Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2130: Heavenly rank seven! Chihai Zijinlong!

And at the end of these, there is a chaos, that is nothingness where everything comes to the end!

At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to have realized that he had a glimpse of the essence of this world.

Chen Feng's current power level is a bit too low. If his power level is high enough, then he will definitely get more!

Chen Feng could feel that the black and white lines and the chaos that represented nothingness were extremely dangerous. If he touched it, let alone himself, even the space he was in would be in danger of disappearing.

Fortunately, he was surrounded by the golden red light, avoiding all the dangers, and all that Chen Feng saw was nothing but a momentary matter.

He felt that, almost in the blink of an eye, his whole person was falling down quickly.

Then, a piece of softness came from under him.

Around the body is full of gentle feelings, as if falling into warm water.

A smile was drawn at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. He knew that he had come to the space of the Buddha's bones.

He opened his eyes and saw golden light all around, and sure enough, it had arrived.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng saw that there was a vacancy on the huge Buddha dragon bone. There was a rib there, but now that rib has disappeared!

And the one who disappeared with it was the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Martial Spirit!

Chen Feng suddenly felt shocked, and was very anxious: "Where is the five-clawed golden dragon spirit? Has the five-clawed golden dragon spirit also disappeared?"

He immediately turned his head and looked around, feeling very flustered: "If the five-clawed golden dragon spirit is gone, then his spirit will really disappear completely."

At this moment, suddenly, behind Chen Feng, a huge dragon roar sounded.

The voice of the dragon chant was extremely clear, and the volume was several times louder than before.

And this is not the point. The most important thing is that this dragon roar is a little more spiritual than the roaring and long roars of the dragons before.

The previous Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Martial Spirit's Dragon Yin, although it was also very large, was very rigid, as if it were a dead thing.

Now, it is like a finishing touch, with spirituality.

Moreover, this dragon chant was full of urgency, as if it was teasing Chen Feng.

Chen Feng could hear very complicated emotions from this dragon chant!

Chen Feng immediately turned his head in surprise, and then he saw a huge martial soul, not a five-clawed golden dragon martial soul.

Has completely changed!

At this moment, what appeared in front of Chen Feng was a huge red dragon spirit.

This dragon martial arts soul is red in color, radiant like a heart of flames, and above his back heart, from the tail to the head, there is a bright golden thread.

On his head, a long purple-gold horn grows even more.

The red light and the beautiful light are intertwined and radiate to the extreme.

His body shape was also several times larger than the previous five-clawed golden dragon martial arts spirit.

The previous five-clawed golden dragon spirit was no more than 10,000 meters long, but now this dragon spirit has reached a full length of 50,000 meters, which is five times larger than before!

Chen Fengfeng looked at him with shocked and stunned expressions.

At this moment, he was already excited to the extreme, excited to the extreme, and joyful to the extreme.

Chen Feng didn't expect that his five-clawed golden dragon martial soul would undergo such a huge transformation.

This is better than the best scenario imagined.

There were countless red flames engulfing around the body of this dragon Wuhun, and a sea of ​​red flames formed around his body.

Chen Fengfu was very spiritual, and he naturally knew the name of this martial soul: Chihai Zijinlong!

Chihai Zijinlong, Chihai Zijinlong!

This divine dragon is many times stronger than the previous five-clawed golden dragon martial arts, and its rank is also higher!

With the appearance of this Red Sea Purple Gold Dragon, Chen Feng even saw that there was actually a flash of azure light above the sky.

One after another, then another, and then another...After seven azure rays of light flickered, it stopped.

Chen Feng exclaimed tremendously, even though he had already known that this Scarlet Sea Purple Golden Dragon was definitely stronger than the previous Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Martial Spirit.

But he still didn't dare to imagine that he had reached the realm of Heavenly Rank Seven Martial Soul.

"God, this is a seventh-grade heavenly rank!" As far as Chen Feng knows, so far, the entire Tianyuan dynasty may not have a seventh-grade heavenly martial spirit!

Chen Feng was really shocked.

Then he saw the eyes of the Scarlet Sea Purple Golden Dragon.

What kind of eyes are that! Just like the best jade carving, the whole body is green and full of agile colors.

He looked at Chen Feng at this time, his eyes were full of gratitude, as if he knew that Chen Feng gave him life.

So, he swooped down, and his huge body came next to Chen Feng, and the huge dragon head rubbed against Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that he wanted to be close to him.

He was so huge that he knocked Chen Feng inadvertently.

Chen Feng laughed, holding his full-thick and thin dragon beard, and said: "You guy, is that how you repay me? You will knock me over as soon as you meet?"

The Chihai Zijinlong's voice sounded: "Isn't it intentional!"

The voice was very immature, it sounded like a seven or eight-year-old child, and his eyes were a bit wronged and a little bit coquettish.

Chen Feng knew that he took his words seriously, thinking that he was really accusing him.

Chen Feng quickly got up, stroking him vigorously, and said with a haha ​​smile: "I was joking with you!"

Chihai Zijinlong just broke his tears into a smile, and rubbed Chen Feng affectionately!

If it were the five-clawed golden dragon before, it would never make this movement, it was a dead thing.

But now, Chen Feng knew that he was reborn, became the Chihai Zijinlong, and came alive!

Feeling his joy, Chen Feng was also extremely happy.

Zijinlong's life was given by him, and Chen Feng had a strange feeling, as if he was his own heir, he was the continuation of his own blood, and he could feel the closeness of the other party from the bottom of his heart.

After a long time, Chen Feng stroked his huge dragon head and smiled and said, "Come on, tell me, what is your ability?"

With that said, Chen Feng moved his head forward, Chihai Zijinlong seemed to find this communication method very interesting, and he moved the huge dragon head forward.

So I went to see that the two extremely different heads were held together.

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