you still have the ability to be a bait."

He said in a command-like tone: "You step forward to attack the giant golden iron-clad tortoise, as the bait attracts his attention, and then we attack him from the flanks!"

This person's intentions were extremely vicious, which clearly meant that Chen Feng was sent to death.

Lu Yuanju was overjoyed when he heard the words, haha ​​laughed: "Just do it, Chen Feng, hurry up!"

Seeing Chen Feng still standing there, his face was extremely gloomy for an instant, and he sternly shouted: "Chen Feng, are you disobeying?"

"Tell you, everything here is up to me, if you dare to resist, I can kill you now!"

Chen Feng looked at him lazily, and suddenly spit out two words coldly: "Noisy!"

"Noisy? You said I was noisy?" Lu Yuanju was surprised at first, and then immediately showed extreme anger on his face. He jumped and pointed at Chen Feng and shouted: "Little boy, you are bold! How dare you be so offensive? To me?"

Chen Feng suddenly laughed loudly: "Why is it so troublesome to kill this beast?"

As he said, Chen Feng screamed and leaped forward.

This time, he tried his best and used 12% of his strength.

The vigorous vajra palm with six successful powers whizzed out!

King Kong pushes the mountain! With a bang, King Kong pushed the mountain, slamming against the body of the golden giant tortoise, and bombarding the carapace.

Tao Jianbai disdainfully said: "Haha, you little boy has almost zero combat experience, you are simply a mentally retarded!"

Lu Yuanju also laughed and said: "Yes, how hard is the carapace of this golden giant tortoise? We all have to avoid, dare not directly attack, you even directly fight, are you stupid..."

Before the word "zi" was spoken, he was already dumbfounded, standing there with a look of disbelief on his face, his whole body was dumbfounded and his mouth opened wide!

Not only him, everyone has such an expression.

Because they actually saw that after Chen Feng's palm blasted out, he directly blasted a huge hole with a radius of 100 meters on the body of the giant iron armored tortoise!

An incomparable force came from him, his carapace was beaten up, his flesh and blood splattered, and he let out a screaming and screaming crazy.

One palm, one palm, Chen Feng has already seriously injured him!

The strength of this giant golden tortoise is relatively weak among the strongest of the Eight-Star Demon King. It can even become the peak of the Eight-Star Demon King instead of the mid-eight-star Demon King. It depends more on his weight. Jacket!

And Chen Feng's current strength is far beyond the middle stage of the Nine-Star Martial King, but it is only one line behind the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King!

More importantly, the strength of this golden giant tortoise mainly relies on the thick and hard carapace, and precisely, Chen Feng's powerful diamond palm is so powerful that it can be easily broken.

He was not flexible enough to avoid Chen Feng's attack, and he could not hold Chen Feng's attack.

Then you can only get beaten!

If it were for a more flexible Demon King of the same level, Chen Feng might not be the opponent.

Next, Chen Feng blasted out of the Vajra palm again, and the four palms took turns.

After a round of fighting, the golden iron-clad giant tortoise had already been beaten and fell onto the water. It was dying, and only a breath was left, seriously injured and dying!

At this moment, Chen Feng turned his head and greeted him with a shocked look!

"You just asked me, how many times do you have to attack to leave such a scar on him." Chen Feng smiled and looked at Tao Jianbai, and said lightly: "I really can't leave such a scar on him. The scar is too shallow, I can just get a palm..."

Having said that, Chen Feng's voice suddenly became loud and agitated, extremely agitated.

His palms blasted fiercely, blasting on the body of the golden giant tortoise.

As a result, with a loud bang, the golden giant tortoise was blasted into countless fragments by Chen Feng.

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