Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2165: The beast tide has begun!

The wind and waves were still calm just now, but now the waves are surging. The people on the dam are like a small boat in the raging sea, and they are in danger of overturning at any time.

Then, Chen Feng saw that there were countless figures in the huge waves.

These figures have different colors, large and small, but without exception, they all carry a powerful murderous intent and that extremely greedy desire.

And above that wave, there were also some monsters standing there, staring greedily at the people in the Wudong Academy on the Great Reef of Linhe.

One by one, they opened their mouths wide and let out a sharp roar, saliva splashing in the mouth of the blood basin.

Humans regard monsters as a treasure house. The meat of monsters can be eaten, the skin of monsters can be used as armor, and the bones of monsters can be ground into powder and used as medicine. The monsters and pill are the supreme treasure.

But why don't monsters treat humans as food?

Especially people like Chen Feng and others, these powerful monks are full of vigor, and swallowing them in one bite can make them much stronger!

There has always been such an ordinary little monster, who swallowed the corpse of a certain powerful warrior by coincidence, and became a strong one in one step!

They treated this animal tide as a feast.

Moreover, this is a beast tide of that level once in a hundred years, these monster beasts in the Tongtian River have been holding back for too long.

At this time, their eyes are all green!

Many disciples in the inner courtyard were scared and pale with fear on their faces, but after Chen Feng glanced at it, he curled his lips, with a touch of disdain on his face!

Because the strength of these monsters is generally not high, Chen Feng saw that there were hundreds of these monsters, but most of them were only one-star monster king and two-star monster king.

Among them, there are even many, not even reaching the realm of the Demon King.

In this, the five-star demon king is already considered not low, and the six-star demon king is already the strongest.

Chen Feng swept around and didn't find a Seven-Star Demon King. He shook his head with little interest.

Uncle Dao next to him also pouted his lips and said, "What is this? It's not worth our hands."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "The big head must be behind."

A cold female voice next to him said: "Junior Brother Chen Feng guessed right, today is just the first day of the beast tide."

"And the duration of the beast tide can be as long as twenty-four days, and in the short term, it can be more than half a month. Later, the stronger the strength, the real big monsters will appear later."

"Today, it's just an appetizer!"

Chen Feng followed the sound, but saw that the speaker was Que Qianqian. He smiled and said, "I have seen Senior Sister Que."

Que Qianqian nodded and said, "Junior Brother is polite."

"Because of the characteristics of the beast tide, the Zongmen didn't really pay much attention to this first day. Didn't you see, is there only one elder Yu Hongyuan on the entire dam?"

Chen Feng saw that it was so. Only Yu Hongyuan was in charge of the overall situation. Apart from him, he was all disciples, not even an elder.

Que Qianqian smiled and said: "Today, besides Yu Hongyuan, there should be only one elder. The possibility of being the elder of Chongxiao is very small, and it may be just an elder who shakes the earth!"

"I want to come, Junior Brother Chen Feng, you disdain to kill, but this is also an extremely rare experience for ordinary disciples!"

Chen Feng nodded.

At this time, the waves were getting closer, and soon before they came to this dam.

Yu Hongyuan shouted loudly: "Disciples, free to attack, come forward and kill the enemy!"

"Yes!" Numerous disciples shouted one after another. Before hundreds of disciples from the inner courtyard came to the dam, they jumped into the sky, flew to the sky, and slammed into the big wave.

A disciple pierced out with a sword and directly pierced a three-star Demon King, and then his whole body exploded, blood splashing.

This blow kicked off the prelude of this beast tide. In an instant, hundreds of disciples fought with these countless monsters.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the screams were endless.

The roar of people, the sound of weapons breaking through the air, the sound of volley explosions, the roar of monsters, and the horrible howling before dying, are endless!

In a blink of an eye, this place became a Shura **** field.

Almost in an instant, hundreds of monsters were beheaded.

This piece of Tongtian River was dyed red instantly!

There were many disciples in the inner courtyard who were very flustered at first, but soon they stabilized, because they found that the strength of their opponents was really not strong, and the situation quickly developed in favor of the disciples of Wudong Academy.

About half an hour later, the battle was over. About half of all the monsters in this wave of beasts were killed, and the rest fled back in despair.

As for the disciples of Wudong Academy, none of them died, and only four or five were slightly injured.

This is also normal, their overall strength is far better than these monster beasts, after all, the level of the monster beasts from this wave is very low.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they cheered and celebrated. Although only a few low-level monsters were killed, they had a good start after all!

At this time, from behind, a group of five or six people walked in.

After the appearance of the five or six people in this line was clearly seen by everyone, it caused another small riot, and everyone shouted in exclamation.

Chen Feng saw the first sword of martial arts in it. At this time, Chen Feng already knew his name: Feng Junchi.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man beside Feng Junchi. This middle-aged man was not good looking and dressed very plainly.

But he was actually extremely sharp, like an out-of-the-sheathed cold knife, the whole person felt like a radiant light, and he couldn't even see his appearance.

It was as if this was not a person, but a figure formed by countless swords and shadows.

"Feng Junchi is here!"

"Yes, not only Feng Junchi is here, but also his master Lu Yuanju!"

"The master of Feng Junchi, Lu Yuanju, is in the mid-stage of the dignified nine-star martial king, extremely tyrannical! It is also the youngest elder of our sect!"

"Yes, he is only fifty-seven years old this year, he has already become the elder of the sect Chongxiao, it is really amazing!"

"He has been very powerful since he was a teenager, until now, so he is very arrogant and domineering, and now he is proud of the spring breeze, so if he doesn't agree, he will kill!"

"He's coming this time, he must be out of anger for Feng Junchi!"

Someone showed a trace of pity on their faces: "Yes, it must be that Chen Feng has offended him, that's really **** mold!"

Lu Yuanju walked over with a proud face, and didn't even look at anyone.

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