Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2160: Kneel down and apologize!

The green-robed boy pointed at Chen Feng with the knife in his hand and said with a cold face: "You two dogs, let me say, believe it or not, I just cut off the tongues of both of you, so that you won't be able to say a word for the rest of your life?"

A look of anger flashed in Uncle Dao's eyes, and the joints in his hand were violent, and it seemed that he was about to attack, and he could hardly control his emotions.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to stop him, shook his head slightly to him, and said in a low voice: "Uncle Dao, our goal is today's beast tide, and it is not appropriate to have a conflict at this time."

To Chen Feng, Uncle Dao was very convinced, nodded, and forced down the anger!

The three of them continued to sit down to drink and eat meat. This is the third time that Chen Feng and the three have endured it.

The first time, it was the big bearded man taunting, the second time, it was the ridicule of the green-robed young people downstairs, and the third time, it was the naked threat of the green-robed young man.

If Chen Feng hadn't been worried about the beast tide in the future, he would definitely teach them a very serious lesson, and these people together would not be enough for him to deal with!

"It turned out to be an eggless waste. It was so arrogant as I just said, but now it's soft when I hear it's about to be hit! I'm pooh!" The bearded man sneered with disdain.

And the faces of the young men in the green robe also showed disdain.

The green-robed youth shouted to the handyman: "Get two clean tables. Our son will eat here."

"Good!" The handyman was full of flattery, and quickly packed out the two largest tables.

The four young men in green robes sat up first, while the soft sedan chair was still fluttering towards this side, and had just arrived downstairs.

Chen Feng felt that the meal was dull and tasteless, so the three of them and Uncle Dao were going out.

When the three of them were about to go down the stairs, the green-robed youth turned his eyes and saw Han Yuer. Although Han Yuer was wearing a large black cloak, he could still see the exquisite figure.

At this moment, he was walking around the corner, showing his beautiful and white profile.

Seeing this scene, the green-robed young man's eyes suddenly lighted up, he put the wine glass on the table and laughed: "Unexpectedly, this **** has brought such a beautiful woman like a flower!"

He raised his voice and shouted to Han Yu'er: "Beauty, you follow such a bullshit, it's really bad!"

"Why don't you do this? You can just follow our son. With your appearance, you are already qualified to serve our son!"

"Hahahaha!" Of the four of them, three of them burst into laughter.

The only one who didn't smile was a woman, and that woman could be considered very beautiful, but unfortunately, her expression was a bit harsh and cold.

He was very displeased and said, "What are you talking about? Looking for a maid and concubine like this for the son all day long, is such a **** woman worthy of climbing on the son's bed?"

She was obviously very jealous, staring at Han Yuer with jealousy on her face.

The three people hurriedly stopped their laughter, all suffocating a smile and dared not speak any more.

It turns out that this woman is one of the concubines of the first sword of martial arts. She is extremely jealous. All the women who try to approach the first sword of martial arts are full of hostility!

She also caught a glimpse of Han Yuer. Han Yuer was wearing a veil. Although only a corner of her face was revealed, she was still beautiful.

Her face was full of jealousy, and she added coldly: "Looking at her like that, you know that it's not a good thing. It's a scumbag. How can this kind of person let her approach the son?"

Chen Feng and the three were walking outside at this time, and everyone upstairs in Wangjiang also heard such words.

Chen Feng had been tolerant several times before. They thought that Chen Feng would still tolerate this time, and thought that Chen Feng would move forward this time.

However, what everyone did not expect was that this time, Chen Feng stopped.

Then he slowly turned around.

Seeing Chen Feng's appearance at this time, the people in Wangjiang Tower took a breath, and couldn't help but shiver.

At this time, the young man did not show anger in their eyes, and even looked very calm, but there seemed to be a volcano brewing in his eyes.

It seems that the next moment will burst out like crazy!

That is an endless killing intent, full of shocking power!

Looking at the four people, looking across the faces of the green-robed young man and the mean woman, Chen Feng said coldly, "Apologize!"

His voice was like immortal ice, which made everyone tremble.

Both the mean woman and the green-robed youth also showed a look of surprise on their faces, but then, the surprise was replaced by fury.

The green-robed youth showed a look of disbelief on his face, and said, "What did you say? You asked me to apologize? You asked me to apologize to her?"

Chen Feng slowly uttered two words: "Kneel down! Apologize!"

Before, Chen Feng had tolerated it, but when it came to senior sister Han Yu'er, Chen Feng couldn't bear it, and didn't plan to endure it!

The green-robed youth said coldly, "What if I don't kneel down and apologize?"

Chen Feng said coldly: "Then I will discount your legs, so you have to kneel without kneeling!"

The green-robed young man laughed, disdainful: "Boy, are you crazy?"

Chen Feng stretched out a finger, looked at him with a smile, and said lightly: "One move, I use one move, I can defeat you, believe it or not?"

The green-robed youth's face was gloomy: "Boy, don't be afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words? You beat me with one move, are you dreaming?"

Everyone around also laughed and looked at Chen Feng with mocking eyes.

The big bearded man even sneered, "Is this little **** crazy? He actually said that a trick can defeat the disciple of the first sword of martial arts?"

"What kind of thing is he? It's almost like being defeated in one move, hahaha!"

He laughed wildly.

Chen Feng glanced at him, did not speak, but was extremely cold.

And at this time, the green-robed youth screamed: "Little boy, die!"

As he said, he leaped up into the air, and the long knife in his hand was suddenly unsheathed, and he slashed towards Chen Feng.

Then the next moment, everyone felt that countless white lights appeared in front of them again, like the scene of heavy snow flying again.

There was only the light of the sword like snow in front of everyone, and nothing else.

This is the second time they have seen each other, but they still exclaimed: "It's so gorgeous, so beautiful!"

"Too strong... Haha, Chen Feng will definitely die!"

"That's right, the light of the knife will dissipate later, I'm afraid we will be able to see Chen Feng's corpse. He can't even stop a knife and will be killed directly."

They all looked down upon Chen Feng, thinking that Chen Feng would die after one move!

At this moment, they suddenly heard a cold and indifferent voice:

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