Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2139: Cruel means

With a plop, he fell directly to his knees and kowtow to Chen Feng.

He begged: "Please, don't kill me, please, don't kill."

"Oh?" Chen Feng looked at him and smiled: "Hu Gongzi, weren't you very arrogant just now? Didn't you just be very bossy? Didn't you just claim to kill me and destroy my whole family?"

"Now, why are you like this?"

"I was blind and offended you just now. Don't be familiar with me. We can give you what you want."

"If you want to have a secret book, if you want an elixir and have an elixir, our Hu family has everything."

He said in a hurry.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Sorry, I don't want anything, I just want you."

With that said, walking forward, Chen Feng's purpose is very simple, that is to rob him.

But Chen Feng would not make him comfortable, let alone treat him as a guest of honor. Chen Feng sneered, stretched out his hand and hit four times, directly shattering all his limbs, and then smashed his jaw again.

With a wave of his hand, he chopped off his left hand and threw it to Uncle Dao.

Uncle Dao smiled clearly, turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Chen Feng lifted Hu Gaofei up and disappeared instantly.

Their movement did not even alarm anyone at all, and Chen Feng had completely formed a crush of strength!

Hu Yiming has been restless since last night, because his son has not come back since last night until now. Although his son is playing a lot of pranks outside, at least he will go home overnight every night.

In the early morning of this day, he became more irritable, walking around in the hall, shouting loudly: "Are they all dead? The young master has not returned since last night, you haven't found it yet?"

"Don't you know where the young master usually goes? Go there and look for it!"

An old man probed his head and walked in with a grieved face. He bent down and said in a low voice: "Master, all the people who can be dispatched have been dispatched. Our mansion has dispatched more than a thousand people."

"Master always goes to all the places he loves to go, but there is no clue!"

But he was extremely frightened in his heart. He knew the master very well, knowing that he looked kind, like a good man, but he was cruel and didn't blink.

I don't know how many people in the mansion were directly killed because they offended him a little!

And it is precisely because he is so fierce, so although he is now anxious, but the butler is not anxious, but also a little gloating, and secretly said in his heart: "Deserve it, really retribution!"

After searching for the whole morning, I didn't get any news. Just when Hu Yiming was in a hurry, suddenly, a guard strode to the front of the temple and shouted:

"Patriarch, villain, there are new discoveries here."

"What did you find? Take it up and let me see!" Hu Yiming said anxiously immediately.

The guard respectfully took a box and said, "This box was seen by the villain at the entrance of the mansion just now."

"One person quickly put the box here, and then quickly left."

Hu Yiming immediately opened the box eagerly, and the moment he opened the box, he suddenly screamed, his face turned pale, and his whole body trembled heavily, and he slid directly on the ground.

It turned out that there was a palm in the box.

Obviously, this palm had been cut off for a while, and it was completely bloodless and extremely pale.

And this palm, he was extremely familiar with, it was the palm of his son Hu Gaofei!

The next moment, he burst out with an inhuman howling, his voice was stern, and he roared extremely sharply: "Who is it? Who is it! How dare to move my son?"

"I want you to die without a place to be buried, I want your whole family to die, I want to punish your whole family, and destroy your nine races!"

He let out a bitter curse that was extremely hateful, but it was of no use. After cursing for a long time, he leaned back on the chair and said loudly:

"Go tell the Tianyuan imperial city guards and let them figure it out!"

Hu Yiming's status is undoubtedly very high. After the city guards got the news, they immediately imposed martial law on the whole city.

However, after searching for an entire afternoon, there was no movement.

In the evening, Hu Yiming received another box. Before opening the box, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

When he opened the box, he made a scream and almost fainted. It turned out that there was a foot in the box.

He knew it was his son's sole!

And along with the foot, there was a letter with only two big lines written in **** words: if you dare to speak up, you will bear the consequences yourself.

Hu Yiming shook his body heavily, and after a while, he sat up slumping, as if he was a few dozen years old for an instant.

He whispered: "Tell the people in the city guard that my son has found him, and there is no need for them to start a team anymore."

The butler hurriedly backed out carefully!

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, he received another letter: "At midnight, three hundred and seventy miles away from the city, the mountain temple."

"Mountain temple, right?" Hu Yiming whispered softly, thoughtfully, a tingling color flashed in his eyes.

When Yezi came, he arrived on time, and lying in ambush next to the mountain temple, this was a total of thirty-seven masters from all walks of life he had invited.

Among these masters, the highest strength has reached the Nine-Star Martial King, and the weakest is also in the pinnacle of the Seven-Star Martial King.

But unfortunately, they waited all night in the mountain temple, and they did not wait for one person.

Instead, when he returned to the mansion, he received another box. Inside the box was the sole of his son's other foot. There was also a threatening sentence: "If you dare to play tricks, it will be his head next time. ."

Even Hu Yiming could feel the playful expression on his face when the other party was writing this line.

Full of disdain for him, completely see through his calculations.

Finally, Hu Yiming never dared to play any tricks.

That night, in the dead of night, Hu Yiming, alone, came to an abandoned house in the west of the city.

This house has been abandoned for many years. It is deserted and there are often haunted legends.

Hu Yiming walked into the yard, spread his hands, motioned that he did not bring any weapons, and said in a deep voice, "Since your Excellency has invited me to come, you can see it."

"This time, I'm alone, without any hostility. I only hope that you can let the dog live."

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