Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2153: Sister recovered

"Thinking that he was sneaky and malicious, so I invited him back."

Although he was polite, Chen Feng knew that the shadow must have caught Uncle Dao directly, and seeing that Uncle Dao had no injuries, it should have been caught directly without the strength of fighting back.

"So, I made the move just now, in fact, there is this part of the reason, after all, if there is no shadow, you may be safe and sound."

Uncle Dao was stunned by hearing it, and then he knew that he had suffered a disaster from Wuwang.

He wanted to get angry, thinking of the powerful skill of the other party's identity, he could only wilt like an eggplant that Shuang had beaten.

Chen Feng only smiled bitterly at this time, and after a few more words, he left and left with Uncle Dao.

On the way back, Uncle Dao was always listless. Chen Feng smiled and comforted him next to him: "Okay, Uncle Dao, don't think any more, it's okay."

"Look, I'm also safe and sound now? Didn't I get the pill smoothly?"

With that, he shook the jade box in his hand.

Uncle Dao sighed, and only then said a long time later: "This Tian Yuan Dynasty is really a Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, it is indeed more powerful than in the desert."

"After I had the strength of the Nine-Star Martial King's pinnacle, I thought I could arbitrarily move, but I didn't expect that I was slapped in the face just as soon as I went out!"

He shook his head and said, "I'm really unwilling!"

Only then did Chen Feng know that Uncle Dao was unhappy because of this.

He smiled bitterly: "There is no way for this. The shadow is the personal guard of the emperor, and it should be the strongest person with the highest strength."

"Yes." Uncle Dao said with emotion: "He is really amazing."

There was a shock in his eyes: "He should be a strong man without Huang Jing. Sure enough, although I am the pinnacle of the Nine Star Martial King, I still have no power to fight back when facing a Martial Emperor realm strong. !"

Chen Feng nodded. The power of the Tianyuan imperial family is really too strong. He has seen two martial emperor realm powerhouses alone, let alone how many are hidden!

Soon, the two of them returned to the Tianyuan Imperial City and came to the small courtyard.

Then, Chen Feng immediately asked Han Yu'er to swallow the pill.

Han Yu'er put the pill into his mouth and melted in an instant. Chen Feng seemed to see countless milky white brilliance in the void quietly seeping into Han Yu'er's body, like a divine enlightenment, extremely gorgeous!

At the same time, an extremely strong breath of life quietly diffused in this small courtyard.

Han Yu'er was filled with this milky white light, her temperament was gorgeous, and with the appearance of this milky white light, Chen Feng also felt very clearly that the life force in Han Yuer's body had been exhausted.

The vitality that was about to wither suddenly became extremely strong!

Chen Feng felt that Han Yu'er's body was like a river that had dried up, and now those milky white rays of light were the rain from the sky, scattered into the river.

As a result, the water level rose slowly, rising to gradually level with the river bank.

That's not a big deal, it's like dams were built on both sides of the river bank, the water level continued to rise, and eventually far exceeded the original water level.

A look of surprise appeared on Chen Feng's face: "Senior Sister has not only made up for the original lifespan, but also got another full fifty years of life!"

This is not over yet. When the dam could no longer contain the milky energy, the milky energy turned into an extremely powerful force and poured into Han Yu'er.

As a result, Chen Feng saw that Han Yu'er's momentum rose wildly.

Three-star Martial King, Four-star Martial King, Five-Star Martial King... Eight-star Martial King!

With a bang, he was actually directly promoted to the realm of the Eight-Star Martial King Peak.

Chen Feng was dumbfounded, and then he exclaimed: "The Jiuding Huanyang Zhendan is indeed a god-level pill. It is too strong. It not only allows the senior sister's life to make up for it, but it also has 50 years of life. Let his strength directly rise to the peak of the Eight-Star Martial King."

However, Chen Feng was relieved when he thought about it, who would normally swallow the Jiuding Huanyang Zhendan?

Usually those who are very old and powerful, these people, no matter how weak they are, can reach the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King, and those who are stronger are in the Martial Emperor Realm.

Of course, they will not increase their strength much if they take this medicine, but the senior sister is different. Her starting point is too low, so the effect is more obvious!

One day passed, and the milky light around Han Yuer's body had not dissipated, and his body seemed to be unable to contain it anymore.

At this moment, he was about to absorb 80% of the medicine's power, but the last 20% could no longer hold it. His face already showed a touch of pain!

Chen Feng's brows were twisted, and suddenly there was a thought, and then he took a deep breath, and ran the Dragon Dragon Arhat scriptures. The Dragon Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl turned, and huge suction power came.

So suddenly, those milky white rays that were still outside wanting to penetrate Han Yuer's body were all attracted by Chen Feng.

Those milky white rays of light poured into Chen Feng's body and healed all the injuries in Chen Feng's body at an extremely fast speed. This consumed about 10% of his strength, and then poured into the Dragon-falling Arhat Bright Pearl. Was transformed into the power of the dragon descending Arhat.

In essence, whether it is the power of healing, life force, or other things, it is essentially the same, and can be absorbed by the Dragon Dropping Arhat Light Pearl, and can be transformed into the power of Dropping Dragon Arhat.

As a result, Chen Feng increased the power of a hundred dragons to 3,600!

At this point, the power of this pill was only absorbed.

Then, Han Yuer slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Chen Feng with an extremely surprised expression on her face, and said, "Junior Brother, I feel it. The feeling that my life was exhausted and the possibility of death at any time has completely disappeared."

As she spoke, tears burst into her eyes.

You know, what a torment he was in the days before! Knowing what day she would die but she had no choice but to wait for life to come day by day, which made her more painful than killing her with a single knife.

This made her desperate and tortured, but at this time she no longer had such troubles. How to make her unhappy?

She was so happy that her eyes filled with tears in a flash.

He flew toward Chen Feng, trying to pounce into Chen Feng's arms, but he and Chen Feng actually collided.

And Chen Feng, who had no place, was directly knocked out by him. Han Yuer stood there, looking at her body in disbelief: "What's wrong with me?"

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