Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2126: Who dare to move me? court death!

"You should know, what does this Jiuding Yangyang Zhendan mean to them?"

"This means that their positive life can be increased by a hundred years! Do you understand how many things can be done in these hundred years?"

Chen Feng was sweating profusely, but he was shocked!

Only then did he realize that what he had thought before was too simple.

Indeed, just as Liu Chengyi said, if he wanted to take their pill, it would be like killing them!

He said: "Then, how can I get this pill?"

Liu Chengyi smiled and said, "The method is very simple. The first method is to go to the door and grab it."

"If there is no one in their association who can beat you, you can naturally get this pill. Of course, doing so will have endless consequences."

"Not to mention the Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger of the Apothecary Association, you are not an opponent at all, and the Apothecary Association of the Tianyuan Dynasty is a branch of the Dragon Vein Continent Apothecary Association."

"If you choose their sub-rudder, do you think others will come to trouble you?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "What about the second situation?"

"The second situation, of course, is to outwit." Liu Chengyi said with a smile: "As long as you can become a high-level pharmacist, you are naturally eligible to enter the pharmacist association, and there will be a glimmer of hope that you can come into contact with this pill Medicine, and then steal it out."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up and asked, "This level is high enough, what does it mean?"

Liu Chengyi said in a deep voice, "At least one must be an eighth-grade pharmacist."

Chen Feng listened and nodded slowly.

He suddenly asked: "What if I change it with something else?"

"Replace it?" Liu Chengyi said lightly, "What is the price for me, will you give me your life?"

Chen Feng was shocked and took a deep breath: "I understand."

After half an hour, Chen Feng left from here, looking worried.

He returned to his small courtyard. Chen Feng no longer plans to live here. After all, he is going to enter the inner courtyard soon. This time he has the right to say goodbye to the old madman.

He knocked on the ground and said to the bottom: "Old madman, I'm going to the inner courtyard. I guess I won't be able to come back for a while. If you want to, I'll go there and see me!"

After a while, the dull voice of the old madman came out through the soil: "Who the **** would miss you? Get out!"

"I've had enough of you for a long time, I'm banging in this small courtyard every day!"

Chen Feng laughed and turned away, and when he walked out of the small courtyard, he suddenly felt something wrong.

He immediately realized what was wrong. If Chen Ziyuan knew that she had come back, she would definitely come, and it has been an hour or two since she entered the inner courtyard. It is impossible for Chen Ziyuan to fail for such a long time. To the news.

Why didn't she come?

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in Chen Feng's heart, and he immediately walked towards Chen Ziyuan's residence.

But when he arrived at Chen Ziyuan's residence, he found that it was silent, there was no one, and there was no breath.

Chen Feng twisted his brows, kicked out, kicked the two gates directly, and strode in.

After he came here, he found that a thin layer of dust had accumulated on the ground, and the tabletop was also covered with dust. Obviously, no one lived here for a while.

When Chen Feng walked in quickly, he saw that the room was messy, as if fighting had taken place, but the fighting was not fierce. It is conceivable that Chen Ziyuan must have been captured here at the time.

She has resisted, but the opponent's strength should be much higher than him.

The murderous aura in Chen Feng's eyes immediately condensed, Bing Han said: "Whoever took Ziyuan, I will never spare him!"

Suddenly, at this time, footsteps came outside.

Chen Feng immediately looked out, his figure flashed, and he grabbed the man directly in his hand.

The man suddenly screamed, struggling in a panic: "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

The voice was crisp, but it was the voice of a woman.

When Chen Feng looked at it, she saw that she was holding a 27-year-old woman in her hands. She was not beautiful in appearance, but she looked rather gentle.

Chen Feng said, "What are you doing here? Where did Ziyuan go?"

When the woman heard Chen Feng's question, not only did she not panic at all, she was surprised, "Are you Chen Feng? You must be the Chen Feng that Ziyuan often talks about!"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, it's me."

The woman immediately seemed to see a savior: "Chen Feng, save Ziyuan quickly, she was taken away by the people of Tiange Pavilion!"

"What? Was it taken away by the people of Tiange Pavilion?"

Chen Feng's eyes became cold instantly. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Gambling Pavilion, you are so brave. Those who dare to move me are really looking for death!"

At the outer courtyard of Wudong Academy, on the floating mountain as the core, on the broad street, people are still coming and going, bustling.

A young man stepped into this place quietly, without waves or waves, without anyone's attention.

Then, he walked in front of the Gaming Tian Pavilion, raised his head, looked at the huge three characters, looked at the huge golden sign, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, revealing a smile.

The smile is extraordinarily cold and harsh!

"Gambling Tiange?" He whispered softly: "We had grievances before, but if you didn't do it too much, I wouldn't want to provoke you too much."

"And now, what you have done is a bit too much. You dare to arrest my person?"

"In this case, I have no choice but to eradicate you all!"

With that said, Chen Feng strode towards the entrance of the Gaming Pavilion.

At the gate of the Gaming Pavilion, there were seven or eight big men standing, all wearing Gaming Pavilion clothes, embroidered with strings of money. They looked very festive, but their faces were very hideous. fierce.

These people are the thugs raised by the Tiange of Gambling. In the Tiange of Gambling, those who have lost all their money, cry, do not want to accept, and even get angry and make trouble. They are all responsible for suppressing them.

At this time, these people were coming out of the door, and with a touch, they closed the door firmly, and then slammed a middle-aged man in their hands to the ground.

The middle-aged man had obviously been cleaned up beforehand, with multiple fractures, scars all over his body, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth. At this time, he was hit **** the ground and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

One of the patrons clapped his hands and said with a sneer: "His mother has such a small capital, can't afford to lose?"

"After losing all, even said that we bet on the Tian Pavilion to make a thousand people? Really **** don't know how to write dead words!"

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